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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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35 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

i feel like Tanya Harding could be an all American Hero here. Make up for ruining Nancy. Does Tanya live in Missouri? It seems like a place she would live. 

Also fitting is Tonya threw a hubcap at one of her boyfriend’s head one time. Surely a hubcap can be used on someone who is running either on or near streets. The perfect crime.


1. Have you seen "I, Tonya"? ****ing great movie, I can't get ANYONE else to watch it though.


2. Got high and forgot.


4 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


He needs someone who will help carry some segment that might not be motivated for him. Last time it was Pence for the Evangelicals. Now they sold out Pence for their new God. So, he needs something different. Who can he get that are uncertain right now? And from where? Is it moderate Republicans who want a VP who they think (wrongly) can keep him from going full-blown Authoritarian? because while they don't care about his culture wars, want old school GOP tax breaks? I don't know who would be the best runningmate. I don't think any of these people sucking up for it, will add more than he already has. 


I think he believes that he is winning in every facet of every demographic, I don't think he's going to pick the best either. Its going to be who sucks up the most and doesn't cause him damage. I can tell you one thing, Tim Scott will lose you the white vote and never gain you the black vote.

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16 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

Maybe they would have had a chance if they hadn't all RESIGNED from office.


They would have been primaried out same as the other GOP moderates have over the past two decades. More money to be made in the private sector as a former representative and far less headaches. See John Boehner and his venture into being a cannabis pitchman for example. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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13 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


They would have been primaried out same as the other GOP moderates have over the past two decades. More money to be made in the private sector as a former representative and far less headaches. See John Boehner and his venture into being a cannabis pitchman for example. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I kinda figured that, but I also felt some of them just got too scared over all the death threats, which in my opinion seems to come with the job these days. It's really the MAGA nut jobs that are in control, not Trump...there was even a report where Trump supposedly said he was scared of his MAGA followers.

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28 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

@Simmsy I Tonya was fantastic. Margot was awesome in that one! That’s when I realized she is a really good actress. 


I absolutely agree, I don't remember what movies I saw her in before, but I never took her seriously as an actress until I,Tonya. Perhaps I wasn't paying attention or maybe she didn't have any good roles until then. 

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1 hour ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

Too little, too late. The former Republican party has become the Trumpublican party. Maybe they would have had a chance if they hadn't all RESIGNED from office.


They could have pulled a "he was never a Republican, anyway", when he admitted to personally asking the head of a foreign country to make a contribution to his campaign, in front of 40 witnesses. 


Or even earlier, when he fired the head of the FBI for not promising to cover up the fact that Trump's campaign were conspiring with KGB 2.0. 


Fire Trump, and in 3 years President Pence is running as an incumbent. 

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1 hour ago, Larry said:

Fire Trump, and in 3 years President Pence is running as an incumbent. 

I specifically said I thought they’d do that


Obviously way wrong. Like can’t get more wrong. 

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26 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

Urologist Greg Murphy is a sycophant and a liar.  **** him with a rusty forceps.


He represents the NC coast. Lotta crazies out that way. Unfortunate cuz the beaches are kinda nice. Tho it's ****ty representatives like him as to why the water is unsafe at a lot of those beaches now. 😠

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^ yes, and then of course to Fox

“Richmond, VA – This morning on the John Fredericks Show, Hung Cao admitted that instead of using his super PAC’s money as he pledged to go to other Republican candidates running in 2023, he used the money to promote himself on cable TV. John Fredericks went after Cao, saying, “you took the money in, you didn’t give it out, and that’s just a matter of public record. Why?” 

The best answer Hung Cao could come up with was, “A lot of the money was reimbursed because you know, the cost to go to New York for Fox hits and stuff like that...” Cao said it: he used the money to promote himself on cable TV! Must be nice”

more at link



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