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NPR: Behind Fox News' Baseless Seth Rich Story: The Untold Tale

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2 minutes ago, thebluefood said:

@SkinssRvA - Still would love to know what exactly constitutes "Left Wing Media" in your book. Been doing this news media thing in some capacity since I was 14 and would like to know where, exactly, I stand.

Sorry, missed your original question.  Washington Post is left leaning, and I read it.  CNN and the NBC outlets are left leaning.  Fox is very right.  And gosh, the new yorker and breitbart should certainly be avoided.  I wouldn't consider universities media outlets, but they are sources of information for a large sector of the public and they are left leaning.  


Cable news has become more opinion than anything.  It's easy to find entertainment in it, given the current political climate.  


3 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:




I am no victim.  Actually pretty privileged (thanks mom and dad).  I came here, condemned the act of Fox News, and said the left wing media inserts itself into politics as well.  Never did I equate the two.  Maybe it's the wrong thread to say that, I don't know.  

The clockwork was how I was labeled.  Which is fine, really, I expected and predicted it in my post.  No worries


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Sean Spicer admitted yesterday that he did meet with Butowsky and Wheeler at the White House in April and was told about the story before it ran.  So that part of Wheeler's accusation checks out.  Back in May, Spicer told reporters he had been unaware of the story after Fox ran several segments on it.


The White House continues to deny that Trump knew ahead of time about the story.  Butkowsky claims the texts he wrote to Wheeler saying that Trump read an advance copy of the story were just jokes. 


That sounds plausible. ugh-eye-roll-flight-of-the-conchords-585



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1 minute ago, SkinssRvA said:

Sorry, missed your original question.  Washington Post is left leaning, and I read it.  CNN and the NBC outlets are left leaning.  Fox is very right.  And gosh, the new yorker and breitbart should certainly be avoided.  I wouldn't consider universities media outlets, but they are sources of information for a large sector of the public and they are left leaning.  


Cable news has become more opinion than anything.  It's easy to find entertainment in it, given the current political climate.  




Gotcaha: Washington Post, CNN, and NBC are "left leaning." I guess as far as American main stream media is concerned, there's something to that. Heavy emphasis on the "leaning" part, though. 


Thank ya much!

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5 minutes ago, thebluefood said:

Gotcaha: Washington Post, CNN, and NBC are "left leaning." I guess as far as American main stream media is concerned, there's something to that. Heavy emphasis on the "leaning" part, though. 


Thank ya much!

It's interesting, because as media outlets become more biased or leaning, the public opinion of them goes down.  There was a Gallup poll that showed new lows for trusting media.  Liberals down a bit, Conservatives down a lot.  

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Just now, SkinssRvA said:

It's interesting, because as media outlets become more biased or leaning, the public opinion of them goes down.  There was a Gallup poll that showed new lows for trusting media.  Liberals down a bit, Conservatives down a lot.  

Only point I was trying to make is that the Washington Post and their ilk may be left of Fox but they are hardly left. 


If you want "Left Wing Media" talk to your local Trotskiest - they'll be more than happy to give you a newspaper. 

(A little too happy I've learned in my experience).

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8 minutes ago, SkinssRvA said:

It's interesting, because as media outlets become more biased or leaning, the public opinion of them goes down.  There was a Gallup poll that showed new lows for trusting media.  Liberals down a bit, Conservatives down a lot.  


I think that has alot more to do with the President actually saying out of his mouth that all the left leaning news sources are liars and you shouldnt listen to them. I mean, hes the president. You are supposed to be able to trust him. He tell you someone is lying (every time he gets a camera in front of him) people are going to start believing him. 


Do you happen to know if this was before he come on thew scene? Asking cause im actually interested not cause im coming after you. 



Also, if yall think RvA is bad - Check this site out. I never post here cause....the way my blood pressure is set up........



Edit: I mention the other site and say "if yall think such and such is bad" cause I think the perspective is helpful. 20 minutes there and you will see that the right leaning posters here on ES are literally light years behind these other fools as far as "propaganda immersion" is concerned. 


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16 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Well the WH wouldnt even be involved if the Left didnt put up the worst candidate in history.  They have themselves to blame for the Trump presidency, not Fox News.  You can read about it in her emails if you can find them.




If by worst you mean the most qualified candidate to be President in my lifetime then you are correct.


The Orange failed business man/reality show star/Russian stooge/traitor is actually the worst candidate in my lifetime and yet there is a solid 35 percent that will support him no matter what and another 5 to 10 percent that make excuses for him or say "the other side" is just as bad.


The rot and decay in this country is palatable. Our potential as a country is being held back by the stuck on stupid, let's pretend it is the 1950's again crowd and Faux News is their manna.

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18 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I think that has alot more to do with the President actually saying out of his mouth that all the left leaning news sources are liars and you shouldnt listen to them. I mean, hes the president. You are supposed to be able to trust him. He tell you someone is lying (every time he gets a camera in front of him) people are going to start believing him. 


Do you happen to know if this was before he come on thew scene? Asking cause im actually interested not cause im coming after you. 



Also, if yall think RvA is bad - Check this site out. I never post here cause....the way my blood pressure is set up........



Edit: I mention the other site and say "if yall think such and such is bad" cause I think the perspective is helpful. 20 minutes there and you will see that the right leaning posters here on ES are literally light years behind these other fools as far as "propaganda immersion" is concerned. 


It was in 2016, can't remember if it was before or after Trump was elected.  Either way Trump was on the scene.  




Found it.  September 2016.  It concludes that media trust has been in steady decline.  Goes back to 1997.  Sharp decline among conservatives in 2016, when fake news was bred.  


And as far as your last point, we are in the land of liberals here at ES!  We have to mask our trump apologist chest thumping ways :ols: /s



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Let's cut the shameful hijacking of the term "fake news."  It doesn't mean news you don't like, Donald, and that goes for your ignorant followers as well.  It doesn't even mean news that is slanted toward the left or to the right.  Fake news are stories created out of whole cloth. The Russian-backed effort of hackers to create false stories and plant them on social media spawned the term.


 The most egregious is the Comet Ping Pong lies.  Real people were put in danger from that.  Now the Seth Rich blasphemy has caused real pain to a grieving family.   


Yet Trump has effectively usurped the term "Fake News" to render it meaningless.

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Conservative Arizona Senator Jeff Flake on my point above:


“We’re only as good as our information, and if we lose our sense of objective truth, we lose everything,” Flake cautions. “Whatever the source, a steady diet of bad information, conveyed in bad faith, can over time become a serious threat to a democracy. Over time, a determined effort to undermine the very idea of truth softens the ground for anti-democratic impulses. … Enduring democracies depend on the acceptance of shared facts, facts such as: certified elections are valid, millions of votes were not illegally cast in the 2016 election, vaccinations don’t cause autism, and two Hawaiian newspapers announcing the birth of Barack Obama more than 50 years ago probably means that Obama was born in Hawaii — just to highlight a few of the more colorful examples of nonsense that has made the rounds in recent years.”


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I see why they hate him. He is literally the Anti-Trump. Repubs gotta stop all this nonsense before its too late. If a guy like him can say things like that and still be the bad guy there is not alot of hope left.....on the right. 

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12 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

Conservative Arizona Senator Jeff Flake on my point above:


“We’re only as good as our information, and if we lose our sense of objective truth, we lose everything,” Flake cautions. “Whatever the source, a steady diet of bad information, conveyed in bad faith, can over time become a serious threat to a democracy. Over time, a determined effort to undermine the very idea of truth softens the ground for anti-democratic impulses. … Enduring democracies depend on the acceptance of shared facts, facts such as: certified elections are valid, millions of votes were not illegally cast in the 2016 election, vaccinations don’t cause autism, and two Hawaiian newspapers announcing the birth of Barack Obama more than 50 years ago probably means that Obama was born in Hawaii — just to highlight a few of the more colorful examples of nonsense that has made the rounds in recent years.”


Gonna push back on Flake. Him coming out as anti Trump is a political calculation. About 2 weeks ago he literally voted for a federal judge who did just what he's saying he's against. That is a lifetime appointment.



Blogging under a fake name, Bush posted more than 400 items, often citing alt-right media reports containing conspiracy theories and false information, such as the claim that former President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S.


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2 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

Gonna push back on Flake. Him coming out as anti Trump is a political calculation. About 2 weeks ago he literally voted for a federal judge who did just what he's saying he's against. That is a lifetime appointment.




I'd like to hear what Sen. Flake has to say about this guy, because  I agree that on the face of it, the writings of John K. Bush under a pseudonym seem to be the very thing Flake rails against.


But given the conservative backlash that Flake is facing as a result of his speaking out against Trump and what he represents, I hardly think it was a political calculation.  If it was, it seems to be a terrible MIScalculation, at least in the political short term.  Maybe he's playing a long game.

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2 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

Gonna push back on Flake. Him coming out as anti Trump is a political calculation. About 2 weeks ago he literally voted for a federal judge who did just what he's saying he's against. That is a lifetime appointment.




Maybe, but I think he has to be given credit for being the first Republican to come out as anti-Trump and going ALL IN on it.  He did not dip his toe in the water and see what reaction he got.  He wrote a ****ing manifesto bashing Trump and everything he stands for.  


Plus, I just don't see the political calculation.  He is a staunch Republican.  Democrats will not be voting for him, Flake has a 93 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union, 95 percent from FreedomWorks, 100 percent from National Right to Life and an “A” from the National Rifle Association.  If Arizona republican voters don't turn on Trump, and soon, then Flake is left without a base.  This actually, dare I say, looks principled.  

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4 hours ago, SkinssRvA said:

It's interesting, because as media outlets become more biased or leaning, the public opinion of them goes down.  There was a Gallup poll that showed new lows for trusting media.  Liberals down a bit, Conservatives down a lot.  

That probably has more to do with the GOP, and especially the current President's active campaign to discredit and foster mistrust in the media (except FOXNews, Breitbart, and Infowars) and his base's lack of cognition than the leaning of the media.


Yeah... they don't like Trump and think he's an idiot. That's not bias. That's what he is. Also, almost everything they report ends up being true (or they retract and apologize) while Trump continues to lie on a minutely basis.

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19 hours ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


Oh, thank God you are here to bring "balance."


When did MSNBC make up a story that one of Obama's opponents murdered someone and got a former Speaker of the House to support it?



I suck ass at sarcastic posting

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Flake is alright.  I dislike that he tows the GoP line on certain votes (healthcare) but he's one of the most thoughtful Republicans in the Senate.  He can go on NPR and give an interview without sounding like a hack.  I don't like his positions but I respect him.

I also don't think that Arizona is really Trump country.  I think the Republicans there dislike him and that Flake and McCain have the freedom to go against Trump.

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38 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Maybe, but I think he has to be given credit for being the first Republican to come out as anti-Trump and going ALL IN on it.  He did not dip his toe in the water and see what reaction he got.  He wrote a ****ing manifesto bashing Trump and everything he stands for.  


Plus, I just don't see the political calculation.  He is a staunch Republican.  Democrats will not be voting for him, Flake has a 93 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union, 95 percent from FreedomWorks, 100 percent from National Right to Life and an “A” from the National Rifle Association.  If Arizona republican voters don't turn on Trump, and soon, then Flake is left without a base.  This actually, dare I say, looks principled.  

I just see this as trying to be a McCain like figure. That seems to sell in Arizona. Conservative who lobs bombs every now and then. If he makes it past the primary he's in a better position. Can't really run ads with him and Trump being buddy buddy. He still has those healthcare votes on his record though.

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12 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:

I just see this as trying to be a McCain like figure. That seems to sell in Arizona. Conservative who lobs bombs every now and then. If he makes it past the primary he's in a better position. Can't really run ads with him and Trump being buddy buddy. He still has those healthcare votes on his record though.


I'll take a principled conservative in a deep red state.  Other option is a sackless sycophant like Marco Rubio.

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41 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I'll take a principled conservative in a deep red state.  Other option is a sackless sycophant like Marco Rubio.

Or a deeply unlikeable, blood freezingly stark man like Ted Cruz, who is despised even by members of his own party in the usually cordial Senate. 

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11 minutes ago, thebluefood said:

Or a deeply unlikeable, blood freezingly stark man like Ted Cruz, who is despised even by members of his own party in the usually cordial Senate. 

Nah, we need a few fewer Ted Cruzes.


It would be one thing if he were an unlikable man of conviction. You can respect those. He bent over further backward than even Marco Rubio.

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