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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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2 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


How much are you getting paid for this? I hope who or whatever convinced you to come here and do whatever it is you're doing ( I honestly haven't read any of it) at least gave you a free t shirt

More common man,childish ignorance. Is anyone capable of stepping outside  their mental box?  Any actual adults who don't think with their emotions?

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7 minutes ago, thinwhiteduke said:

Mocking me about meme's makes  him the least  intelligent  from the get go. Are you people  adults or not? You cant handle the slightest disagreement without acting like Bully teen agers.

As I’ve explained, you’re a nut and your positions are idiotic. It would be unintelligent to pretend like having a conversation with you could be a worthwhile use of time. It would be better to have a conversation with a windshield wiper or oscillating fan.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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47 minutes ago, thinwhiteduke said:

But youre supposed to be the intelligent, college educated one in all this ,yes? Mocking views you don't get, make you the smart one? You have a logic discussion with meme's ? And you think  you're the smart one? Rather childish


I like childish.  My childhood was a long time ago - I want to relive it.  


I also like the idea of "mocking views I don't get," especially when I have seen them a hundred times before.  

Edited by Predicto
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2 hours ago, Bang said:

I went to a clown pound once.

Scarred me for a long time.



Maybe one day when i am in a proper.. uh, frame of mind.



I'm working extra hard to get to that frame of mind.  :silly:  These last couple pages are way off topic, but extremely entertaining.  I think the mods are even groovin' to it. :headbang:

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57 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

As I’ve explained, you’re a nut and your positions are idiotic. It would be unintelligent to pretend like having a conversation with you could be a worthwhile use of time. It would be better to have a conversation with a windshield wiper or oscillating fan.


Honestly ,there's

 Nothing idiotic about my world view. You just never dealt with it before.

 One day you'll see more then two sides.

At some point you'll start noticing how redundant tv/news etc. Is and that it's not a just a mistake/coincidence 

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4 hours ago, thinwhiteduke said:


How smart can you be if you are needing to pay thousands of dollars when you can just read a book at home? Going into debt makes you smarter? All you did was listen to a teacher ,then you repeated back what they told you..then they call you smart. Wow,that makes you smart now? It just makes you a more well read worker bee. 

That's what you think higher education is?


Either you went to a horrible school or you never went. In either case, part of the reason you are getting the responses you are getting is because you are not supporting any of your arguments. You are merely complaining. If you have some meat, reason, rationale behind your arguments you ought to share them and you would probably get a better response. Now, you'll probably get some snark too, but it will at least be respectful snark.


Shouting, "They're all the same!" and expecting a moment of light bulbs going off, agreement, and euphoria is a bit much esp. as it isn't remotely true. It's just too simple-minded a statement to be true. Life is more complex than a single sentence.


Anyway, I hope you will expand your horizons. There is much to be frustrated with and complain about in society and government, but in order to illicit change or incite dialogue you need to do more than toss a grenade and duck. Anyone can complain. It's the easiest and most useless thing in the world to do.


Okay, that last sentence is not true. Complaining helps us identify problems so it does have some utility, but it's value is quite limited.

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40 minutes ago, thinwhiteduke said:


You just never dealt with it before.



You know what they say about assumptions.


They make you look dumb as ****.

What else have i never dealt with? I'd love to know.


here's something you apparently never dealt with., The ability to shut your yap and learn about anyone before you go making grand pronouncements abot who they are, what they know, and what they've dealt with.


seriously, the conspiracy theories are tiresome, and this nifty little stuff you believe is absolutely nothing new. 


And, honestly, to believe that because a person might disagree with your view certainly does not imply anything about where they get information, or how they came to the conclusions about your world view. (or how long ago. )

Based on what you have written, I think your world view is ridiculously overly paranoid...  HOWEVER, i can see that there are people trying to implement sort of what you say is already in place, and one is in the white house, and one is in the Kremlin, and there is nothing paranoid about noticing oligarchs are making a big push to take over the world.

But there isn't any secret to that. 

But that doesn't mean there aren't people who notice and try to use the system to change it. I don't know about you, but revolution is past my bones, and anarchists are usually pie-in-the-sky morons who never get anything accomplished, and if they do, are never prepared for the result of what they bring about by their 'beliefs'. ****  How many people "occupied" wall street to demand drastic change a few years ago? Great idea,, biggest result was a huge buildup of garbage and waste, and not much else. Nothing worked because as usual, the crusaders don't know what the **** to do, tried to use a dreamy little thinker's method of governing themselves and couldn't even make a decision as to whether wiping their own ass would be a good idea. 
Bonus question: 49% of our country didn't bother to vote in 2016, and now we have a fascist in the White House taking orders from the gangster in Moscow. How many of those "It's all a sham" people do you think were among them?  That may have made a change, and "both the same"... i don't think we'd have the same situation right now if Donald Trump wasn't sitting in the Oval Office.


Throughout history despots and dictators have relied on several types of people to be able to assume power. The zealots who don't care, the uneducated who don't understand, and the crusaders who tilt at windmills and further distort reality.

So, yeah, i've heard it before, and so has most everyone here. You can take the initiative and read the 1000 or so pages of this or any other current events thread and find out who you're dealing with, or you could make the assumptions you keep making and get nowhere.

To which i am sure you are quite accustomed.


By the by.. nothing personal. I'll be glad to talk with you on most any subject. But this is silly.



Edited by Bang
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My husband's favorite person to ever walk the Earth is Bowie. And dude sounds just like him lately. If I didn't know for an absolute fact that he wouldn't EVER participate in anything on a site that isn't HTTPS (and tries to fight about me doing so daily for years now), I'd think it's him. He's "Watching the Hawks"...the show on RT right now with Jesse Ventura's son and Oliver Stone's son.

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5 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

To be fair, Ken was an InfoWars/Andrew Wakefield guy.


We have reached next level woke zen with thinwhiteduke.

Yeah, I ain't be about no infowars lol.



OK, ok, I'm sorry. Sheesh, didn't expect this to be like a match in a California forrest. At least the site seems active :)

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3 minutes ago, thinwhiteduke said:

Yeah, I ain't be about no infowars.com lol.



OK, ok, I'm sorry. Sheesh, didn'



frankly, i am enjoying imagining that when your thumbs press the wrong key on the mobile version of the site that you are blinking out of existence for a few minutes.



Hell. You might be.  I mean, we are open to anything. Who knows what the overlords are capable of doing with these spy devices they have gotten us hooked on. 



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Can we... not do this (as entertaining as it is) in the thread about Mueller news, blatant publically annouced felonies, and dreams about treason charges?


Am I like 6 pages too late for that suggestion? Playing catch up here.

Edited by skinsfan_1215
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1 minute ago, Bang said:



frankly, i am enjoying imagining that when your thumbs press the wrong key on the mobile version of the site that you are blinking out of existence for a few minutes.



It's my index finger...and I think it has something to do with  the so and so has responded, black bars that pop up while typing

13 minutes ago, Predicto said:


I knew Ken. Ken was a friend of mine.


Senator, you're no Ken.


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2 minutes ago, thinwhiteduke said:

Yeah ok, I don't know that I started off wrong but I let it get out if hand. I went a little  far. Sorry. 

 Sheesh whiz


Back to your moose


Don't despair,, you aren't the first to come in here swinging haymakers. We're a forgiving bunch, and we won't even force you to come off your beliefs. It'll be fun to have them around actually. they may get dismissed or even laughed at from time to time, but hey, the only way to change is persistence.



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6 minutes ago, Bang said:



frankly, i am enjoying imagining that when your thumbs press the wrong key on the mobile version of the site that you are blinking out of existence for a few minutes.



Hell. You might be.  I mean, we are open to anything. Who knows what the overlords are capable of doing with these spy devices they have gotten us hooked on. 



It's no secret  that everything in  your house is a homing device now. 

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