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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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I watched this documentary last night called Red, White, and Wasted. It is about the “mudding” culture in central Florida. Think of big ass trucks riding around off road, kicking up mud, destroying the wetlands, in the name of freedom.

It follows this man and his family who have been part of the culture for decades. The man has thousands of hours of video of the weekly Sunday hangouts over the years. But, sadly, progress and corporate greed (cell phones with cameras and Disney expansion) have threatened their way of the life.


The doc is all observational with no director narrative. I don’t think they try to make the viewer see the subjects one way or the other.


But it’s filmed on the backdrop of the Trump 2016 election through the 2018 midterms.  Lots of confederate flags, lots of racism, well it can’t really be racism if slavery ended over 100 years ago, now can it? Checkmate libtards. Lots of xenophobia too.


Ninety minutes, I thought I’d give it a few minutes, but it captured me, the redneckness of it all.

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Jim Jordan Demands Major Ad Companies Explain Why They Won’t Advertise On Truth Social


Jim Jordan, who heads the House Judiciary Committee and its subcommittee on “the weaponization of the federal government,” continues to use “weaponize the power of the federal government” to punish his enemies and support his friends. He’s done this before. Many times before.


The latest seems particularly pathetic. You would have to be particularly wedded to weaponizing your power to think that a congressional committee has any role in figuring out why companies don’t want to advertise on Truth Social or ExTwitter. But apparently, Jim Jordan has decided to be just that pathetic.


In the wake of Donald Trump’s Truth Social going public and revealing that it’s only earning around $1 million/quarter (i.e., a few hundred thousand dollars per month) because no one but scammers want to advertise on a small platform full of very clueless people, Jordan is pretending that it violates the law for big ad firms to not buy ads on sites dominated by conspiracy theorists and grifters.


He sent out letters to some of the largest advertisers, accusing them of antitrust violations for merely pointing out that for the sake of brand safety, companies should think carefully before putting their ads on sites frequented by conspiracy theory nutjobs.


Click on the link for the full article 

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750-900%+ Short Selling Fees On DJT Stock And What This Highly Abnormal Number Means


TL;DR — DJT Stock is so crappy that the demand for short sales has ballooned the price to short it beyond anything normal. In other words, seasoned investors think DJT is going to fail badly enough to accept extraordinary fees to profit off the failure.

You can read about this here at CNBC or on other financial sites.  What has happened with Trump’s disaster of a stock is an unprecedented cost in order to short sell the stock:  


“Investors who wanted to borrow Trump Media shares to sell them short on Wednesday would have had to pay annual financing costs of between 750% and 900% of the price of the stock, said Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director of predictive analytics at S3 Partners.”


In comparison to what is typical linked here at Seeking Alpha (a financial education site):


“The cost of borrowing a stock to short can vary but typically ranges from 0.3% to 3% per year. The fees are applied daily. The borrowing fee can be much higher than 3%, and can even exceed 100% in extraordinary cases”



As you can see this situation with DJT is extremely unusual.   The high water mark listed at Seeking Alpha is  “exceeding 100% in extraordinay cases” so what does that make this?   Pretty much earth-shatteringly abnormal in this case.


Before going further I will try to explain this complicated topic as best as I can.  It can be very confusing.  I also want to say that there are compiclating factors to this particular happening but none of them can remove the basic fact that:


A lot of people smart enough to know how to short sell stocks are betting that this thing sucks badly enough to take this risk. 


Click on the link for the full article

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Boozed up Lauren Boebert was cut off by bartender, begged Trump for selfies at GOP gala: report


Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert reportedly got so drunk at a Republican gala in the Big Apple, she had to be cut off by bartenders — but witnesses denied the allegation to The Post.


The controversial congresswoman’s apparently boozy turn at the New York Young Republicans annual event in December also included her bothering former President Donald Trump for many so selfies, his security stepped in to stop her, CNN reported.


Servers at the event, which was held at the Cipriani ballroom, told Boebert they wouldn’t bring her any more booze, multiple sources told CNN.




Boebert sat at the gala’s marquee table and was joined by Steve Bannon, Florida GOP Rep. Corey Mills, club president Gavin Wax and Trump, among others.


Boebert was not cut off from alcohol, insiders told The Post Saturday — but she had irritated Trump during the event.


“She came over between Gavin Wax and President Trump and tried to take a selfies with the two of them. After taking a few and being unhappy with how they looked she tried to take more selfies but she was pushed away by President Trump who said, ‘That’s enough,'” one witness said.


Click on the link for the full article

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The mass short on $DJT might end up having the opposite effect on the stock. At some point people will need to cover their short and actual shares will be in short supply. It’s already speculated that trump is using the stock offering to let his Russian pals invest in him. They’d be more than happy to refuse to sell and create a short squeeze.


Also WTF happened to Dean Cain?

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2 hours ago, Ball Security said:

Gotta be a parody account, right?


It's hard to tell any more. 


Is Marjorie Taylor Greene a parody Member of Congress?  


Is Fox a parody news organization?


Is Donald Trump a parody millionaire?

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Imagine, a sport we don't watch has this happen!?
I mean, why aren't these women in the kitchen where they belong?
If it wasn't for them doing anything except the 3 Cs (cooking, cleaning, childbirthing) we probably wouldn't even HAVE transgenders!


Up next, Central Park pigeons in drag. Should they be ****ting on your new hat?



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