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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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4 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

If he would lie about who was there, maybe he would lie about what was discussed.

Ya think?!


I cannot fathom why everyone seems to accept that the meeting bore no fruit just because the three untrustworthy treasonous illegitimate fatherless sons (apparently the synonym is banned) who attended say so!


Oh and headlines much?! Come on NBC this meeting wasn't JUST with Jr...Kushner (STILL part of the Administration) AND Manafort were both there two! STOP fucusing on Jr that'll just make it easier to have him serve as the patsy.

Edited by AsburySkinsFan
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16 hours ago, dfitzo53 said:

Your post made me think...I wonder if we need a new term like anti-liberal.


I don't think a true diehard conservative would actually support Trump in any way.  If we consider conservative in a positive light, these are people who hold strong to their values (often religion-inspired, though not always) and prize things like fiscal responsibility, personal honor, small government, (real) homeland security, responsible gun ownership and a strong desire to defend the value of what it means to be an American.


Some of those values overlap with what we'd currently call a liberal and some of them don't, but none of them are, in and of themselves, bad.  More importantly, almost none of them overlap with what people could honestly say about Trump.  He doesn't have a core set of (traditionally positive) values that guide him, isn't a man of his word, isn't fiscally responsible and isn't interested in actual homeland security or preserving the value of the American reputation.


As such, I don't see people who will stand by them as being diehard conservatives, I see them as being diehard anti-liberals.  They are so scared of what the word liberal implies about a person that having Trump is seen as better than having a liberal in office, despite the nearly objective falsehood of that view.


I think you hit the nail on the head. I do believe it's more anti liberalism rather than just being a conservative. 

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1 minute ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

This is funny, because the Trump's will then claim that they were the unwitting pawns in a Russian plot...all while gleefully jumping at tbe opportunity for assistance from the Russian government.

And Charles Krauthammer's new op-ed is titled, "Bungled Collusion is Still Collusion". (true)

Linking the money laundering to it...Mueller's probably doin' his best Linda Blair impression on a daily basis.:hi: 

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1 minute ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

This is funny, because the Trump's will then claim that they were the unwitting pawns in a Russian plot...all while gleefully jumping at tbe opportunity for assistance from the Russian government.

He'd have to take a hit to his ego and I have a hard time seeing Trump admit he's an idiot. He wants us all to think he's a genius 

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52 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

does anyone else think the russian lawyer is kinda hot


Maybe in her heyday.

40 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

This is funny, because the Trump's will then claim that they were the unwitting pawns in a Russian plot...all while gleefully jumping at tbe opportunity for assistance from the Russian government.


Wasn't it Brennan who was in front of Congress saying folks may be pawns for the Russians and not even know it?  That doesnt apply here, cuz Jr knew what he was doing, but the unwitting pawn excuse would make them look almost as terrible.

Edited by justice98
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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:


Seriously, who else was at this meeting?











Hell, that's more true now than ever.  In the 80's Gorbachev might have let you go; nowadays Putin WILL have you killed.

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We were just talking about that yesterday, I think. They have the audio. Cant deny it. But i didn't realize it was that close in time. Hell, what are the chances that not only did they get something out of that meeting. But that they got damn near everything from that meeting? 



I swear if this wasn't real life this would make for a great TV series. Eat it, house of cards. 

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21 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:











Hell, that's more true now than ever.  In the 80's Gorbachev might have let you go; nowadays Putin WILL have you killed.




This is arguably the single most important point in looking at Russia, there is no "then but now", that's horse****, there never really was a change on a fundamental level. They have lied and gamed and leveraged at times to get oil markets and spin the livelong day but at heart they are the same dangerously corrupt SOBs that we faced in the 50s or 60s or beyond.


TBH it pains me, the everyday Russian people are amazing at times, incredibly warm and loving and they deserve so much better, but better for them isn't going to come from some criminals at the top of their government or ours conspiring together, any more than we will see any "better" out of it. I kinda see it like Iowans, salt of the earth plain folks with huge hearts and so many positive qualities that turn around and send a King or a Grassley to DC.



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3 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

I can't wait to see Mueller's timeline with all of these events plotted with campaign discussions/speeches and surrounding events. One or two could be coincidental or circumstantial but these just keep stacking up. Occam's Razor ya'll


I would pay to see that as well. Thinking about making my own to go next to a game a thrones one my GF wants to make. Why not lol. 


I am noticing alot of events taking place right after this meeting where they say they got nothing. No way did they walk away with nothing. And if they did somehow, they totally didnt expect to. 

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