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pft.com bruce Allen won’t let Scot McCloughan talk to media


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3 minutes ago, Peregrine said:

So there are two ways this could be. One, Scotty Mac really is out in Washington, in which case him and the Redskins saying it's a family matter is bizarre. Or two, another family member died, in which case Russel should be run out of town.


Scot M specifically told Jones it was his grandmother though.

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1 minute ago, onedrop said:

Dan Steinberg is a ****ing  asshole. Seriously?  tweeting an old lady's obituary like click bait? Scumbag. Whatever may happen with this team or its employees is one thing but that was a real person that meant a lot to her family. she shouldn't be used as a prop in a silly ass online football discussion. Anyone reposting it here should go look in the mirror and imagine how you'd feel if it was your grandmother. Jesus, I'd say it's just a game but it's the freaking off season. We have reached a new low. 


Her grandson brought her into this on the record to a reporter when he is supposed to be silent. The blame falls squarely on Scot.

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2 minutes ago, Hail2theSkins24 said:


 Get your head out of the sand and wake up. Scot is done with WAS


Us potentially finding that out in the last few minutes has nothing to do with your knee jerk post about Snyder. We have no idea what's going on right now.

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13 minutes ago, thesubmittedone said:

Guys, I'd advise to just let this play out. It's pretty much as close as you can get to crossing a line to speculate about these things. 


I just want Russel to friggin elaborate. Waiting on that. 


He did elaborate.

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1 minute ago, zoony said:

Im not sure why any rational person would dismiss Chris Russells comments at this point.  Not saying you have to believe, but vehemently deny?  What Team are you used to watching again?


I will say, if his grandmother was laid to rest on the 13TH, I find it incredibly odd that he wouldnt be at yhe scouting combine.  Maybe Cooley is right.  Ugh, lets wait and see i guess

Team says family matters

Mike Jones talks to him and says death in the family


Chris russell says he was sent home. People find obit of grandma from a month ago. Chris russell goes on rant about him being out and Doug Williams taking over.


It is way more plausible that there was another death in the family, or there have been serious problems with estate planning and he had to go deal with it (I just watched this happen for a year, I know how bad it can get)


Chris russell is a troll. I'm just refusing to fall for it.


Give me another source. Anyone other than him.

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1 minute ago, SoCalSkins said:


Her grandson brought her into this on the record to a reporter when he is supposed to be silent. The blame falls squarely on Scot.

Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy. 


I was right, I was right.....look heres a dated obituary of a little old lady as proof I was right in was right....


You must be so proud.

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8 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:


Do you feel better having typed that?


I'd imagine you are on a short list of folks that doesn't smell smoke here.  Our GM that lives for the combine and the draft is not at the combine, making arrangements for his grandmothers funeral that died over 3 weeks ago.  You would really be surprised if that's not entirely true and there is more to it than that? 


Im not sure what it is with some of you folks and this belief that those of us who are skeptical of the organization enjoy the drama.  I'd much prefer to read tweets about how Scott is eating, sleeping and breathing the combine and draft, interviewing every d lineman and safety he can, etc.  Forgive me if it comes out he's not there, following the "rumors" floating around the past couple weeks.  




You posted what you posted before the date of his grandmother's death was made known.


If all of this is about nothing, I'm really interested in seeing your comments then.

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23 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

If you guys are buying the expected passing of his ailing grandmother on February 6th as a valid excuse to miss the combine in March,you are seriously drinking the kool aid. 


Agreed.  She was a hundred years old.  While I am sure he will mourn her, the idea that a grown-ass man takes a month vacation from his job because of a dead grandmother is just nonsense.


106.7 reported that the Redskins front office is now being run by Allen, Scott Campbell, Gruden, and Doug Williams.  Two of those aren't even football guys, and Gruden is a young head coach who is not exactly known as a personnel guru.

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Reporting live on air, Russell stated president Bruce Allen, coach Jay Gruden, scouts Alex Santos and Scott Campbell, and personnel executive Doug Williams are now running the team. Russell also reported Williams has taken on an "increased role" in the organization, likely at McCloughan's expense. McCloughan now "has nothing to do with anything and has not for a very long time," according to Russell. McCloughan is allegedly missing the Combine due to the passing of his 100-year-old grandmother. Online records show that McCloughan's grandmother passed away on February 6. The funeral occurred on February 13, and the woman was laid to rest the next day

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4 minutes ago, tshile said:

Team says family matters

Mike Jones talks to him and says death in the family


Chris russell says he was sent home. People find obit of grandma from a month ago. Chris russell goes on rant about him being out and Doug Williams taking over.


It is way more plausible that there was another death in the family, or there have been serious problems with estate planning and he had to go deal with it (I just watched this happen for a year, I know how bad it can get)


Chris russell is a troll. I'm just refusing to fall for it.


Give me another source. Anyone other than him.


There is other smoke


The OP in this thread

Cooleys diatribe and subsequent team silence

SMs history of alcoholism, and the fact he was still drinking when he was hired, though he claimed it was "under control"


Im going to wait to see how this plays out.  None if us know anything.  My only point is I just dont know how any rational person vehemently denies anything.  Standing by that

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Chris Russell of 106.7 The Fan in D.C. reports Redskins GM Scot McCloughan has lost all power in the organization.

Reporting live on air, Russell stated president Bruce Allen, coach Jay Gruden, and scouts Alex Santos and Scott Campbell, and personnel executive Doug Williams are now running the team. McCloughan "has nothing to do with anything and has not for a very long time," according to Russell. McCloughan allegedly has been setting up the funeral for his grandmother. Online records show that McCloughan's 100-year-old grandmother passed away on February 6. The funeral occurred on February 13, and the woman was buried the next day.

I certainly wish you all the best of luck. This situation sure looks messy.

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18 minutes ago, onedrop said:

That wasn't the point and everyone reading this knows it. Nice attempt at deflection though. Now I'm not one to make light of someone's debate skills but that last post smells dead.....see how that works? Just because you claim not to do something doesn't make doing it the very next sentence OK. The man's family member passed, just admit jumping the gun and move on. No need to carry on to save face or some such foolishness. Be better than that, at least when a person's family is involved. 

Clearly I meant to say combine instead of draft.  You caught it, do you want a cookie or something?


The point still stands that it's certainly out of the norm for a GM like Scott to miss the combine.  I honestly can't believe some of you don't think this is sketchy.  

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FWIW Brian McNally is reporting that Scot is personally denying the report.  Twitter is refusing to come up on my computer so no link but people can find him. (I see PigskinRedskin got it)


I just don't know right now, gonna have to wait and see.


I will say, handling the passing of a loved one can take over a month to resolve.  Situations differ widely.  Some family might fly in for the funeral and then fly out, others might spend lots of time unraveling the legal aspects of the estate.  Depends on a lot of factors.  Sure, it's unusual for someone like a GM to miss so much time at such an important point in time, but it's not impossible, and might not even be improbable.

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1 minute ago, RedskinsMayne said:

onedrop, it's a reports duty to call bull****. Obits are public record....

Good lord, no kidding they are public. The point is family, alive or dead, has always been off limits. Have YOU ever seen such before? The poor woman didn't ask to be paraded around the internet post mortem so we could debate the state of a football teams front office. And reporters can gtfo, they haven't cared about any duty for years, this has not a damn thing to do with "journalism".

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