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40 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

Reading your post, you do not know what "whitesplain" means, friend.

Of course I dont!  By the very definition of "whitesplain", a white person like myself is incapable of understanding anything that has to do with race, racism, struggle or inequality. We must rely on POC to tell us how we are supposed to feel, think, act and react in regards to all things race relations. 

^^ this is my satire response to anyone who uses terms like "whitesplain". I think its funny, sad, hypocritical and a result of a shallow approach. All it does is feed the "outraged white america" to use terms like "blacksplain" or "blacktears" .. like I said, Im not interested in elementary school playground name calling. I dont give those 2 polar opposites any thought or consideration. (Of course, me as white person telling POC how, where and when they should protest as to not inconvenience my fragile whiteness is part definition of "whitesplain" .. as best I can understand.)

Benning - I like you as as a poster on here and think you are honest and open. What would you do and how do you think you would feel if you were white (assuming youre a POC)?  If I was a POC I think I would be on the front lines with my black fist raised wearing my best suit in polished shoes. 

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56 minutes ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:

Of course I dont!  By the very definition of "whitesplain", a white person like myself is incapable of understanding anything that has to do with race, racism, struggle or inequality. We must rely on POC to tell us how we are supposed to feel, think, act and react in regards to all things race relations. 

^^ this is my satire response to anyone who uses terms like "whitesplain". I think its funny, sad, hypocritical and a result of a shallow approach. All it does is feed the "outraged white america" to use terms like "blacksplain" or "blacktears" .. like I said, Im not interested in elementary school playground name calling. I dont give those 2 polar opposites any thought or consideration. (Of course, me as white person telling POC how, where and when they should protest as to not inconvenience my fragile whiteness is part definition of "whitesplain" .. as best I can understand.)

Benning - I like you as as a poster on here and think you are honest and open. What would you do and how do you think you would feel if you were white (assuming youre a POC)?  If I was a POC I think I would be on the front lines with my black fist raised wearing my best suit in polished shoes. 

its not really name calling tho. And I dont know if all white people have or don't understand race, racism, etc.

The term, from how I understand it, is more about white person (or a person with privilege) telling a person of color how they should feel about a racial issue. Or mansplaining, when men do it to women.

If you are not interested in that, then don't do it and recognize your privilege.


I like you as a poster as well Mr. Pink. I have no idea how to answer your question. I just want people to recognize their biases, their privileges, and help reach true equality. A lot of people are not interested in that.

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I think most people want equality. Even more than that they want recognition. 

I would dare to say that most people...have no idea what they are even debating on. 

I would dare to say that most people... have good friends of a different race,background,religion,economic situation, and even sexuality. 

It's sad to see that, too many people...don't or won't recognize that their own views and mainly behavior...stunts growth within many of these things. 

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1 hour ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:

Of course I dont!  By the very definition of "whitesplain", a white person like myself is incapable of understanding anything that has to do with race, racism, struggle or inequality. We must rely on POC to tell us how we are supposed to feel, think, act and react in regards to all things race relations. 




heres an excerpt from an article about whitesplainin'......this reminds me of the new definition of racism, where only white people can be racist because minorities lack the institutional power to be racist.

That’s why there’s no equivalent like “blacksplaining.” When a Black person talks about race with a white person, they don’t have the same institutional power as a white person who belongs to the dominant culture.

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I'll say it. Many blacks give whites power. 

Unfortunately, most black people are not given the leverage to have an equal platform to stand on...that I will agree with. 

You act like a duck type of thing.

Aren't most white people asking for the same thing...equal ??? Sorry, the other candidates are more qualified than the black guy in a wheelchair. Sorry black guy, the guy with cancer is more qualified than you are. Sorry, etc, etc, etc. It's absurd...job goes to the best person. 


Whitesplainin...So ebonics have to be a part of it all ? Ebonics is another absurd thing that we deal with. 

Guess what...black folks came up with and embraced...ratchet, hood rat, among other terms. 

Funny part is that does not only apply to black folks. 

I'll take it back to a comedic moment when ( I think it was Chris Rock) a comic pointed out that black folks are the most racist. It's sad...really it is. 


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All I know is, regardless of what anyone thinks about how he protested (disagree or agree), he made an impact and accomplished what he set out to do.  It really should be about the end goal and not the path one took to get there (excluding any violence/criminal activity - generally speaking as it would not apply in this particular case).  What he did or didn't do before his protest became public knowledge doesn't matter.  It's what he did and is continuing to do now that matters most.

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I don't know that he really has accomplished anything though.  are we really talking about it anymore than we were before?  And the manner he did it seems like it drove many further away instead of bringing people together.  I think we need to give it more time before we call it a success or failure.

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21 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I don't know that he really has accomplished anything though.  are we really talking about it anymore than we were before?  And the manner he did it seems like it drove many further away instead of bringing people together.  I think we need to give it more time before we call it a success or failure.


He opened dialogue. 

He gave others the courage to make a stand (no pun.)

Folks still have their jimmies rustled over his kneeling, so there's that. 

I'd say he's accomplished plenty with a LONG road ahead of him to do more. 

As the great Marlo Stanfield said "YOU want it to be one way, but it's the other way." 

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51 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I don't know that he really has accomplished anything though.  are we really talking about it anymore than we were before?  And the manner he did it seems like it drove many further away instead of bringing people together.  I think we need to give it more time before we call it a success or failure.

I think it's a success.  I think his end goal was to raise awareness and spark discussion on a major problem going on across the U.S.  and I think he accomplished just that.  

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2 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

Aren't most white people asking for the same thing...equal ??? Sorry, the other candidates are more qualified than the black guy in a wheelchair. Sorry black guy, the guy with cancer is more qualified than you are. Sorry, etc, etc, etc. It's absurd...job goes to the best person. 

I'm sorry, are you trying to say that their isn't inequality in how people are hired in this country? Because facts would disagree with you. 

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2 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

I'll say it. Many blacks give whites power. 

Unfortunately, most black people are not given the leverage to have an equal platform to stand on...that I will agree with. 

You act like a duck type of thing.

Aren't most white people asking for the same thing...equal ??? Sorry, the other candidates are more qualified than the black guy in a wheelchair. Sorry black guy, the guy with cancer is more qualified than you are. Sorry, etc, etc, etc. It's absurd...job goes to the best person. 


Whitesplainin...So ebonics have to be a part of it all ? Ebonics is another absurd thing that we deal with. 

Guess what...black folks came up with and embraced...ratchet, hood rat, among other terms. 

Funny part is that does not only apply to black folks. 

I'll take it back to a comedic moment when ( I think it was Chris Rock) a comic pointed out that black folks are the most racist. It's sad...really it is. 


lot of bull**** here

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4 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

Dialogue...opened many years ago. Seriously. 

Ok, buddy. 

Summed up, he's sparked conversation/change in the social media era...this is the era where folks have many platforms to express themselves and expose those who are against racial equality/justice.  In 2016, we have people unabashedly showing support for the social justice cause due to the current racial tension in this country.  The same cannot be said when Abdul-Rauf refused to acknowledge the anthem back in his day.  There is a movement happening, whether you like it or not.  Kap is a catalyst for many who felt like they didn't have a voice OR the power to make a stand.  He's doing things...

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He's also highlighted the sad truth... That many of us only care about the rights and liberties and ideals that directly affect us and the way we choose to live our lives.

He's also highlighted just how many people struggle to understand the concept/process of protest and eventual change, shown whenever someone says something dumb like "Ha! What's he changed lol?! Nothing lol" Which must mean that throughout the course of history, large scale change was brought about by one single act.

Go figure....

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20 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

I'll say it. Many blacks give whites power. 

Unfortunately, most black people are not given the leverage to have an equal platform to stand on...that I will agree with. 

You act like a duck type of thing.

Aren't most white people asking for the same thing...equal ??? Sorry, the other candidates are more qualified than the black guy in a wheelchair. Sorry black guy, the guy with cancer is more qualified than you are. Sorry, etc, etc, etc. It's absurd...job goes to the best person. 


Whitesplainin...So ebonics have to be a part of it all ? Ebonics is another absurd thing that we deal with. 

Guess what...black folks came up with and embraced...ratchet, hood rat, among other terms. 

Funny part is that does not only apply to black folks. 

I'll take it back to a comedic moment when ( I think it was Chris Rock) a comic pointed out that black folks are the most racist. It's sad...really it is. 


no words here. Just none. wow.

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I haven't watched what Smith said.  I refuse to.  I saw the headline and Google Drive it to verify.  

On a similar note, my wife made a good point.  all these people protesting should be required to show their I Voted sticker or be arrested for unlawful assembly.  they have no right to be there if they didn't do their part.

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Obviously it wasn't a literal requirement show your sticker.  point being that, and it's what I was taught as a little kid and what I teach the people that I lead, is don't **** about something unless you are willing to take steps to fix it.  voting is the first step.

And Kap shot himself in the foot by not doing good that.

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