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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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18 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:




in 2016 Tulsi endorsed Bernie.  Think about that for a second. Her grift is pushing her to the right publicly because she knows that if she is positioning herself for a future run at public office, so she has started speaking in vague platitudes that  make her a "honorable" to Fox news viewers.  The problem is, as soon as she shows any public support for any remaining progressive policy all those conservatives will go back to hating the "evil Democrat."   Her long game isn't going to work, but she will probably make a lot of money from suckers.

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Just wait until 2023.  If you think it's crazy with the maga crazies now, wait until 2023.  The magas caucus will increase in significant size in the House. Frankly, there will be a maga congressman/woman in the GOP leadership in 23. Since the GOP will be in the majority in 23, maga will rise in prominence.  I do expect at least one maga nut winning a Senate seat, even if the Dems ultimately retain control of the Senate.

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Rep. Cawthorn seems to call for violent government overthrow on Twitter, humiliates himself instead


It’s been 25 years since the last mass shooting in Australia. Australia banned several weapons and put into place options, including a firearm “buyback” plan, to turn in weapons for amnesty. Australia decided: no more. As a result, this August, Australia celebrated their 25-year stretch of living without fear of a school shooting or other horrific large-scale attack. How does Madison Cawthorn respond?



Australians, and Americans in Australia, were left wondering: What the hell is this guy talking about? What he is talking about are new restrictions placed on Australian citizens to protect them from COVID. This seems to imply that if only Australian residents had guns, they would be eager to go to their government and start murdering people to overthrow their government. Now, it is rather odd to have a U.S. Representative indicate that the violent overthrow of a government—any government—is something they want to encourage, but here we are in 2021.


Australians, though, and others weren’t having any of this, at all.






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3 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

The gop plans to shutdown the government over vaccine mandates.


The House "Freedom Caucus" is pushing McConnel to shut down the government over mask mandates. It remains to be seen if the GOP as a whole, and in particular the Senate GOP, buy in.




it wouldn't surprise me at all, but you're getting a little carried away here. 



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Words kill. It's going to happen


Somebody is going to die.  That’s what is going to come of all the racist verbiage coming from the likes of Republicans Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar.  There is someone out there who cleans his guns on the dining room table and stores his ammunition on top of the refrigerator who is going to pick up his AR-15 or Glock and put a bullet in a Democratic congresswoman. 


Yes, a man with a gun is going to shoot a female Democratic politician.  It’s already happened.  Democratic Arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot in 2011 by Jared Lee Loughner, a deranged conspiracy theorist who had expressed his dislike for government and was a follower of an online message board called “Above Top Secret” which espoused conspiracy theories that the 9/11 attacks were a government set-up, and the American government was really a captive of the so-called “New World Order.”  Loughner shot Giffords through the head, wounded 18 other people at an outdoor event held by the Arizona congresswoman, and killed six others.


They’re out there.  In a country with some 400 million privately-owned firearms, they are heavily armed and they are susceptible to the kind of rhetoric and “jokes” being thrown around on far-right websites and by members of congress belonging to the Republican Party.  When a member of congress like Lauren Boebert makes a “joke” implying that Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is a Muslim terrorist, there are people sitting in their living rooms reading conservative websites like Newsmax or watching Fox News on TV who take them seriously.  When another Republican member of congress like Paul Gosar tweets a “joke” anime video depicting him using a sword to slash the head off Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacking President Biden, there are people on Twitter who don’t get the joke.  They think it’s a good idea.


A district office of Democratic Representative Debbie Dingell in Michigan was vandalized yesterday.  The front window was broken, and memorabilia belonging to Dingell were taken off the wall and smashed.  Dingell had gotten into a shouting match with Greene in September when the Georgia congresswoman disrupted an event Dingell was hosting on the Capitol steps after the House had passed a bill that would guarantee women the right to an abortion.  Greene yelled over Dingell’s attempts to address the press, shouting that abortion was “killing a baby” and “the border is wide open down there,” in an apparent reference to border crossings by undocumented immigrants seeking asylum.


Earlier today, Representative Nancy Mace, a Republican from South Carolina, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican of Georgia, got into a Twitter exchange after Mace criticized Boebert’s recent Islamophobic comments.  Greene called Mace a “RINO,” a Republican-in-name-only, to which Mace replied, “What I’m not is a religious bigot (or racist). You might want to try that over there in your little ‘league’.”  While hardly a liberal, Mace supported censuring Trump rather than impeaching him and recently voted with Democrats to hold former Trump aide Steve Bannon in contempt of congress for refusing a subpoena issued by the January 6 Select Committee.


Click on the link for the full article

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