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Standing during the Pledge or National Anthem


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16 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I'm 100% in favor of a person's right to protest, but the NFL is a business.  They are not catering to right or left, they are trying to keep as many people on both sides happy as they can.  If they say "you must be on the field and you cannot kneel" then the left (including me) is pissed.  If they allow people to kneel, then the right is pissed.  This is a pretty decent compromise position and, again, the NFL is a business trying to make money.  And, if players come out and protest anyways, more power to those players (and the NFL can fine them some minor amount and keep the right happy without significantly harming that player's life).  



I certainly hope it doesn't stop them.  It just gives the NFL the perception of neutrality.   


Being neutral on something like the number of unarmed black men getting killed by police when the majority of your players are black is NOT a good idea.


And this in not neutral, this attempts to neuter any attempt to protest on that issue they way they were.  We have companies making changes in regards to gun sales, NBA took the All-Star game from Charlotte because of the bathroom bill. Some businesses take the risk of being on the right side of history, NFL clearly doesn't give a ****.


One way or another, someone was going to get upset, but they didn't pick the "right side", they picked the one that interferes with their money the least.  

16 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

I know hundreds of conservatives, only 2 stopped watching NFL over it. 

I know more then two, its very real.

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8 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


Being neutral on something like the number of unarmed black men getting killed by police when the majority of your players are black is NOT a good idea.


And this in not neutral, this attempts to neuter any attempt to protest on that issue they way they were.  We have companies making changes in regards to gun sales, NBA took the All-Star game from Charlotte because of the bathroom bill. Some businesses take the risk of being on the right side of history, NFL clearly doesn't give a ****.


One way or another, someone was going to get upset, but they didn't pick the "right side", they picked the one that interferes with their money the least.  



Then I guess it's time to turn off the NFL if you feel that strongly.  

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3 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Then I guess it's time to turn off the NFL if you feel that strongly.  


No, if NFLPA is already putting them on blast, this isn't over.

10 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


this is another part that bothered me. It implies that those that knelt were disrespecting the flag and the country or that anyone that stays in the locker room is doing so because they can't or won't respect the flag. 


This policy is bull****

Exactly, its throwing them under the bus instead of helping to address the issue they are protesting about.  To me, that says NFL doesn't care about that issue at all, not that they didn't want to get in the middle of it.  They are in the middle of it whether they like it or not.

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Just now, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Well they don't care or a give a **** about the concerns of their black players. They showed it last year and they are showing it now


Their mentality is the negros should just shut up and perform. The Tecans owner proved that last year, I have no idea how he got away with that BS unscathed. 

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The NFL doesnt have to give a ****.  That's the bottom line.  This is the best solution for them.  If players dont want to accept it I guess they dont have to play.  Fans dont have to watch.  But this is a direct response to the blowback they (the NFL) got when they didnt address the issue last year to the satisfaction of their sponsors and fans.

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33 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

I hope a Skins player kneels and the league forces Snyder to sell the team.


A man can dream..........


32 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

What if its to somebody worse? There's always somebody worse... maybe somebody in the White House.

I don't know about somebody worse. Unless the Irsays has some distant cousin laying around somewhere.



As far as the subject at hand, I okay with the policy. Players did not start being out for the N.A. until after 9-11. The tradition is not that old therefore they can hang in the locker room. 

Let's just get back to football!!!!

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7 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Then I guess it's time to turn off the NFL if you feel that strongly.  

Our American desire for entertainment is rivaled only by the Roman Colosseum, or at least I think that sometimes.

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26 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

One way or another, someone was going to get upset, but they didn't pick the "right side", they picked the one that interferes with their money the least.  


Hate to break it to you but that’s how most entities with money make decisions. 



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4 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

The NFL doesnt have to give a ****.  That's the bottom line.  This is the best solution for them.  If players dont want to accept it I guess they dont have to play.  Fans dont have to watch.  But this is a direct response to the blowback they (the NFL) got when they didnt address the issue last year to the satisfaction of their sponsors and fans.


This is exactly right.  This policy is aimed at being a compromise position that, while maybe it doesn't make anyone totally happy, it also probably won't piss off anyone enough that they will turn the NFL off completely.  I agree with everyone saying that the NFL doesn't really care about the societal issues at the core of this problem.  I'm just not sure it's the NFL's role to lead in that area....ultimately the league is owned by a bunch of rich white assholes; I don't want or need them to be thought leaders, just ****ing figure out what a catch is and get rid of Chris Collinsworth.   

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25 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


this is another part that bothered me. It implies that those that knelt were disrespecting the flag and the country or that anyone that stays in the locker room is doing so because they can't or won't respect the flag. 


This policy is bull****


Its why picking anything to do with the anthem or flag as your platform to protest is silly. 


You instantly offend around half the audience and there’s no chance to fix that. 


It doesn’t matter if you’re correct, what your intentions are or what you’ve said. Turning off half your audience permanently at the start of your protest is counter productive. 


The fact that majority of the people you’re trying to reach are in that half (liberals don’t need convincing of the issue...) makes it dumb and poorly thought out. 

@PleaseBlitz my god they need to get rid of Collinsworth. I with someone would hit him with a 2x4 every time he opens his mouth. 

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7 minutes ago, tshile said:


Hate to break it to you but that’s how most entities with money make decisions. 



It's nothing new to me, its getting old.  As the largest sports organization in the country, this response was pathetic at best.  It looks like NFL didn't even talk to NFLPA about their intentions to do this, and likely to make sure they couldn't get in the way. Goddell knows he was dead wrong for this, NFLPA never would've signed off on this.

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If the NFL wanted to compromise, they could have just stopped the whole national anthem charade entirely or left all players in the locker room for it. This policy does nothing but let the NFL endorse the idea that those who kneel or stay in the locker room are disrespectful.  


Keep everybody in the locker room and then allow press conferences or work with the NFLPA to find ways to support the players and what they are kneeling for. 


But no, let's make a policy that purposely smears those that choose to protest so we can please our racist owners and a large part of our racist redneck demographic that doesn't want to hear about black people. 

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1 minute ago, Renegade7 said:

It's nothing new to me, its getting old.  As the largest sports organization in the country, this response was pathetic at best.  It looks like NFL didn't even talk to NFLPA about their intentions to do this, and likely to make sure they couldn't get in the way. Goddell knows he was dead wrong for this, NFLPA never would've signed off on this.


The owners don’t give two craps about the nfl pa either. 


The nfl pa has been worked over in every negotiation im aware of. So this idea that their input matters seems laughable to me. They’ve been a joke. 

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Just now, tshile said:


The owners don’t give two craps about the nfl pa either. 


The nfl pa has been worked over in every negotiation im aware of. So this idea that their input matters seems laughable to me. They’ve been a joke. 


That doesn't make this any better.  

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1 minute ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Why are they more important than players that want to kneel?

Because standing for the anthem doesnt piss off a large percentage of the people the NFL relies on for revenue.

It's not about race.  It's about money.

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18 minutes ago, spjunkies said:


Their mentality is the negros should just shut up and perform. The Tecans owner proved that last year, I have no idea how he got away with that BS unscathed. 




This is the ownership wanting to snap their fingers and have their negro employees do a little jig for them without having a mind of their own. Whether you agree with what the players were doing or not, the mentality of this decision is ****ing gross and everyone behind it should be ashamed of themselves.


Of course the NFLPA wouldn't sign off on this garbage. 

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Just now, Renegade7 said:


That doesn't make this any better.  


You want them to care about an issue outside of their business. They don’t. 


When they let it go on they were obviously affected - either the owners personally, or the business financially. 


Stop watching and do your own protest.  They are not obligated to oblige you.


they chase the money. So protest and see if there’s enough of you that care so much to cause the change. 

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2 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

The NFL is a steaming pile of **** and I am increasingly happy about my decision to never watch a single game again.


I'm just switching entirely to streams and refuse to buy any gear. I've been on merch strike with the Skins since Scot was unceremoniously removed to soothe Bruce Allen's ego. 

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