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The "bathroom law" thread


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11 minutes ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:

 I was surprised texas didnt allow "her" to wrestle boys. 


Why should they?

I'd be for co-ed wrestling if it came to that.....equality



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33 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

The Olympics now permit trans persons to compete in the opposite sex sports. I won't watch them anymore because women will have to compete against grown men and the records won't mean anything. Why should women train for years only to lose to a male?

I thought your comment had to be patently false but it seems to be partially true.

Did not know that LadySkin thank you for pointing that out (i strongly disagree with your "opinions" being stated as fact in your other recent comments but cest la vie). 



Now, surgery will no longer be required, with female-to-male transgender athletes eligible to take part in men’s competitions “without restriction”.

Meanwhile, male-to-female transgender athletes will need to demonstrate that their testosterone level has been below a certain cutoff point for at least one year before their first competition.



I assume this means 13 year old girls from China can claim to be 16 and identify as male to dominate mens gymnastics.

im guiltier than anyone else on here about hijacking this from bathroom or sports.  I apologize. 

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3 hours ago, twa said:


Why should they?

I'd be for co-ed wrestling if it came to that.....equality



It's like that in a lot of other states. Co-ed wrestling that is. Is there a good reason for Texas not to change their stance on this issue?

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1 hour ago, Hersh said:

It's like that in a lot of other states. Co-ed wrestling that is. Is there a good reason for Texas not to change their stance on this issue?


They have enough boys and girls to do it separate.


Not that many states allow trans to wrestle someone not their same biological sex when they have separate programs.


Is there a good reason to change?....I haven't heard it.

I'd prefer making all sports co-ed in school, though the low testosterone ones might object .

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38 minutes ago, twa said:


They have enough boys and girls to do it separate.


Not that many states allow trans to wrestle someone not their same biological sex when they have separate programs.


Is there a good reason to change?....I haven't heard it.

I'd prefer making all sports co-ed in school, though the low testosterone ones might object .

How is this story not a good reason to allow, at a minimum, exemptions? The person petitioned the state and he was too strong to wrestle girls. Doesn't seem anyone involved in the competition thought it was fair or right. 

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3 hours ago, twa said:

She was too strong after testosterone treatments.

What difference does it make if she won?

If he wasn't winning and it was proved that the transition/testosterone treatments weren't making a difference, this wouldn't be an issue. I will be completely clear since this is a unique case involving a teen transitioning. If a transgender boy isn't going through testosterone therapy then he can keep wrestling girls. 


Are you going to refer to transgender people by their birth sex whether or not they are/have transitioned?

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"Do not drink from the public bathroom sinks"


(You woild think that this law would not need to be put in writing, but on two occasions at two different airports over the last 30 days I have witnessed this.  Both times it was an Asian tourist/businessmam.  Guess its a common thing in China?)

Anyways, nasty.  Also


"Eyes forward.  Always eyes forward"

10 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

The Olympics now permit trans persons to compete in the opposite sex sports. I won't watch them anymore because women will have to compete against grown men and the records won't mean anything. Why should women train for years only to lose to a male?


It is a complete joke.  

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10 hours ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:

I wrestled for 2 seasons (in the 7th and 8th grade), wasnt personally committed to it fwiw. Most physically demanding sport by a long shot imo. I was surprised texas didnt allow "her" to wrestle boys. 

I've played almost every sport. Football, baseball, soccer, cross country, golf, basketball, volleyball, competitive ultimate frisbee... yeah some of those aren't sports... anyways, wrestling was the hardest thing ive ever done and nothing is close.


I also sucked at it, but it's hard even if you're good at it.


Our s&c coach in high-school was a prick and I hated him

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40 minutes ago, Hersh said:

If he wasn't winning and it was proved that the transition/testosterone treatments weren't making a difference, this wouldn't be an issue. I will be completely clear since this is a unique case involving a teen transitioning. If a transgender boy isn't going through testosterone therapy then he can keep wrestling girls. 


Are you going to refer to transgender people by their birth sex whether or not they are/have transitioned?


What does winning matter if the treatments are deemed OK for a teen athlete?


 I usually go by the genitalia.... I'm ok with going by chromosomes though  . 

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3 minutes ago, twa said:


What does winning matter if the treatments are deemed OK for a teen athlete?


 I usually go by the genitalia.... I'm ok with going by chromosomes though  . 


Have a good night. 

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Easy solution. Not eligible for 2 years after you start hormone changing drugs. Mandatory drug test. 


Not eligible to use hormones in a sporting competition...wait isn't that basically already a rule ? 


Never mind the rest, probably for a different thread. 

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Sex is reality, gender is made up stuff.


Come on people, humans cannot change their sex, no matter how many hormones they take or healthy tissue is removed. Use your common sense.


As far as sports, male physicality is different than female physicality, no matter how many hormones they take.  Females will lose spots on women's teams to born males.


And I will not buy into this trans nonsense. They are even making pregnancy and childbirth gender neutral and call people gender neutral terms instead of female, woman, or even mother. It is mass stupidity.

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2 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Sex is reality, gender is made up stuff.


Come on people, humans cannot change their sex, no matter how many hormones they take or healthy tissue is removed. Use your common sense.


As far as sports, male physicality is different than female physicality, no matter how many hormones they take.  Females will lose spots on women's teams to born males.


And I will not buy into this trans nonsense. They are even making pregnancy and childbirth gender neutral and call people gender neutral terms instead of female, woman, or even mother. It mas stupidity.


Clearly you are a bigot


seriously, I hate that one is no longer allowed to have the above opinion. 

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I identify as "John".
Occasionally among some people i identify as "Bang"
I identify as "Tayman", and "Mr. Tayman", and even 'Hey, you".

I don't identify as "she", "her", "Lass", "Ms. or Mrs. Tayman"


I see none of these options on any government form I fill in. In fact, they ask ME to do it, and I think that by doing that, they are already demeaning the validity of my own choice of self identification. 

I think every first and last name should be on every single form, so i can check those which apply.

I think every possible nickname from "Bang" on down to "Smooshy-poo" and even "tink".. should be listed, soI can not only choose which identifies me, but might also clue me in on some cool nicknames I might want to be identified with. Something like "Ace" or "Flash", or "Smooth Lady Lover", or "Big Dick Henry".


I demand a law that states that whenever any marketer or otherwise non-family or friend calls my house, they must read to me a set of pronouns, proper names and nicknames that they are to refer to me with before we ever begin. 

Further, I demand it also be read in Spanish so that i can press two and decline.


Even if the police call to tell me there is a murderer loose in my neighborhood. What is the point of safety if i can't even be myself?


as to bathrooms, having one for each of us personally in each place of business and municipal building is just simple courtesy, and i hate that we have to even consider making a law that each building must have one bathroom for every person who could possibly walk in there.

And they should be changed daily for new arrivals and departures. i don't want to have to hold in a leak because some dead guy has the bathroom reserved.


I agree with LSF. This is just getting stupid.



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5 hours ago, twa said:

LSF would you object to sharing a bathroom with a fully post-op transexual?




See my posts above, still male and not female.


And why is it that female safe spaces are being made gender neutral but male safe spaces remain strictly male?  Only females are put in the position of sharing safe spaces with both males and females while only males still have their own spaces. 




If male trans persons are afraid of males in the men's room, why does that become females' problem? Why isn't male violence addressed since that is the real problem?



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On 3/1/2017 at 0:22 PM, LadySkinsFan said:

Most of young children purporting to be trans are actually gay and Lesbian. Adult trans people are trying to get children diagnosed to support their status. Personally, there are underlying mental health issues that aren't addressed. There is such a thing as detransitioning, mostly when the underlying mental health issues continue and the person realizes that transition didn't fix them.


Transactivists discount detransitioning as much as possible because it invalidates themselves. The bathroom bills are not about peeing, it's about forcing females to acknowledging them as female. We all know that sex cannot be changed. We remain male or female as we are born. If it were solely about peeing, why are some people only changing female spaces labeled as non gender instead of all restrooms/locker rooms labeled non gender? We are seeing male rooms while female rooms are being labeled for anyone.


I started putting together a list of resources regarding this particular issue, where males are using female spaces as hunting grounds. 


And why is it that females have to give up their safe spaces instead of addressing the issue of male violence, if in fact male trans persons are being attacked in male spaces?


Adult trans are trying to get children diagnosed as trans to support their status.

- Can we agree that is your unsubstantiated opinion or do you have objective information to support this statement. 


Most young children purporting to be trans are actually gay and lesbian. 

- Can we agree that is your unsubstantiated opinion or do you have objective information to support this statement. 


Transactivists discount detransitioning as much as possible because it invalidates themselves.

- Can we agree that is your unsubstantiated opinion or do you have objective information to support this statement. 


And why is it that females have to give up their safe spaces instead of addressing the issue of male violence, if in fact male trans persons are being attacked in male spaces?

- I am not trans but I think the motivation is for trans people to be able to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with. It does not have anything to do with violence. 


edit - I personally didnt think this was an issue or needed to be legislated in the first place. Ive used a public bathroom 1,235,794 times and I have never had an issue with any trans person. 

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Getting back to sport, because that is what really matters, since going through the transition during high school is a choice...what's the constitutionality of a law saying, "Hey you made a choice, now you don't get to play."? It's not long ago where we as a society (generalizing of course) that being gay was a choice. Would the Olympics be able to get away with such a rule? What about golf? If Tiger Woods wanted to win again, he could transition and maybe dominate.

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I haven't had a chance to read the whole thread so forgive me if this idea has already been mentioned. The best way to combat lunacy like this is by showing exactly how stupid it is. Two ways I'd propose to do that. First, people in states that pass such a law should start calling the cops as often as possible to complain that they think some randomly selected person is using a restroom that doesn't correspond to the sex listed on their birth certificate. Second, and probably most devastatingly effective would be for "women" (as shown below)  to  start using the legally appointed women's restroom...birth certificates in hand to prove their "womanhood".


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