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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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 I guess I'm just amazed at the amount of "palace intrigue" with this administration.  I assume there were always struggles for control and influence in previous administrations, but these guys seem to relish in the fact that it's all happening in public view. I wonder how much of it is truly for show and how much of it is just a lack of control in leadership by Trump. If these accounts are indeed true then his house is divided. It just reminds me of some second rate and political drama.

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21 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

 I guess I'm just amazed at the amount of "palace intrigue" with this administration.  I assume there were always struggles for control and influence in previous administrations, but these guys seem to relish in the fact that it's all happening in public view. I wonder how much of it is truly for show and how much of it is just a lack of control in leadership by Trump. If these accounts are indeed true then his house is divided. It just reminds me of some second rate and political drama.

In previous administrations, you'd have one power center, and almost always that was the President.  Maybe under W it was him and Cheney but they were in concert.


Here though, Trump is a weak central pillar, he can be swayed which leads to other power centers developing.


The big ones, I think, are Kushner, Bannon and the alt-right, and Pence.


Kushner and Bannon are at odds because Kushner is Jewish and Bannon is not interested in advancing Israel's interests. (This, btw is an extremely polite way of putting it)


Bannon and Pence are at odds because a lot of the Bannon wing is in bed with Russia.  Pence sees himself as the heir apparent when the house of cards comes down, but he has to avoid being tainted, while Bannon sees Pence as a potential usurper.  Bannon knows the alt-right (which seeks to create a white supremecist state and to that end has allied with Russia) would lose a lot of influence under Pence.  Pence isn't the best dude in the world, but he is far from what Bannon is.


Pence and Kushner are in a tenuous alliance against Bannon, but are ultimately at odds.  Kushner is for Trump, without Trump greasing Kushner's way into positions of power, Kushner is nothing (and Kushner owes way too many people way too much money to be "nothing" and have no way to "pay back" his investors; see: Infrastructure plan).  Pence is for Pence, eventually.  When the indictments come down, whether they hit Trump directly or not, Pence will slip into coup-mode.


But for the time being they're allies.

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