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theguardian.com: Ban on killer robots urgently needed, say scientists


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The movie portrays a brutal future. A military firm unveils a tiny drone that hunts and kills with ruthless efficiency. But when the technology falls into the wrong hands, no one is safe. Politicians are cut down in broad daylight. The machines descend on a lecture hall and spot activists, who are swiftly dispatched with an explosive to the head.


The short, disturbing film is the latest attempt by campaigners and concerned scientists to highlight the dangers of developing autonomous weapons that can find, track and fire on targets without human supervision. They warn that a preemptive ban on the technology is urgently needed to prevent terrible new weapons of mass destruction.



First thing, I get that the tone of this is heavily tilted towards alarmist.  They clearly have an agenda.  Personally I found it interesting because I'm a nerd and when drones first hit the news as big military weapons, years ago, many gamers immediately imagined the scenario presented in the video above.  I among them.  The small cloud of killer flying things has been a shooter game staple for a long time.  The fictional video above simply made them real in an effort to scare everyone. 


Despite knowing it's agenda, I have to admit that specific scenario of weaponizing small inexpensive drones is kind of terrifying.


Once the software is leaked, and we all know that's inevitable, any crazy with access to the net, a hobby shop, and a relatively small amount of explosives could arm themselves with the latest cutting edge lethal technology.  I find this more frightening than autonomous big expensive military weapons.  Maybe it's just because we live in an era of seemingly constant mass murder in the US. 


I really don't think nations are going to come together and ban these things though. 



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1 hour ago, Zguy28 said:

Its too late I think for this. I'm actually surprised that we haven't seen them used in mass murder or terrorism yet. How easy would it be to deliver poison gas using a drone? Scary stuff, and quite reasonable to be alarmed.

Me too,,  i remember more than a few years ago reading about a site that would allow you to fire a gun on a range from your computer. It seems to me setting up something like that is not that difficult as opposed to making AI drones. 

Last year we saw that video of the drone with a pistol on it firing it's rounds off in the woods. 

we seem to have no shortage of squirrelly people who would do this.

Now things like this are all too plausible...   i am surprised we haven't seen any mayhem caused by remote control.


Happy, too..  but still.




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I suspect the chances are very high that civilizations throughout the universe will never make contact with each other due to vast distances, time, and more importantly, the tendency of intelligent life to evolve to the point where it is capable of and implements self-imposed extinction. We're lucky we've made it this long. Oh well, it was a good run.

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2 hours ago, Bang said:

Me too,,  i remember more than a few years ago reading about a site that would allow you to fire a gun on a range from your computer. It seems to me setting up something like that is not that difficult as opposed to making AI drones. 

Last year we saw that video of the drone with a pistol on it firing it's rounds off in the woods. 

we seem to have no shortage of squirrelly people who would do this.

Now things like this are all too plausible...   i am surprised we haven't seen any mayhem caused by remote control.


Happy, too..  but still.





Been thinking about all these Wi-Fi appliances and cars with more and more cpu controlled features. Sadly, I think the clock has been counting down for awhile now.

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50 minutes ago, Bang said:

Invention idea: 
Hat that puts out an emp pulse the size of an umbrella.



I was thinking a tacticool sombrero.  Armored black and gray (or pink for the ladies) with rails for for flashlights and lasers or whatever.  The width of a sombrero gives you a lot of room for drone busting accessories.  

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12 hours ago, Destino said:

I was thinking a tacticool sombrero.  Armored black and gray (or pink for the ladies) with rails for for flashlights and lasers or whatever.  The width of a sombrero gives you a lot of room for drone busting accessories.  

Cultural approbation and gender stereotyping in one post. I applaud you my friend. :ols:



You know I'm kidding right?:mellow:


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6 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Cultural approbation and gender stereotyping in one post. I applaud you my friend. :ols:


You know I'm kidding right?:mellow:

Cultural Approbation?  Are you accusing me of praising tacticool sombrero culture?  Well, your damn right I do.  :)


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