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Ruth Bader Ginsberg.... Lung Cancer :(


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5 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

Just reading now that she has pneumonia and is fighting for her life. One commenter I read said, life expectancy out of her surgery was not good....

I am inclined to think Trump will get a third SCOTUS pick....

Edit: Link to article


That would be a fake article 


(right wingers have been pushing “RBG on her deathbed” rumors for a few weeks)

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Don’t be so gullible. The failing WaPo and NYT and the rest of the lib media aren’t following this story because they don’t want you to know she’s going to be replaced by a super realistic android. Wait for it...purchased and programmed by George Soros himself!

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  • 11 months later...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg declares she's 'cancer-free'


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has declared that she is "cancer-free," beating the disease for the fourth time after undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer in the summer.


The 86-year-old justice, one of the oldest to serve on the Supreme Court, offered the health update to CNN in an interview in her chambers Tuesday evening.


"I'm cancer-free. That's good," Ginsburg said, with CNN reporting that she was "sounding energized and speaking animatedly."


Ginsburg's intensive radiation treatment for a malignant tumor on her pancreas in August had followed a diagnosis of lung cancer at the end of 2018 that resulted in the removal of part of her left lung and forced her to miss oral arguments for the first time in 25 years on the bench.


The feminist icon appeared in public shortly after her August treatment, telling a rapturous crowd at the National Book Festival in Washington that "this audience can see that I am alive."


Click on the link for the full article

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1 hour ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

If you scroll to the bottom of that article there’s a bright red box that says “COMMENTS”.


Don’t click on it.

Didn't have to click anything the comments automatically loaded.  We have got to get past wishing death on fellow citizens because you don't agree with their politics. Can't think of anything more un-American than that. Seems to be the norm lately and it is disgusting. 

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