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SCOTUS: No longer content with stacking, they're now dealing from the bottom of the deck


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9 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

if he didn't do it, how could he be anything but really torn apart 


still, even if the victim of intended  or unintended injustice, he's not conducting himself in a manner i'd want to see in scotus or pres etc as i said earlier


were he completely innocent of any of these accusations, his situation would be terribly sad..


same if any of them are true, of course, but then its merited


either way, his wife and kids are in this too and i hope they're shown compassion by people at large if he's going down the tubes





Oh, I absolutely feel for his family, especially his kids; they didn't ask for this and I'm sure it's incredibly difficult for them. I also absolutely admit to bias against him because I believe him to be a partisan hack who wouldn't even attempt to disguise that he was essentially the judicial version of Sean Hannity. That being said, I wouldn't want something like this to happen to a completely innocent person, though I have a really hard time believing he's completely innocent. Her testimony was convincing, many of the external timelines and facts line up, and others have come forward and are willing to testify, etc.


And yeah, he has shown himself, guilty or not, to be a person who absolutely doesn't have the temperament or slightest inclination at being unbiased to be a SCOTUS Justice.



Edited by mistertim
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Just now, BenningRoadSkin said:

Some great judicial temperament here. And he is impartial. Def need this on the Supreme Court.


The sexual assault victim was more composed in this farce of a hearing. 


This is the behavior of a man who has gotten away with **** his whole life. 

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2 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

Some great judicial temperament here. And he is impartial. Def need this on the Supreme Court.


Admits the current political climate is contentious, then goes on a conspiratorial diatribe against democrats, the Clintons, the media, etc. Supreme Court justices are supposed to be the most impartial scholars of the law possible, and yet this is his demeanor? Even if the allegations are false, his overtly partisan attitude alone should be disqualifying.

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