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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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11 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

I hope all beers go “woke” (ugh, can’t believe I wrote that) so none of these Proud Cheeseburgler Boys can drink beer again. Less DUI’s and domestic violence. They’ll probably make their way to meth. Beer is a gateway drug? 🤷‍♂️

They're already doing meth and drinking copious amounts of cheap American beer. More like a trailer park level wine pairing than a gateway.

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3 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:




Oh he's so into Martha Stewart and probably those other people he called disgusting too honestly. But he would rail Martha. You can hear it in his voice every time he talks about how good she looks lol 

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So many people get upset about the smallest things that have no impact on their life. 81 year old on SI Swimsuit Edition, who cares, don’t buy it. TikTok person gets a 6 pack of beer with their face on it, who cares, you don’t watch TikTok.

Just screw off and quit your constant crying about everything. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and realize not everything is for or against you. Now, I await the next school shooting so these same people can blame doors. They’re totally unhinged. 


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Is there a tipping point for Trump supporters to stop backing him? Here’s what the science says


Donald Trump has had some bad days recently, objectively speaking. A jury in New York found him liable for sexual abuse and defamation in a civil case brought by the writer E. Jean Carroll. This came on top of criminal charges related to a hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels, and allegations of mishandling of classified documents. The shame of it all.


Just imagine what a die-hard Trump supporter might feel about this. Surely they must be having some second thoughts?


The night after the New York court case, Trump was back in action in a town hall meeting in New Hampshire. What would the reaction be? Some held their breath.


Trump stepped on stage to rapturous applause and a standing ovation. He mouthed, “Thank you,” and applauded them back. There was no hint of shame or embarrassment, from either side.


Psychologists Steve Reicher and Alex Haslam, writing in Scientific American in 2017, presented an insightful analysis of Trump’s “masterful” use of psychological techniques to manipulate his supporters. They noted that:



A rally would start long before Trump’s arrival. Indeed, the long wait for the leader was part and parcel of the performance. This staged delay affected the self-perception of the audience members: “If I am prepared to wait this long, this event and this leader must be important to me.”


Other politicians lose their backing, so what’s different here? Well, Trump fans have invested a lot more in their support – including, in a relatively small number of cases, marching on the Capitol, risking their reputations and even a criminal record.


The theory of cognitive dissonance, developed by American social psychologist Leon Festinger in the mid-1950s, might help explain this.


Festinger wrote that: “Dissonance produces discomfort and, correspondingly, there will arise pressures to reduce or eliminate the dissonance.”


This conflict might constrain people from acquiring new information that will increase the existing dissonance – for instance, accepting that Trump’s court case suggested poor morals.


He went on to identify an important way in which the remaining dissonance can be reduced: “If more and more people can be persuaded that the system of belief is correct, then clearly it must, after all, be correct.”


This is an interesting argument which suggests that if someone commits wholeheartedly to Trump, they may well experience dissonance as they watch the news from that Manhattan courthouse. But they don’t necessarily stop supporting him.


Instead, they might seek yet more information about the “deep state” and how it’s persecuting Trump, or preach more about his positive attributes and the witch hunt against him. Both are sometimes more immediate ways of dealing with the psychological discomfort than changing support for him.


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Cyber expert awarded $5 million from Mike Lindell asks court to compel MyPillow CEO to pay up


The cybersecurity expert who took on election conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell and was awarded $5 million from an arbitration panel has asked a federal court to force Lindell to pay up, according to court documents obtained by CNN.


Robert Zeidman entered a contest Lindell sponsored, in which the winner could collect a multimillion-dollar prize if they could debunk Lindell’s election data. On Friday, Zeidman asked the US District Court of Minnesota to confirm the arbitration panel’s decision to award him the hefty payout. If the court confirms the award, it will allow Zeidman’s attorneys to pursue collection from Lindell.


“It’s kind of put up or shut up time for Mr. Lindell,” said Zeidman’s attorney, Brian Glasser, co-founder of Bailey & Glasser LLP. “If Lindell is not a complete fraudster, he should have the ability to pay.”


Lindell had already asked a state court to vacate the arbitration panel’s decision, according to the new filing from Zeidman’s team. Lindell has not yet made any payments to Zeidman.


“This is a complete sham. A complete sham,” Lindell told CNN by phone Friday. “The bottom line is this thing is wrong, and I’m not stopping until we prove him wrong.”


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Why can’t Trump supporters see who he really is?


To Donald Trump’s MAGA minions, I ask a tripartite question: Do you know, and do you care, and do you care to know?


In other words, do you really know, care, and care to know Donald Trump’s actual character: that he only cares about himself and his self-interests while caring little about the concerns and needs of the people of the country he once was elected to serve and protect?


Do you know, care, and care to know of his incompetence in business and in politics, and that he is a scam artist who hasn’t any glimmer of understanding anything even approaching the art of any deal?


Do you know, care, and care to know of his severe personality flaws and narcissism rendering him literally incapable of functioning as an effective President of the United States? Rather, this man (dis)functions as an exceedingly dangerous force in undermining our standing around the world and bringing us to the point of rupture in our constitutional form of government. 

And if you know this, those of you who are apparently so concerned with maintaining and expanding your “personal freedom” and “liberty,” why would you even consider supporting and voting for Trump? By doing so, you have essentially relinquished your personal freedom and your liberty as the cost of admission to his personality cult and some intangible promised security.  


As someone who has studied World War II and the Holocaust virtually all of my life, I have struggled to comprehend how authoritarian leaders gain ascendancy in presumably liberal democracies built on guiding principles of freedom and the rule of law.


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Don Jr. Just Released His New 'Non-Woke' Men's Magazine—And It's Backfiring Hard


Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter on Thursday to announce his latest venture: a "non-woke" men's lifestyle magazine called Field Ethos.


According to its website, the magazine aims to revive a "forgotten lifestyle for those who refuse to conform," featuring articles on hunting, fishing, and more, authored by unapologetic "old-school adventurers."


In his statement, Trump Jr. emphasized that Field Ethos would be "unapologetic" in its approach. The magazine, he suggested, seeks to cater to individuals who reject what they perceive as societal pressures to conform to "woke" culture. By celebrating "traditional" pursuits and values, it aims to resonate with those seeking a return to a bygone era.



However, Trump Jr.'s latest announcement did not escape the scrutiny of his critics on Twitter.


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9 hours ago, Ball Security said:

If I wanted to start a new business in 2023, it would definitely be a magazine.


Reminds me of a couple years ago when Trump unveiled his super awesome groundbreaking website. And it ended up being...a blog.

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