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The "bathroom law" thread


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But that's part of the problem. Laws like these encourage assholes and give them permission to act out.


nonsense, some jerk acts like a jerk and it's the law or rhetoric's fault? 

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nonsense, some jerk acts like a jerk and it's the law or rhetoric's fault? 


Nah, you're right. 


A year of being told that we need laws to protect you from the icky people who are coming to pee in the same toilet as you has no effect on society whatsoever. 

It won't be the laws fault when some jerk acts like a jerk and commits a crime when given easier access to opposite gender bathrooms.

This is an argument of convenience.


Ooh, well done. 


Take a discussion of something which has happened, then create an imaginary scenario which hasn't happened, and predict that them other people will probably make an argument that's equally stupid as the argument which actually has been made. 

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Nah, you're right.

A year of being told that we need laws to protect you from the icky people who are coming to pee in the same toilet as you has no effect on society whatsoever.

Ooh, well done.

Take a discussion of something which has happened, then create an imaginary scenario which hasn't happened, and predict that them other people will probably make an argument that's equally stupid as the argument which actually has been made.

Lol, at least you acknowledge my prowess
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Lol, at least your acknowledge my prowess

Responsibility is always a tricky thing.


If a teen goes off the rails and winds up being involved in drugs and crime which eventually results in someone being shot and killed how do we apportion blame.


I always figure the actor (the teen in this case) deserves almost all of the blame. Let's say 80%, but somewhere in the remaining 20% there were other factors in which the teen was failed. Did his parents fail him? Did his school fail him? Did enforcement being unable to stop the flow of drugs fail him? Did the church fail him? Did his peers fail him or in fact push him in the wrong directions?


This law falls in that 20% which can push an asshole. Does it make him an asshole? Does it force him to act out as an asshole? No, but does it help embolden his assholedom.

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Seems legit.





Stacey Dash: Transgender people should use bushes for bathrooms


When rebutted with the argument that transgender people don't choose what they feel is their true gender identity, Dash said "OK, then go in the bushes. I don't know what to tell you, but I'm not gonna put my child's life at risk because you want to change a law. So that you can be comfortable with your beliefs -- which means I have to change my beliefs and my rights? No."





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Seems legit.


That's fantastic. Going to the bathroom in a private bathroom, infringes on her rights, so they should just start whipping it out in public.


I'd actually be really happy, if I could legally just piss in a bush all the time.

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I didn't want to make a new thread for this. Different take from someone I assume should be respected in the field, as opposed to the internet.

WSJ - Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution


Yet policy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention. This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken—it does not correspond with physical reality. The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.


Dr. McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital

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So, I guess everyone who is for this law, is out protesting the hearing for the kid who got 6 months for raping, beating and shoving stuff into the passed out girl, right? Because rape is what you're worried about, not icky transgenders spreading godless gayness.

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So, I guess everyone who is for this law, is out protesting the hearing for the kid who got 6 months for raping, beating and shoving stuff into the passed out girl, right? Because rape is what you're worried about, not icky transgenders spreading godless gayness.


i don't know about out protesting, but i haven't really heard anyone say anything other than this is a terrible excuse for justice.


all the cable news outlets (including fox news) spent quite a bit of time blasting the judge.


he's up for reelection soon, maybe at least they'll get him out of there.


not sure what point you thought you were making.

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So, I guess everyone who is for this law, is out protesting the hearing for the kid who got 6 months for raping, beating and shoving stuff into the passed out girl, right? Because rape is what you're worried about, not icky transgenders spreading godless gayness.

Boy, that's what this thread really needed, was an off-topic hijack.

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Actual Rape was brought up in a page or two before this. There was no justice. This is the kind of thing to get worked up about. I don't know how that puts me on a soap box, because I think people who rape young girls should be punished.

To consolidate a few of your hot button issues here, do you believe that male gorillas in the wild who sneak up on and mate with female gorillas, against their will, should be shot? And if so, should the meat of the recently shot gorilla be donated to the local pitbull rescue shelter if the shelter was opened by the Catholic church?

Edit: The gorilla is also a post-op female to male, if that changes your answer below, who still gender identifies as a female but prefers female mates.

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To consolidate a few of your hot button issues here, do you believe that male gorillas in the wild who sneak up on and mate with female gorillas, against their will, should be shot? And if so, should the meat of the recently shot gorilla be donated to the local pitbull rescue shelter if the shelter was opened by the Catholic church?

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