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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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5 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

How are we supposed to know when to ask for the vaccine? I’m pretty low on the risk list...


Tool tells when you may be able to get a COVID-19 vaccine


With the U.S Food and Drug Administration authorizing the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and likely authorization of Moderna's on the horizon, the first vaccines are being delivered to medical providers and long-term care facilities in states across the country and starting to be administered this week.


But most people won't be able to get a shot right away. Many states are prioritizing groups such as health care and other essential workers, nursing home residents and people with certain medical conditions when it comes to distributing the COVID-19 vaccine.


Over the next few months, authorities say distribution of the vaccines will follow a phased schedule that gives priority to groups of certain individuals. Those priority groups were based on a framework devised by a committee convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.


The priority groups outlined by the Framework for Equitable Allocation of the COVID-19 Vaccine report were based on the relative risk facing certain groups as well as the broader societal needs of protecting certain groups of people, such as frontline medical workers. The goal of the work was to provide advice to federal and state government who would be devising and implementing plans for distribution of vaccines.


While states are tasked with creating their own distribution plans, most of them are following the outline set out in the report.


You can answer the questions below to find out how many people in your area may be eligible to get the vaccine before you. You'll also find a link to more information about your state's plan. Population estimates are based on data from the Vaccine Allocation Planner tool developed by Ariadne Labs and the Surgo Foundation.


Please note that prioritization may vary by state, and this interactive calculator is meant to give an estimate only. You may fall into a different category based on special circumstances or different requirements in your state.


Click here to use the tool.


Click on the link for the full article




My results:



There are an estimated 1,292,978 people in front of you in Virginia. That includes high risk workers in health care facilities, first responders, people with significant health problems and nursing home residents. In total, about 15% of the state population will probably get the vaccine before you.


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I’m not understanding the weird arguments surrounding priorities for immunizations.  Why isn’t it first being given to the individuals that are at highest risk of dying?  I can understand medical professionals going first... but “essential workers” (never mind government employees) second strikes me as odd.  Yet that’s what I’m seeing, and reading, being debated.  We know that this virus is far more likely to kill people with certain or medical conditions and the elderly.  

Is it impossible to create risk profiles by taking age, medical conditions, and workplace be taken into consideration?  look at this about NY:



On Sunday, an advisory panel at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made new recommendations for who should come next in line: roughly 30 million “frontline essential workers” like emergency responders, teachers and grocery store employees, and people 75 and older.


The next priority group would include other essential workers, such as those with jobs in restaurants, construction and law. The recommendations could be approved by the C.D.C. as soon as Monday and then would be sent to the states.


But even then, the states would still have the power to make final decisions on vaccine distribution — leaving room for interested parties to lobby state officials.


We’ve been hearing about “pre existing conditions” as risk factors for most of the year... yet the only one I see in this article is age.  What gives?  Why would a perfectly heathy young teacher or construction worker get the vaccine before a cancer patient with a compromised immune system?  

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I think the vaccine priority should be a balance of risk vs. exposure. I think a teacher being exposed daily should have a higher priority than someone living isolated at home even if they are older. There’s no 100% answer, but those two factors should come into play after all first responders and health care workers get theirs first. 

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11 minutes ago, TheMalcolmConnection said:

I think the vaccine priority should be a balance of risk vs. exposure. I think a teacher being exposed daily should have a higher priority than someone living isolated at home even if they are older. There’s no 100% answer, but those two factors should come into play after all first responders and health care workers get theirs first. 


Well, lots of government rules are an attempt to use a sledgehammer, knowing that it won;t be perfect, but hoping that the net result is positive.  


Some people are more mature than others.  But people magically become mature enough to drink on their 21st birthday, and not a second before.  

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11 hours ago, Destino said:

I’m not understanding the weird arguments surrounding priorities for immunizations.  Why isn’t it first being given to the individuals that are at highest risk of dying?  I can understand medical professionals going first... but “essential workers” (never mind government employees) second strikes me as odd.  Yet that’s what I’m seeing, and reading, being debated.  We know that this virus is far more likely to kill people with certain or medical conditions and the elderly.  

Is it impossible to create risk profiles by taking age, medical conditions, and workplace be taken into consideration?  look at this about NY:



We’ve been hearing about “pre existing conditions” as risk factors for most of the year... yet the only one I see in this article is age.  What gives?  Why would a perfectly heathy young teacher or construction worker get the vaccine before a cancer patient with a compromised immune system?  

a- I think you have to adjust expectations on a distribution that’s scaled for ~330 million people in 50 different states (plus territories), involving multiple vaccine producers and different vaccines, multiple shipping companies, and a decentralized healthcare system. 

b- I think you have to adjust expectations for anything the Trump admin is in charge of 


c- there is an issue of people being anti-vaccine, and even moreso people being wearing of this one in particular. There is some value is public figures being shown getting the vaccine even if they aren’t in a high risk group. Is it stupid that value exists to this level? Yes but it’s also just reality. 

d- there’s a lot unknown about covid especially the long term effects for those of us that got it and aren’t high risk, and seem fine now. So I don’t think the argument of high risk from health issues vs high risk from being an essential worker is nearly as cut and dry as you’re making it to be


e- there’s always a question of what happens to the efficiency of a system once you start trying to over manage it. We saw this with stimulus - the hand wringing over who should and shouldn’t get it made it so people that should, didn’t, people not us citizens got money, the effectiveness of the money was lowered due to how long it took to come to an agreement, etc. I don’t know how to measure all that with vaccine distribution except to say there is some point at which simply getting it out there to whoever you can provides more value than spending too much time trying to make sure your distribution is “perfect” (whatever that actually means, and also “as close to perfect as possible” since aiming for perfection is sometimes silly and I realize what you’re talking about is far from perfect and you’re not pushing for “perfect”. Sorry just trying to clarify)


f- I think government employees in many situations are more valuable to be vaccinated than they are being given credit for. 

g- I generally think the idea of who’s more important to get the vaccine first by simply looking at health risk vs essential is too general. Some people at this point with high risks are able to isolate themselves. Essential workers in many cases aren’t. I think that matters 


h- we’ve already seen the disproportionate toll this has taken on certain groups because of the jobs they’re likely to have, their inability to go without or switch jobs, and what their socioeconomic situation means about their access to healthcare and understanding of the pandemic


i realize there are some wtf examples. I’m just speaking broadly here. 

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Coronavirus cases recorded in Antarctica at Chilean research station


Antarctica can no longer lay claim to being the only continent free of coronavirus after 36 Chileans reportedly tested positive for COVID-19.


Spanish-language media has reported up to 36 people connected with the Chilean Army base General Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme tested positive for the virus on Monday.


The research station, known colloquially as O'Higgins, is one of 13 active Chilean bases in Antarctica.


It is located close to the northern-most tip of the Antarctic Peninsula in West Antarctica — far from Australia's bases in East Antarctica — and was described by one travel website as "hard to reach even by Antarctic terms".


The University of Tasmania's Hanne Nielsen, part of a project examining the impact of the Antarctic tourism season cancellation, said the presence of the virus on the continent would have many implications.


"The detection of cases of COVID-19 in Antarctica will impact upon a range of areas, from planning and logistics of human activity on the continent through to high-level decision-making back home," she said.


Click on the link for the full article

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Deadliest year in US history as mortalities top three million


This is the deadliest year in US history, with deaths expected to top 3 million for the first time – due mainly to the coronavirus pandemic.


Final mortality data for this year will not be available for months. But preliminary numbers suggest that the United States is on track to see more than 3.2 million deaths this year, or at least 400,000 more than in 2019.


US deaths increase most years, so some annual rise in fatalities is expected. But the 2020 numbers amount to a jump of about 15 per cent, and could go higher once all the deaths from this month are counted.


Click on the link for the full article

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34 minutes ago, visionary said:

I wonder how many heart attack deaths were caused by covid

the idea that blood clots, or heart issues/stoke, caused by covid have caused deaths that aren’t being accounted for has been discussed in the medical fields going back to April I think. 

this is why I get so frustrated with the “the numbers are fake” crowd. 

there is no evidence of a systemic level issue of falsely reporting deaths (intention or not) as covid. You can find isolated cases that may be, but nothing that suggests there is a statistically significant impact. 

however, we have solid evidence to suggest the opposite. That there are a lot of covid deaths that aren’t being counted. They’re being labeled as blood clot issues, heart attack, stroke, etc. but ultimately covid caused it. And in many of these situations we cannot retroactively fix it because too much time has passed to go back and re-examine. 

Yet a solid portion of this country thinks the numbers are false because they’re being falsely labeled. 

it’s hard to wonder what we need to do to get everyone on the same page on this thing, when a solid portion of the country is either unable to understand this basic concept or unwilling to. 

we have posters here that fall into that category. We were going through it last week with one of them in one of the threads. 

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As a side note if you’ve had the pleasure of having that comorbidity conversation with a conservative friend, I’m willing to bet you’re heard the now-infamous story of the guy that was in a car accident that was labeled a covid death. 

every single one of them has mentioned it to me. Every single one. 

ok... what did he die from them?


”the car accident”


no... ‘car accident’ is not a cause of death. Your lungs/brain/heart not functioning is, bleeding out is, ‘car accident’ is not. so what was the cause of death?


”I don’t know I just know he was in a car accident and they labeled it a covid death”


ok... it is possible to get covid, be in a car accident, and die from covid


“yeah it’s also possible to die from something else”


right... so then what was the cause of death?


”I don’t know”


ok... so we have a licensed and credentialed medical examiner saying it’s covid. And you’ve got... nothing? I cannot argue against no information...


round and round you go. Every time. 

I wound up in a conversation about it with a bunch of people at a client location. I basically had to end it with “I work with facts, evidence, and the opinions of people that are reputable and qualified in the field. I don’t work with random people on the internet saying things...”


these are the same people that can bring up dominion voting machines when they never heard of them until a few weeks ago, but have zero working knowledge of electronic voting and the history of them in Virginia. 

dumb, gullible people that will cling to any argument that supports their preferred narrative and have no critical thinking skills nor desire to actually find out factual information despite it being public information. 

“I watched a video of a computer expert on YouTube showing how easy it is to crack these voting machines”

didn’t know his name, his credentials, who he worked for, or what machine he was demoing with or how he compromised it. 

I just stared at her. 


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1 hour ago, tshile said:

the idea that blood clots, or heart issues/stoke, caused by covid have caused deaths that aren’t being accounted for has been discussed in the medical fields going back to April I think. 


Actually, back when it was starting to get understood that Covid, at least some times, attacks the linings of blood vessels, I recall pointing out that that's how the Andromeda Strain killed.  

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

As a side note if you’ve had the pleasure of having that comorbidity conversation with a conservative friend, I’m willing to bet you’re heard the now-infamous story of the guy that was in a car accident that was labeled a covid death. 

every single one of them has mentioned it to me. Every single one. 

ok... what did he die from them?


”the car accident”


no... ‘car accident’ is not a cause of death. Your lungs/brain/heart not functioning is, bleeding out is, ‘car accident’ is not. so what was the cause of death?


”I don’t know I just know he was in a car accident and they labeled it a covid death”


ok... it is possible to get covid, be in a car accident, and die from covid


“yeah it’s also possible to die from something else”


right... so then what was the cause of death?


”I don’t know”


ok... so we have a licensed and credentialed medical examiner saying it’s covid. And you’ve got... nothing? I cannot argue against no information...


round and round you go. Every time. 

I wound up in a conversation about it with a bunch of people at a client location. I basically had to end it with “I work with facts, evidence, and the opinions of people that are reputable and qualified in the field. I don’t work with random people on the internet saying things...”


these are the same people that can bring up dominion voting machines when they never heard of them until a few weeks ago, but have zero working knowledge of electronic voting and the history of them in Virginia. 

dumb, gullible people that will cling to any argument that supports their preferred narrative and have no critical thinking skills nor desire to actually find out factual information despite it being public information. 

“I watched a video of a computer expert on YouTube showing how easy it is to crack these voting machines”

didn’t know his name, his credentials, who he worked for, or what machine he was demoing with or how he compromised it. 

I just stared at her. 



If at any point in your (proverbial your) argument, you happen to mention that you saw a video stating something, or saw something on YouTube, or whatever. You instantly lose all credibility. Learn how to read.

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I’m still seeing early February as the peak from the models for the dc/va area. 

I’m sort of changing how the data was presented to be more general 


right now weekly hospitalizations are up 30% from the spring peak


model shows weekly hospitalization at projected February peak as being up 284% from the spring peak. up 195% from right now. 

I am not sure what the model is projecting Christmas to do and how off that may or may not be compared to how thanksgiving went (ie: I do not know if Christmas projections will be off because people change behavior after the fallout from thanksgiving, and I do not know how or if the model is measuring that nor how accurate it is or is believed to be)


to my knowledge the model does not factor in the new strain out of the UK in any way. 



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Yeah it’s not like these models are trained on a large data set. Not to minimize the experience and expertise of people creating them, but in some ways they’re shooting from the hip on things. Not their fault. I firmly believe they’re doing the best they can with the tools they have. They’re just inadequate tools. 

i also can’t figure out why early February is the peak. But... that has been a consistent projection for a while now. 


—- blah merged posts ——


Explaining to my 5 year old what vaccines are and that we have one. 

“does it go in your nose?”


no it’s a shot in the arm


”oh no I hate shots in the arm. I don’t want it”


well, at least your reason for not getting a vaccine is grounded in reality... unlike many adults




nothing. I’m proud of you.

Edited by tshile
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Israeli Medical Worker Shot with Entire Vaccine Bottle – At Least 5 Doses


A medical staff member at an HMO clinic in central Israel on Monday accidentally received a whole vial of Pfizer’s vaccine, News12 reported on Tuesday. The staff member was injected with 5-6 doses of the Corona vaccine at one time. The Health Ministry confirmed the report and said the incident is under investigation.


The staff member received an injection of an entire, unadulterated vial that should have been enough for 5 to 6 patients. He was hospitalized overnight for observation and was released Tuesday morning.


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Here’s Where COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Happened In San Diego County


Community outbreaks of COVID-19 have touched every corner of San Diego County and all types of establishments over the past nine months, but they are most prevalent in big box stores, restaurants and group living situations like nursing homes and jails, according to county outbreak records obtained exclusively by KPBS.


If you’ve gone out at all since the pandemic first struck, you quite likely walked into a place where an outbreak occurred, according to the KPBS analysis of 1,006 outbreak records dating from March through the end of November. For example:


– At least 208 outbreaks have occurred in restaurants, with popular chains like Olive Garden, Cheesecake Factory, Denny’s and The Broken Yolk Cafe having multiple outbreaks each.

– At least 205 outbreaks have occurred in businesses with services that run the gamut from car repair to pet care to banking and shipping.

– At least 125 outbreaks have occurred in large retailers and grocery stores like Walmart, Costco, Target, Home Depot and Trader Joe’s.


Click on the link for the full article and interactive map

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On 12/7/2020 at 11:49 PM, China said:


Florida data scientist who says she was ousted over COVID numbers sues state


The Florida data scientist who says state officials fired her for refusing to change coronavirus numbers sued authorities Monday, alleging that a police raid on her home earlier this month was an illegal act of retaliation.


In a 19-page complaint filed in Tallahassee circuit court, lawyers for Rebekah Jones argued that officials with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement carried out the Dec. 7 raid to “silence” her online speech and curry favor with Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has criticized Jones and whose office said she was fired in May for repeated “insubordination.”


Jones, who helped develop the state’s coronavirus dashboard, attributed her ouster to her refusal to “manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen.”


Click on the link for the full article

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