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Anti-Vaxxer thread (New York Reports 1st Polio Case in Nearly a Decade)


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Utah tech executive resigns after anti-semitic email rant


The founder and chair of Entrata, a Silicon Slopes tech firm, has resigned his position after sending an email to a number of tech CEOs and Utah business and political leaders, claiming the COVID-19 vaccine is part of a plot by "the Jews" to exterminate people.


The remarks triggered condemnation throughout Utah's tech community, and led to David Bateman's resignation from the company's board of directors after FOX 13 first reported on the email.


The email by Bateman, shared with FOX 13 by numerous sources Tuesday morning, begins with the subject line "Genocide." Bateman confirmed to FOX 13 in text messages that he sent the email.


"I write this email knowing that many of you will think I'm crazy after reading it. I believe there is a sadistic effort underway to euthanize the American people. It's obvious now. It's undeniable, yet no one is doing anything. Everyone is discounting their own judgment, and dismissing their intuition," Bateman wrote.


In the email, Bateman attacks the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine and urged people not to get it. He also claims that criticism of the vaccine is being censored and international charges were going to be filed against Dr. Anthony Fauci.


"I believe the Jews are behind this. For 300 years the Jews have been trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and place a Jew covertly at the top. It happened in 2013 with Pope Francis. I believe the pandemic and systematic extermination of billions of people will lead to an effort to consolidate all the countries in the world under a single flag with totalitarian rule. I know, it sounds bonkers. No one is reporting on it, but the Hasidic Jews in the US instituted a law for their people that they are not to be vaccinated for any reason," he wrote in the email.


"I pray that I'm wrong on this. Utah has got to stop the vaccination drive. Warn your employees. Warn your friends. Prepare. Stay safe."


Click on the link for the full article

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Flunky burst into the office:
Sir! Our effort to spread disinformation and panic are having a problem with all of our unwitting operatives dying of the disease we hope they convince everyone else to die from!
Vlad: Godski Dammitov. Get me the KGB..  i mean, GOP headquarters on the phone.


At this point, i think they are like gangsta rappers who want bullet wounds to give them credibility, but they keep shooting themselves in the head. 
Go on then. Keep dying. Keep screaming it's fake with your last pathetic breaths.


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Rabies is caused by a virus that infects the central nervous system, and typically spreads through a bite or scratch from a rabid animal, according to the CDC. PEP is nearly 100% effective at preventing the person from developing rabies before symptoms appear; once symptoms appear, rabies is almost always fatal, according to the statement. About 60,000 people receive the shots in the U.S. each year to prevent rabies, according to the statement.


One patient did submit the bat for testing, and the bat tested positive, but the patient didn't receive PEP because of a fear of vaccines, according to the report. The other two patients didn't realize the risk because they either didn't notice a bite or scratch, or they didn't realize bats could carry rabies.

How you fear a vaccine for something that's almost a guaranteed death?

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21 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


Ummmmm, you're an idiot? Was this a trick question?

More of a rhetorical question. We're going to start seeing an uptick in basic preventable infections because of this growing antivaxx sentiment. This thread definitely going to be updated more regularly.

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23 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I’ve got a real hard time finding any sympathy for people that were on the freedumb warpath and kicked the bucket due to Covid. **** around and find out. 


Agreed. We might not yet being seeing the impact of this, but this will add up over time.  There is a finite number of people like this.

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Kicks sign


Gotta do what you gotta do


The sign recovered well, though. She lucky she scattered cause thats one baaaaad mf'in sign. I appreciate her risking her life to protect out democracy from that thug, communist sign. 


Yall know we wont recover form this right? Her Kicking that sign? Its the end of all communisms as we know it. Gott try something else now 

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I am completely out of ****s to give for people that choose not to get vaccinated for any reason other than medical. 


At this point in the game if you choose not to and you go to the hospital you should be either triaged to the end of the line or just kicked to the curb. The inability of society to work together to mitigate and solve this one thing is just beyond sad. 


My coworker was working the NRCC and 90% of the procurements they did were for private ambulance services because the local ones were at capacity plus. These people are beyond help, let nature takes its course. 

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