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Anti-Vaxxer thread (New York Reports 1st Polio Case in Nearly a Decade)


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Billionaire Accused of Anti-Vax Misinfo Now Reportedly Has COVID


He was an unvaxxed billionaire accused of spreading anti-vaccine misinformation. Now he reportedly has COVID.


Clive Palmer, the 67-year-old Australian mining magnate and political provocateur, is battling both the coronavirus and pneumonia, according to unnamed sources cited by The Australian. The outlet reported that the billionaire “remains very sick.”


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Pro-Putin Disinformation on Ukraine Is Thriving in Online Anti-Vax Groups


Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve seen how conspiracy theories can overlap and collide. I’ve documented how anti-vaccine groups embraced QAnon disinformation about liberal elites conspiring to unseat Trump, and how white nationalists find willing audiences for their racist ideology in anti-mask groups. Over the last week, a new disinformation hybrid has appeared, as online anti-vaccine groups have become a hotbed of pro-Russia conspiracy theories about the conflict in Ukraine—and some of the most prominent anti-vaccine activists are actively promoting geopolitical falsehoods. 


Imran Ahmed, executive director of the online extremism tracking group Center for Countering Digital Hate, has been following the convergence of the conspiracy theories, and he’s noticed they share familiar themes: alleged secret government alliances, anti-Semitic accusations, and allusions to nefarious scientists. “There are particular individuals within the anti-vaccine world who are amenable to pro-Russian propaganda,” he says, “and that would include some of the people who’ve cohered around QAnon and Trump.” 


One example of this is how an old Trump-era storyline—the theory that SARS-CoV-2 was deliberately engineered in a lab and released—seems to have been reconstituted in a new form: Anti-vaccine influencers claim that the United States owns a network of secret biolabs in Ukraine where dangerous infectious disease research takes place. For them, it’s just obvious that Biden is sending aid to Ukraine in order to protect those assets. This rumor has been proven to be manifestly false—but that hasn’t stopped it from circulating and gaining momentum. 


Last week, Christiane Northrup, an influential holistic medicine practitioner who regularly spreads pandemic misinformation and promotes the QAnon conspiracy theory, shared with her 78,000 Telegram followers a map that supposedly showed the secret labs in Ukraine that she insists create viruses. She also shared a post from a Bulgarian news site claiming that the US government “conducted biological experiments with a potentially lethal outcome on 4,400 soldiers in Ukraine and 1,000 soldiers in Georgia.” This is not true.


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Michelle Bachmann is “struggling with COVID pretty severely” but she’s still spouting anti-vaxx BS


Former Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) was the forerunner of the Trump ascendency, throwing out far-right nonsense along with ridiculous claims about immigrants, LGBTQ people, and Democrats. After leaving office, she’s become a leading spokesperson for the Christian Taliban and COVID conspiracy theories, including opposition to the COVID-19 vaccines.


And while she’s “struggling with COVID pretty severely” after refusing to get vaccinated, she’s still pushing her nonsense on far-right podcasts even if she’s too ill to appear on camera.



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The number of Americans who say they won't get a COVID shot hasn't budged in a year


West Hansen pilots his muddy Subaru through the industrial landscape of Southeast Texas where he grew up — past Bible churches, donut shops and the silver industrial towers of the refineries. The longtime social worker says he's given up trying to explain to his clients how safe the COVID-19 vaccines are.


"I've grown weary of it," he says. "I've realized that there's no convincing somebody once they have their mind made up."


He pulls up to the neatly trimmed yard of a townhouse where Donna and Danny Downes are waiting for him in their living room. She is a work-at-home administrator for a fence contractor; he's a retired insurance salesman who is legally blind. They are devout Baptists.


"We don't like vaccines because we feel like if we live healthy ... we have more immunity," she says. "And if we get it, we feel like that's God's will, and so we just leave it in His hands." The virus killed Donna's sister and sent her husband to the hospital, but they remain opposed to getting their shots.


"We just think it's a big government thing where they're trying to control the public," Danny says.


About 66% of Americans are fully vaccinated. But as the United States approaches a million deaths from COVID-19, the virus mortality rate is being driven mainly by people who are not vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nationally, about one in six Americans say they "definitely will not get the vaccine," according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.


"One thing that has been really consistent in all of our surveys is the size of the group that says they're definitely not getting vaccinated," says Liz Hamel, vice president and director of public policy and survey research at KFF. "That hasn't shifted in over a year."


"The ones that have been most likely to say they're definitely not going to get the vaccine have been Republicans and people living in rural areas, as well as white evangelical Christians," she says.


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3 hours ago, China said:

The number of Americans who say they won't get a COVID shot hasn't budged in a year



Die mother****ers

Scrooge- "If they would rather die,"  "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

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New York reports 1st US polio case in nearly a decade


n unvaccinated young adult from New York recently contracted polio, the first U.S. case in nearly a decade, health officials said Thursday.


Officials said the patient, who lives in Rockland County, had developed paralysis. The person developed symptoms a month ago and did not recently travel outside the country, county health officials said.


It appears the patient had a vaccine-derived strain of the virus, perhaps from someone who got live vaccine — available in other countries, but not the U.S. — and spread it, officials said.

The person is no longer deemed contagious, but investigators are trying to figure out how the infection occurred and whether other people were exposed to the virus.


Most Americans are vaccinated against polio, but this should serve as a wake-up call to the unvaccinated, said Jennifer Nuzzo, a Brown University pandemic researcher.


“This isn’t normal. We don’t want to see this,” Nuzzo said. “If you’re vaccinated, it’s not something you need to worry about. But if you haven’t gotten your kids vaccinated, it’s really important that you make sure they’re up to date.”


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  • China changed the title to Anti-Vaxxer thread (New York Reports 1st Polio Case in Nearly a Decade)
On 5/10/2022 at 7:31 PM, LD0506 said:


Die mother****ers

Scrooge- "If they would rather die,"  "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

The continued existence of these people is perhaps the best argument against the existence of a benevolent God.

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Anti-Vaxxers Looking for Love Had Their Data Exposed


These days, if you’re single and ready to mingle, there are a wealth of dating apps to choose from—depending on what you’re looking for. For one-night stands, there’s Tinder; for respectful brunch dates, there’s Bumble; and for people who believe in both, there’s Hinge. Oh, but don’t forget Unjected—a dating app for the unvaccinated that also lets you donate your blood and breastmilk (????).


According to a new report, another unintended feature of this anti-vax site has been that it shares your data with the internet. Until recently, a giant security hole allegedly sat unfixed on the website, allowing anyone with the know-how to sneak onto the platform and steal or change information.


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New York Health Department says hundreds of people may be infected with polio virus


New York state health officials have found indications of additional cases of polio virus in wastewater samples from two different counties, leading them to warn that hundreds of people may be infected with the potentially serious virus.


Just two weeks ago, the New York Health Department reported the nation's first case of polio in almost a decade, in Rockland County, north of New York City. Officials said that case occurred in a previously healthy young adult who was unvaccinated and developed paralysis in their legs. Since then, three positive wastewater samples from Rockland County and four from neighboring Orange County were discovered and genetically linked to the first case, the health department said in a press release on Thursday, suggesting that the polio virus is being spread within local communities. The newest samples were taken from two locations in Orange County in June and July and one location in Rockland County in July.


"Based on earlier polio outbreaks, New Yorkers should know that for every one case of paralytic polio observed, there may be hundreds of other people infected," State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said. "Coupled with the latest wastewater findings, the Department is treating the single case of polio as just the tip of the iceberg of much greater potential spread. As we learn more, what we do know is clear: the danger of polio is present in New York today." 


Before the polio vaccine was introduced in the 1950s, thousands of Americans died in polio outbreaks and tens of thousands, many of them children, were left with paralysis. After a successful vaccination campaign, polio was officially declared eradicated in the U.S. in 1979. 


Unvaccinated New Yorkers are encouraged to get immunized right away, the health department said. Unvaccinated people who live, work or spend time in Rockland County, Orange County and the greater New York metropolitan area are at the greatest risk.


Most school-aged children have received the polio vaccine, which is a four-dose course, started between 6 weeks and 2 months of age and followed by one shot at 4 months, one at 6 to 12 months, and one between the ages of 4 and 6. According to the health department, about 60% of children in Rockland County have received three polio shots before their second birthday, as have about 59% in Orange County — both below the 79% statewide figure. 


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