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The Post Franchise Tag 4pm Deadline Deal Or No Deal Fallout Thread


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2 minutes ago, ConnSKINS26 said:


You can have $53 million guaranteed over 2 years or $53 million guaranteed over 4-5 years. Which do you prefer? It's not even close, even with the risk built into the first option (catastrophic injury or horrible play--neither of which Cousins is going to bank on). Players and agents only care about guarantees, not non-guaranteed salary.

Soooo basically it's all about money for him.

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8 minutes ago, ConnSKINS26 said:


You can have $53 million guaranteed over 2 years or $53 million guaranteed over 4-5 years. Which do you prefer? It's not even close, even with the risk built into the first option (catastrophic injury or horrible play--neither of which Cousins is going to bank on).


He doesn't have $53 M guaranteed, though. He only had $24M guaranteed.


People keep putting Snyder's money in Kirk's back pocket is if it's in his contract or something. Better to compare the $53M guaranteed to $24M guaranteed + whatever guaranteed amount he gets from a new team.

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I am actually happy about this. I was one of the few who wasnt ecstatic about the prospect of making Cousins the highest paid player in NFL history.  Lets see how Cousins does this year against a MUCH tougher schedule and with new weapons. If he can improve his TD%, INT% and actually make a play in the red zone I will be onboard for paying the man a monster deal next year. 

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1 minute ago, ddub52 said:

Let's get this breakup over with. Rescind the tag and move on. 


lol, omg, Bruce loves people like this, the ones that are clueless. You can't rescind the tag! He signed it lol. It doesn't work that way.

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7 minutes ago, clskinsfan said:

I am actually happy about this. I was one of the few who wasnt ecstatic about the prospect of making Cousins the highest paid player in NFL history.  Lets see how Cousins does this year against a MUCH tougher schedule and with new weapons. If he can improve his TD%, INT% and actually make a play in the red zone I will be onboard for paying the man a monster deal next year. 


A much tougher schedule?...Isn't that what was said last year? lol

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Man, there are more nimrod, burgundy and gold glasses wearing, I'll-informed, know-nothing homers than I previously thought.


That was a terrible offer given the circumstances.  To make matters worse, Bruce who has a reputation for saving his own ass, puts out a statement carefully worded to satisfy the dummies and make his starting QB look greedy prior to the season.  He couldn't even take it on the chin for a few months and spill the beans later.  


Im not sure why I can't believe some of our fans are so naive and gullible as we do see it here.  But with the plethora of information that's out there, I just cannot fathom how folks are in here still eating Bruce's BS.

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One important thing here is, there seem to be some very misguided people saying "See, Kirk lied, this is about the money".


No, its not.  He gets the exact same over the next 2 years with both deals.  The money difference is almost non-existent.  So take a second to actually think about WHAT the difference in the options are.  Its in the freedom.  With option A, hes tied to the Redskins, and Bruce Allen, who we already know is a disaster.  If the Redskins play great, great.  If the franchise continues to be the disaster it looks like, hes stuck with it with NO options.  With option B, he gets to chose in 1-2 years.  If things go well, great, sign a LTD.  If things go poorly, great, find a real franchise.  The Redskins basically gave him $0 of incentive to chose to put his career at risk in a franchise that had already shown it didnt value him very highly, and couldnt keep out of the news for even an offseason.  Its not about money.


You know the other very interesting thing it shows us? A good franchise, a good negotiator, a good president makes employees feel valued and creates an environment where they dont WANT to be somewhere else. They paint a vision of a future that others WANT to be a part of. Somewhere Bruce Allen failed miserably at that, and has had to rely ONLY on money.  Which he offered $0 more of.

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4 minutes ago, RandyHolt said:


You nailed it. Our money is worthless to him.  Even numbers making him among the highest  paid / guaranteed number.


But the offer Bruce spoke of was not of the insulting low ball yard sale variety.

No, if our money was worthless to him he wouldn't have signed the FT. Our money is the only reason he stays.

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8 minutes ago, ConnSKINS26 said:


You can have $53 million guaranteed over 2 years or $53 million guaranteed over 4-5 years. Which do you prefer? It's not even close, even with the risk built into the first option (catastrophic injury or horrible play--neither of which Cousins is going to bank on). Players and agents only care about guarantees, not non-guaranteed salary.


That is how contracts for a franchise players are negotiated. This years tag + next years as fully guaranteed money. That wasn't a low ball offer, it was an offer based on the standard set for many years. That's what many ex GMs and ex agents have been saying all off-season.


The teams offer wasn't the problem. He just doesn't want to be here or he wants to test the market. Very simple.


I'm not absolving the team from blame. They've obviously mishandled the situation, but lets call a spade a spade.

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1 minute ago, ddub52 said:

Let's get this breakup over with. Rescind the tag and move on. 

Kirk signed it, so the team can't take it back. 


They can trade him, but the receiving team would have to create a contract that fits his 2017 salary number. 

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Just now, Califan007 said:


A much tougher schedule?...Isn't that what was said last year? lol


It was a tough schedule last year. And Kirk collapsed at the end of the season in it. This one is tougher for sure though. In all honesty I am just glad the drama is over. It is time to concentrate on the season now. 

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1 minute ago, Burgundy Yoda said:

I think you're missing the point

The point is he has enough confidence in himself to play year by year and take the max dollar value but not enough confidence in himself to be productive enough to see the duration of the contract which, the way so many see it, would be an absolute bargain in 4 years so why would we even entertain the notion of cutting him?

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6 minutes ago, lion said:


lol, omg, Bruce loves people like this, the ones that are clueless. You can't rescind the tag! He signed it lol. It doesn't work that way.

Lol, like omg, I thought it could be handled similarly to how the Panthers handled Norman. Lol! Hadn't realized it was already signed. But feel free to continue your Bruce bashing that has nothing to do with my statement lolol omg lol

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19 minutes ago, elkabong82 said:



But Kirk's side could have at least offered up a number. No response sucks. Kirk is taking a gamble though. If his season is pedestrian then those other QB's contracts will work against him. It will be viewed as him not deserving as much money as those guys. 


There's a way to go about discussing/revealing the Redskins offer, and it is NOT the way Allen just did it. The way his statement was worded was awful and classless. All he had to say was the team offered Kirk what they felt was a fair deal, but the two sides couldn't agree but both want to revisit it in the offseason. What he just said is the type of deflecting and backtabbing that makes people not want to work for you. Fire him. TODAY.


If Allen had used the term " fair deal ", there's no way he would have been given the benefit of the doubt by many of our fans and the media. but I completely agree with your first paragraph.

How much does Kirk want ? Like Allen said, I think Cousins is fine playing on one year deals for now, and he's being paid well, but it's a gamble.

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14 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:

Trade Kirk now.  If a deal with SF for Hoyer is possible do it.  A sweetener would be nice but an even up trade would improve the team by clearing the air and make the 2017 season more enjoyable.  I don't see anyway for the season to be pleasurable under the present circumstances.  


Snyder gets to pocket 20M, Kirk gets to move on, and the fan base gets to look forward.  Maybe Bruce's release is a precursor to a release.  As it stands now the fans have nothing to look forward to because after a good game or a good streak of games Cousins supporters like me are going to be as angry as pleased.  Every loss will be a source of justification for the Skins holding back but enjoying losses is a poor return.  There is no joy possible, 2017 is just going be a stink fest. 


I plan on enjoying the season as much or as little as any other. I don't think this affects the players or team nearly as much as it does the fans. My anticipation/enjoyment is affecting pretty much zero by to news of today. If KC kills it this year he WILL be back next year. 

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Just now, clskinsfan said:

53 million at signng and 72 Million injury guarantee and Cousins turned it down. You all can say it is Bruce or whoever. But for Cousins it most certainly WAS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.

No, I'm sure it has more to do with getting yanked around by this douchebag you worship.  And then maybe it has to do with the offer not being market, like every knowledgeable person has indicated.

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1 minute ago, ddub52 said:

I thought it could be handled similarly to how the Panthers handled Norman. Hadn't realized it was already signed. But feel free to continue your Bruce bashing that has nothing to do with my statement. 


How could you not realize he signed it? wtf. lol Pay attention, this is gonna be on the test. 

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6 minutes ago, RandyHolt said:


You nailed it. Our money is worthless to him.  Even numbers making him among the highest  paid / guaranteed number.


But the offer Bruce spoke of was not of the insulting low ball yard sale variety.

Tell me, if you made $100k a year with a company that gave you free range to work for another company if you liked them better, and someone walked up to you and said "Hey, if you sign this contract saying you will be locked into our company for the next 8 years, and we might just fire you next year, but for the priviledge we will pay you $100k this year", would you accept that generous offer?


No you wouldnt, stop pretending like he should either.

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