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Hello skins fans,

     I am a Giants fan originally from New Jersey.  I love football, and thought it would be interesting to join in on discussions.  Considering I was pulling for Haskins to be the giants pick I’m looking forward to watching the early evaluations on both.  

     I’m not here to troll and as i’m a guest in your house I will treat it with respect.  Looking forward to the season hopefully a healthy camp.

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5 minutes ago, DiscoBob said:

To prove your good will, please create a post, of at least 100 words, denigrating the Cowpukes.


17 minutes ago, Mike10226 said:

Hello skins fans,

     I am a Giants fan originally from New Jersey.  I love football, and thought it would be interesting to join in on discussions.  Considering I was pulling for Haskins to be the giants pick I’m looking forward to watching the early evaluations on both.  

     I’m not here to troll and as i’m a guest in your house I will treat it with respect.  Looking forward to the season hopefully a healthy camp.


How about some intel on NYG camp would do ?

Or better yet - give us an honest reason why we should believe Flowers and/or DRC might pan out.

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Flowers I hate to say it, but I doubt his technique is ever going to come around.  He is still young and the injury to Beatty threw him out at left early.  Has a reputation of not being coach able.  DRC was fantastic granted older but he still had plenty left in the tank when he was released.

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8 minutes ago, Mike10226 said:


     I hate Dallas with every fiber of my being.  I could rant and rave may he live forever and please resign dak.


You may pass...


And the Dak contract needs to be 30+ m/yr 👍 (pray for 35m 😉)

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On 7/27/2019 at 10:26 PM, Mike10226 said:

Hello skins fans,

     I am a Giants fan originally from New Jersey.  I love football, and thought it would be interesting to join in on discussions.  Considering I was pulling for Haskins to be the giants pick I’m looking forward to watching the early evaluations on both.  

     I’m not here to troll and as i’m a guest in your house I will treat it with respect.  Looking forward to the season hopefully a healthy camp.


Welcome, Mike!  You should try out for WR--heard your team has a few open spots :) 

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20 hours ago, London Kev said:

With the sixth pick, of the 2019 NFL draft, the New York Giants select...... :rofl89:

Welcome to the boards Mike, and yes this is what some of the more intelligent and less vocal fans around these parts have to deal with, /sigh. Unlike your team who proves time and time again to actually make the "correct" pick we are the off season champions who laugh at others until we actually start playing games. Would you believe it Mike if I told you people on these boards were actually saying Derrius Guise would outperform Barkley last summer or 1/2 the board screaming for 2019 Pro Bowl Ryan Kerigan to benched in week 3 or another guy who was screaming Colt McCoy will start the season at QB, NOW THATS FUNNY😄😄😄 ... Yes this is what some of us deal with here.


 Anyway welcome, Although i sound like a ball of doom & gloom who is completely jaded with the team and his fellow fans (WHICH I AM) i do think we will have a kick ass defense this year . Here is to a healthy and fun season that will probably see us battling it out for last place. CHEERS ! 

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14 hours ago, JoeJacobyHOForRIOT said:

Welcome to the boards Mike, and yes this is what some of the more intelligent and less vocal fans around these parts have to deal with, /sigh. Unlike your team who proves time and time again to actually make the "correct" pick we are the off season champions who laugh at others until we actually start playing games. Would you believe it Mike if I told you people on these boards were actually saying Derrius Guise would outperform Barkley last summer or 1/2 the board screaming for 2019 Pro Bowl Ryan Kerigan to benched in week 3 or another guy who was screaming Colt McCoy will start the season at QB, NOW THATS FUNNY😄😄😄 ... Yes this is what some of us deal with here.


 Anyway welcome, Although i sound like a ball of doom & gloom who is completely jaded with the team and his fellow fans (WHICH I AM) i do think we will have a kick ass defense this year . Here is to a healthy and fun season that will probably see us battling it out for last place. CHEERS ! 


Really Joe? You deemed it necessary to call me out over this?


Well I truly apologise for offending your delicate sensibilities, (I assume that you consider yourself as one of the "more intelligent and less vocal" crowd). I just thought that a little friendly ribbing of a divisional rival would be well within the bounds of acceptable behaviour, but I obviously stand corrected.


I'll try to temper any future comments to rival fans, so hopefully you and your massive intellect will not have to "deal with" them ever again, (sigh).


I sincerely hope that you and your newly-found friend enjoy many hours together drooling over the immensly talented Barkley & Co. and that Daniel Jones proves me wrong and turns out to be a perennial all-pro QB. HTTR.


FYI, no, you don't sound like a ball of doom-and-gloom, just very condescending.

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On 7/30/2019 at 3:37 AM, JoeJacobyHOForRIOT said:

Would you believe it Mike if I told you people on these boards were actually saying Derrius Guise would outperform Barkley last summer

To be fair, Derrius Guice is in the same conversation as Barkley coming out of college. There were analysts who said we got the better back, so that's not really THAT out there, in the context of things that Skins fans say. I've heard wilder.


(Apologies if this is something that was said in a different tone and has wooshed over my head )


PS - Hi Mike, and welcome. I'd also like to hear your thoughts on Landon Collins?

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Where in the People's Republic of NJ? I used to live in East Brunswick.


If you wonder about Haskins vs Jones, you may take comfort from the fact that the Skins haven't drafted a playoff winning QB in the first round since 1937.


And Flowers sucks, and we overpaid for Collins. But, if we had a good defensive coordinator (hint: we haven't had one in 10 years) and one of our guys steps up at FS, we could have a top 3 defense.

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On 7/28/2019 at 10:47 AM, max21 said:

How do you feel about Collins coming here, seems like most Giants fans I’ve talked to are salty about it 

Collins was a tough pill to swallow.  I like many fans assumed he’d be a career giant.  His sophomore season has been his best, and some feel he is better suited as a lb.  I wish him luck besides 2 games a year hopefully 3 going forward.  


On 7/29/2019 at 1:18 PM, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Hey Giants fan. I have always wondered something that you might be able to help me with... Eli, Saquon, Golden, Plaxico, Osi, Janoris, Phil, Tiki, Lawrence etc etc etc... why does your roster always sound like it’s made up of a bunch of hairdressers?

That’s funny.  

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7 hours ago, UKskins said:

To be fair, Derrius Guice is in the same conversation as Barkley coming out of college. There were analysts who said we got the better back, so that's not really THAT out there, in the context of things that Skins fans say. I've heard wilder.


(Apologies if this is something that was said in a different tone and has wooshed over my head )


PS - Hi Mike, and welcome. I'd also like to hear your thoughts on Landon Collins?

Considering I live in New Orleans currently I have watched quite a few LSU games.  I was not happy with Guice being drafted within the division.  I would have preferred a Rosen/Bradford pick at number 2 and Guice in round two.  

  So far it looks like me not being employed by an NFL team makes sense on the Rosen front.  I was disappointed not being able to see Guice in action.  How are the reports on his recovery?

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Recommend you don't scream about the Gmen very loudly in the big easy, Gmen been known to end up in the swamp in them parts.  By the way, I'm just over in Biloxi which is also a very Saints heavy crowd.  

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