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Tandler article -"10 things I would do if I ran the Redskins"

Reaper Skins

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Read Tandler's article today,


and it got me thinking.

Considering it's the offseason, I figured this was worthy of its own thread for ES member speculation.

What 10 things would you do if you ran the Redskins? Mine are listed below. I'm going to preface this by saying I will most likely be disagreed with ALOT.

I love everything about this team and it's the only one I will ever root for. I realize this is a work of fantasy based on me having too much time on my hands.

That being said, if I was given the franchise, free reign and a Snyder sized checkbook, here's what I would do:

1. A new stadium in Washington D.C. Its the Washington Redskins, not the Virginia or Maryland Redskins. Build it on the ashes of RFK, and call it the Boneyard.

2. Change the name to coincide with the opening of the new stadium. Not because I find it offensive but because it is an off field distraction.  Not being able to make use of exclusive trademarks also seems like a huge disadvantage compared to other teams. I would rename the team the Washington Reapers and take the new stadium as the perfect opportunity to start with a blank slate. Shed any negative connotations with the team and distance myself from Native American imagery entirely to ensure it will never be an issue or distraction going forward. Usher in a new era of winning football on the backs of a division title, a franchise QB, a strong front office, and a relentless work ethic mentality.

3. Corner the market on Halloween themed football costumes and make Halloween the new Thanksgiving for football holiday hype. Host a costume party at the stadium every year. When possible, involve the Baltimore Ravens and create a rivalry with them based on proximity. Marketing goldmine.

4. Get a team mascot. Name change makes this one alot easier to do without offending anyone. Kids will love him and fans on Gameday can have all sorts of fun with him on the jumbotron. Another major marketing goldmine.

5. Retire number 21. Not only was he called the Grim Reaper by Lavar Arrington, he was arguably one of the most talented players to ever wear the uniform. The pre-emptive way that he died would make a retired jersey a fitting memorial. Not only was he important while he played, after his death, he has arguably been even MORE influential, inspiring players to play like him, want to play on the same team as he did, and emulate him.

6. Since we would be a "new" franchise, our third designs wouldn't be called throwback uniforms. Instead I would design an alternate uniform that we would only get to wear if we made it into the playoffs. wearing them would signify that we were "getting into battle mode". Eventually this could be developed into a mental advantage to psych our players up for gameday. Again, HUGE marketing upside.

7. Have a signature beer that is brewed by the team and sold at the stadium. This was touched on in another topic and I think its a great idea. Craft beer is bigger than ever and it would be a great addition to the gameday experience. Another huge marketing opportunity.

8. Make joint practices with other teams a yearly tradition. This has happened the past 2 years and I think our team is much better off for it. It breeds competition and team building early on in the season while providing a change of pace to keep the players from falling into a routine that could cause them to lose their competitive edge.

9. Complete rehaul of social media and media relations. We have one of the largest fanbases in the country. We need a stronger presence on social media, and a large commitment to being on the cutting edge of any technological resources that could improve the fan experience. This would include an overhaul of the online content, press conference coverage, and behind the scenes access. Combine sports radio into one network, so the players and coaches have one official station to work through. Fire Tony Wyllie.

10. Commit to playing one game a year in England. Take advantage of the NFL's total commitment to popularizing the game overseas. Take advantage of our east coast location and supplement our fanbase with international exposure. Become one of the most well known teams overseas and help take the game to the next level. The proximity to the White House gives us a unique opportunity to be used as a talking point for foreign diplomats. Visiting officials could be taken to games, etc. Use the game to help improve America's standing in the world by providing access to one of our biggest pasttimes. Make our team the face of American football.

Again, i realize that this is not ever going to happen. But I'm interested to hear others' thoughts and ideas on how they think the franchise could be improved. You'll notice that almost all of my changes are in regards to off field subjects. This is because (and I still can't believe I'm saying this at times) I think our on field product is the strongest it's been in a long time and I have very few issues with how we are handling talent acquisition, gameday preparation, or player development. Trust me, I'm as shocked as anyone but on the football side of the ball, I'm seriously excited for this season and wouldn't change a thing. Plus I have this crazy notion that the football side of things shoud be handled by football people who you hire to do that part of the job.

Just a taste of offseason crazy to pass the time till training camp smiley-whacky099.gif

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Yeah, but you said we'd essentially be a "new" franchise with no history to lean on for things like throwback uniforms...so why NOT put the team in Virginia?

To take advantage of the proximity to the nations capital, and still retain parts of the franchise that have meaning and history to fans like RFK. The goal isn't to remake everything for the sake of change, but rather just alter aspects of the current franchise in a way that would improve its overall appeal to new audiences while still retaining as much of the old one as possible for those who are already fans. You would still have same team colors, involvement in local community service programs, charity events etc.

Like I said, I don't expect it to be popular, but for me personally, I would want a team name and logo I was allowed to trademark and market without any restrictions or chance of public backlash . Whether or not the name is offensive isn't really an issue for me. Just seems like a huge competitive and financial disadvantage compared to other franchises

Maybe I should have put that one last to give it more context in terms of marketing, new fan appeal, and PR relations. That's the area I was trying to show had room for improvement and expansion.

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1. Ensure a well-credentialed football braintrust with a common vision for the team is always responsible for football operations and provide them with the resources required to achieve their plans.

2. Build a state of the art stadium and training facility complex aimed at maximising the fan game day experience.

3. Fire Tony Wylie and hire Zoony as head of PR.

4. Build myself a series of luxury boxes throughout the aforementioned facility and enjoy watching my team accompanied by hot women, fine food and drink and my closest friends.

5. Become increasingly self important in light of my successes and begin acting increasingly like a jerk.

6. Get bored during football off season and spend my days locked alone and drunk in the luxury boxes, anonymously trolling and pranking my enemies and detractors including John Mara and UnWise Mike.

7. Display increasingly erratic behaviour, culminating in being found by police wandering around DC stark naked and proclaiming to be Jesus. Act aggressive towards said policemen, getting shot.

The rest will work itself out somehow.

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Ok I'll repeat what several others have posted and I'm glad you are not the owner (Heck I think you should find another team for that matter). That said here are some points.


1) Since this would be a new franchise why would you retire any number?  You have no history so there is no valid reason for retiring #21. For that matter #33 should/would no longer be retired either.  Every number should be available for use immediately.


2) You want to build a rivalry with Baltimore? Then as part of the deal you should get the team moved to the AFC north.


3) As part of the new Franshise you'll need to turn over all Redskins Trophies and artifacts to the Hall of Fame (not sure where else they should go).

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Don't think the yearly rivalry game with the Ravens will fly. NFL has a system in place for scheduling.

I'll have to think hard about it but the first thing I would do is drugs. The 2nd thing would be to make love to many beautiful women on a pile of money.

Edit: I thought of a third one. Crush my enemies. Of course our current owner already tried that one.

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This is just my guess, but I'm thinking that if you polled the fan base and asked them which would they prefer: moving the team back to Washington DC or keeping the team name "Redskins", I think keeping the name would win in a landslide...

Also, a stadium called the Boneyard sounds like it should be the Browns' stadium name lol...

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Cali, I actually agree with you about that. But I also think if you polled fans and asked if they would still root for the washington team even if they had a different name, I think the result would also be an overwhelming yes.

As a side point, thanks for engaging in actual discussion and offering more than just "your ideas are bad and you should feel bad".

This was supposed to be nothing more than a fun discussion to kill time in the offseason and an open ended question for other members to say what could be improved upon in the organization. I know my ideas are crazy, that's why I DON'T own the team.

And despite slipping in the name to the discussion, I really would like to hear posters ideas about ANY other aspect of the team as well. Surely there is stuff other members would like to see changed? Surely not everyone on this board thinks Snyder is perfect in how he runs the team?

Just for you, i'll invoke my owner powers and change the team to the Washington LOLs.

I keed I keed

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How about changing the log to an R and calling them The team formally known as the Redskins.


Just move the team to Oklahoma. Oklahoma Redskins. Seeing as how Oklahoma means "Red people", the ultra-PC crowd would have their collective heads explode.

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3. Fire Tony Wylie and hire Zoony as head of PR.


Jumbo would be so much better. Once he'll have finished anwsered your question you wouldn't remember what did you ask. TSO could be good as well in that departement, as if you ask him of the sixth play of the third drive of the second quarter, he'll end up talking about Jurgensen, Gibbs, George Allen and Stephen Davis in the same sentence.


One thing for sure, we wouldn't have to deal with any question regarding drama story or whatever as they'll all say "Hi There!" and ban the beat reporter from the media session that dares to ask any drama question.


So much of this is so dumb. Sorry.


That's offseason fun :P

Grab some of Destino's popcorn if you like more :P

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Jumbo would be so much better. Once he'll have finished anwsered your question you wouldn't remember what did you ask. TSO could be good as well in that departement, as if you ask him of the sixth play of the third drive of the second quarter, he'll end up talking about Jurgensen, Gibbs, George Allen and Stephen Davis in the same sentence.



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One thing for sure, we wouldn't have to deal with any question regarding drama story or whatever as they'll all say "Hi There!" and ban the beat reporter from the media session that dares to ask any drama question.


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Jumbo would be so much better. Once he'll have finished anwsered your question you wouldn't remember what did you ask. TSO could be good as well in that departement, as if you ask him of the sixth play of the third drive of the second quarter, he'll end up talking about Jurgensen, Gibbs, George Allen and Stephen Davis in the same sentence.

One thing for sure, we wouldn't have to deal with any question regarding drama story or whatever as they'll all say "Hi There!" and ban the beat reporter from the media session that dares to ask any drama question.

Heck, let's just make a PR team comprising all of 'em. They all have their different skillsets for different occasions. Would you really pass up the opportunity to have Zoony speaking his mind when someone in the press steps out of line or asks a stupid question, possibly administered alongside a fist in the face?
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