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Call Mueller to testify in front of Congress. Then move forward with impeachment. 




The Democratic leadership should move quickly on this. They've said numerous times they're the adults and that they can walk and chew gum at the same time. So prove it now.

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2 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Amused by the notion that the Dems should already have impeachment plans in place regarding the Mueller Report 48 hours after its release on Easter Weekend.  


How deep inside of the false-outrage media bubble does one have to be to say that with a straight face?


How about this...let’s reconvene after the holiday, get a hold of the unredacted report and have substantive, possibly contentious debate on the best approach going forward?


After all, at the end of the day that’s the main difference between the two parties.  One run a big tent full of different viewpoints and the other gets their marching orders from Jeanine Pirro and falls in line like the drones they are.


2 hours ago, Springfield said:


I think it's politically smart to not simply come out and yell "impeach" the day after the report drops.  What if they yell that but the report showed that Trump was completely innocent and there was not real obstruction (which some right leaning undecideds believe I'm sure).  I think that it's best to let public opinion form and then make a reaction based on that.  Let the people like AOC, who are already very opinionated (and fresh), start to push for impeachment to test the waters of public opinion.  Then, if it seems like a smart move politically, get the whole party together to push for impeachment.


Impeachment is a political tool.  We all know that Trump will not be removed from office.  They shouldn't impeach unless it will benefit them politically and part of that is gauging public interest.  If this board is an accurate representation of public opinion (which some may argue that it IS NOT), then you'd expect them to start pushing for impeachment soon.


Plus, congress doesn't even come back together until Monday, correct.  These reps are generally enjoying their vacation and being private at the moment.


Just my two cents.


I feel y’all, but I didn’t say yell impeach the moment the report drops. I said I want them to have some kind of concrete plan. Y’all can’t tell me what the Dems are thinking and to me that’s a problem. I should have known what the plan was depending on the circumstances weeks in advance and been able to put them out in the public once some leadership (now, obviously) was neesesary. There needs to be some unified messaging. There is none. 


Doesnt have ave to be impeach. if they really think we need to Subpoena everyone involved then why not have those prepared already? We knew months ago they wanted to talk to Muller...why are we will waiting for that plan? I understand it’s Easter weekend. I think this is more important, personally. I would have at least let the public know that we plan to talk to everyone quoted under oath again. I would have had SHS in there yesterday. 

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37 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I’m in the opposite camp. I would hope the adult leadership would take their time, absorb the actual report (not just the headlines or their preconceived assumptions of what might be in the report) and carefully consider their options. This is too important to do it off the cuff, and there are a lot of different things to consider and a lot of people that need to have input. I don’t see a ton of benefit to doing something quickly over doing it strategically.  Also, can we maybe not falsely equate the 72 hours since the report was released to 13 years?


Everyone needs to take a deep breath and remember that people thrive on twitter because their thoughts fit into 280 characters and often much less. 



Edit:  also, it “blows” you?  :ols:


What has this report changed exactly that they make sure everyone is clear on? It’s mostly a confirmation of exactly what we thought it was going to be over the last two years. And the response is see you after Easter? 


Is is it really asking to much to have a plan in advance just Incase the report is exactly what we think it is?


(it blows me, yes. Have you never heard the term or are you picking up the 4/20 thing?) 

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17 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


I disagree.  They had 2 years to brainstorm the top 5 likely outcomes and have a strategy for moving forward with each one.  Also, the Mueller report clearly makes the case for obstruction.  Them waiting shows a lack of ability to act quickly and decisively with an issue that is presented.  Not exactly a good quality in my opinion, especially for candidates for president. 


I’m mainly talking about Congress and specifically the House, not the candidates. It’s two totally different considerations, for sure.  None of the candidates are in the House, so, i agree, they should say something quicker because, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter in terms of impeachment actually happening or not. 


There is definitely room for disagreement here. What do you think is gained by doing it so quickly?  Just the optics of being viewed as decisive?  I see that POV, but again, would rather the decision be thoughtful and strategic, not fast. Frankly, from a purely political standpoint (which I don’t think is the only consideration) if they do it, better to do it closer to the election, not 20 months before. Kill a few months with hearings, keep it in the news, let it plague Trump for a good bit.  Let some of the other open matters being investigated by SDNY and others churn. Just my 2 cents. 

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25 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


I disagree.  They had 2 years to brainstorm the top 5 likely outcomes and have a strategy for moving forward with each one.  Also, the Mueller report clearly makes the case for obstruction.  Them waiting shows a lack of ability to act quickly and decisively with an issue that is presented.  Not exactly a good quality in my opinion, especially for candidates for president. 


Thats what I’m saying. This is exactly what they have all been expecting for the last 2 years at least. I think the better strategy was to be prepared for at least what they were expecting to happen. Especially when you knew for a week it was going to release on your Easter weekend if that’s your excuse. 

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14 minutes ago, Llevron said:


What has this report changed exactly that they make sure everyone is clear on? It’s mostly a confirmation of exactly what we thought it was going to be over the last two years. And the response is see you after Easter? 


Is is it really asking to much to have a plan in advance just Incase the report is exactly what we think it is?


(it blows me, yes. Have you never heard the term or are you picking up the 4/20 thing?) 


I’ve never heard that term used in this context. A news report sucks your ****?  Lol. Maybe blows you away?


Anyways, as noted above, I don’t see the advantage of rushing anything. The report was 400 pages long, and if they move to impeach and don’t have every detail locked down, it is going to look like a kangaroo court and backfire spectacularly, especially given Trump’s ability to get everyone to hold him to the lowest possible standard. You don’t go to court without having every single detail covered. Doing otherwise is reckless. As noted by @TryTheBeal!, Congress isn’t even in session. Everyone breathe. 


Edit:  there where a lot of thing in the report that surprised me. Off the top of my head, letting Don Jr and the rest off the hook because they broke the law, but didn’t realize they were doing so. 

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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21 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Thats what I’m saying. This is exactly what they have all been expecting for the last 2 years at least. I think the better strategy was to be prepared for at least what they were expecting to happen. Especially when you knew for a week it was going to release on your Easter weekend if that’s your excuse. 

Herding Cats.


They aren't a strong collected voice.


Personally, I wouldn't mention impeachment right now. If there is a way to focus on his private businesses and their interactions with foreign govs. That's what I'd do. Stop that flow of money. Fines. Lawsuits. Anything to bleed them dry my a thousand papercuts. His fear is people thinking he's poor/broke. 

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57 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Great Buzz demands action!!*


*Congress not in session until Monday.


Okay, that was pretty funny.  Jokes aside, the celebration of a zombie this weekend has stopped people from putting out a statement.


39 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I’m mainly talking about Congress and specifically the House, not the candidates. It’s two totally different considerations, for sure.  None of the candidates are in the House, so, i agree, they should say something quicker because, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter in terms of impeachment actually happening or not. 


There is definitely room for disagreement here. What do you think is gained by doing it so quickly?  Just the optics of being viewed as decisive?  I see that POV, but again, would rather the decision be thoughtful and strategic, not fast. Frankly, from a purely political standpoint (which I don’t think is the only consideration) if they do it, better to do it closer to the election, not 20 months before. Kill a few months with hearings, keep it in the news, let it plague Trump for a good bit.  Let some of the other open matters being investigated by SDNY and others churn. Just my 2 cents. 


What I'd like to hear is something along the line of "Over the last 2 years, we have been discussing possible outcomes of the report and what appropraite action would be to different outcomes.  Obviously we need to confer with our colleagues but based on what the Mueller report says, I believe it is time we do _________________."  (Personally it should be impeachment that fills that blank.)


***I'd also give props if one of them said "we need to not go home this weekend.  While time with family is important, we are literally talking about the fate of our nation here."

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Just because they might have a plan in place doesn’t mean they can implement it immediately.  That said, the more time they take the stronger the chances that people begin to accept the outcome of Trump getting away with all this with no punishment and think Congress are just wasting time.  


The report has sufficient material for impeachment, and there’s plenty of visible behavior and possibly criminal actions from him in person and on twitter to add to the feeling that he should go.


Congress should begin preparing the case for impeachment and publicly bringing in legal experts and witnesses as soon as possible (though schedules may slow things down).  


They need to make this look as apolitical as possible, so it would be helpful to have respected Republicans and independents that are supportive of impeachment come in and give their opinions.


In fact it would also be good for the Democrats leadership in Congress to say that they know this could hurt them politically, but it needs to happen for the good of the country.

Edited by visionary
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51 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Edit:  there where a lot of thing in the report that surprised me. Off the top of my head, letting Don Jr and the rest off the hook because they broke the law, but didn’t realize they were doing so. 


Yeah, I'd been assuming all along that, after getting people like Stone and Manafort to cut deals, the feces was really gonna hit the rotary circulation device when he did the same thing to Junior and Kush. 


Among other things, I was looking forward to watching Lawyer Rudy explaining on Fox that executive privilege cleary demands that POTUS be able to withhold conversations with people who don't need to divest themselves of Trump's businesses because they have no official government position. 


But more under the heading of things that were in the report, what was it, five subordinates who Trump tried to talk into obstructing justice for him, (since he got in trouble when he did it himself), and didn't?  (And those are just the ones who told Mueller about it.)


And that getting out has just got to really burn Trump. Surprised we're not seeing lots more rage. They got him on Good Meds?  

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I’m pretty much where @visionary is. I hope and expect them ti do something. I just want them to do it with a thoughtful plan in place for maximum impact, not do it quick and dirty. I know the visceral reaction for most people is let’s hurry up and nail Trump’s ****ing ass to the wall, it’s mine too, but there is a fairly small window to do this right so it looks appropriate and not like overreach. Again, Trump has this crazy talent for claiming victimhood, despite his actual station in life. There is a lot of potential downside here, which warrants caution. 

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Now there are potential issues, such as we don’t know for certain what Mueller or others will say if brought in.  And there could be some sort of crisis that could divert everyone’s attention or improve Trump’s standing (less likely).  But they need to think these things through and prepare for various outcomes and problems.  In the meantime they also have to keep getting the message out, without annoying people or making people exhausted from the messaging.  Though people becoming exhausted from Trump and his corruption and behavior is not exactly a bad thing.

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1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


I disagree.  They had 2 years to brainstorm the top 5 likely outcomes and have a strategy for moving forward with each one.  Also, the Mueller report clearly makes the case for obstruction.  Them waiting shows a lack of ability to act quickly and decisively with an issue that is presented.  Not exactly a good quality in my opinion, especially for candidates for president. 

My G, you just told us you were shook to call your Congress members to voice your displeasure.

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22 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:




What sort of things did he need bipartisan support for in tackling the Russian interference, the annexation of Crimea, and Russians support of a dictator in syria, that he did not get? I don't think he brought anything to the table till after the election. Trump JR didn't report it, but the Mueller report makes it very clear that Obama knew about it.  Obama is dirty. Or at least, to quote @BenningRoadSkin "****footing around.. you have to exert power.. democratic leadership didn't do it. Its cowardice"..


That doesn't at all make Trump "clean". He is a liar.  And he should be impeached for it.



22 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:



Edited by RedskinsFan44
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