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The "bathroom law" thread


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Problem is, after you acknowledge that point-thank you very much, there isn't a whole lot left with which to rationalize the question.  With all due respect, I think the emotional disconnect or misrepresentation is made when you (not you specifically) bring up rape having anything at all to do with issue in the first place.

Personally, I don't have much of an issue with rape concern, I don't fear a trans person will rape my wife. Unfortunately, most of us discussing this are also men, and as my wife so often reminds me, we don't know what its like to be a woman. Maybe I should identify with being a woman and find out?

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Again, as my wife stated, when estimated 1 in 6 US women are raped in the lifetime (https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/172837.pdf) its something they think about. A lot.

absolutely. Now let's talk about a real problem. This is awful and I've brought it up before. My sister and mother were both raped. I know a lot of women who have been.

I have no idea why you think that has anything to do with trannies. Hell, if you're a young boy your chances of being raped are worse at church by a priest, than in a unisex bathroom. If you're a girl in college, you might run into an issue at the male driven football team house.

I can't remember any stories of young girls being raped, by men in bathrooms. I can think of plenty young men being assaulted by other men in bathrooms though. Usually straight ones.

So, what's your point? We all know rape is common in our society. I have no idea what it has to do with this topic though.

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So, what's your point? We all know rape is common in our society. I have no idea what it has to do with this topic though.


Males having access to women's facilities I would assume....ya could ask a woman

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Stuff's really a couple days old, but here's some more play-doh for ya  :D


Warning to zoony (whom has displayed a minimal human level, if any, of bigotry on any topic that  I've ever read) and all concerned: this article uses the 'B" word   :P




These Anti-Trans Bigots Have Been Trolling Target Bathrooms in the Worst Ways



Threatening people are entering Target restrooms and peeing alongside your family.


And it's not transgender people, like some conservatives may want to believe.


In the wake of North Carolina's controversial HB2, which requires people to use the bathroom that matches their gender assigned at birth and not the one that matches their gender identity, Target announced that it would allow employees and customers to use the restrooms they choose. 


While Target cleared the way for trans people to #peeinpeace, the bathroom door swung open for bigots who want to prove a point about, well, it's not exactly clear. 


Since Target's announcement, zero reports have surfaced of transgender people causing mischief in Target bathrooms. However, a couple men have posted videos of themselves not only entering a women's restroom, but harassing Target employees or customers.



In a clip the Gazette uploaded to YouTube, Martone bashes the policy, saying it allows "crazy guys" to "dress up to get in [the women's restroom]" so they "can get a view of a woman." Martone made pointed remarks about men who dress up to go into a women's bathroom to peep, right before he entered a women's bathroom in a wig and skirt. 


YouTube user OperationReapSouls posted footage of himself entering an Ohio Target, going into the restroom, reading the policy and screaming to shoppers: "Happy Mother's Day! Target does not care about you or your children or they wouldn't let men in the girls' bathroom!" He then drives to another Target where he yells at workers to "Repent!" saying


"God knows your internet history." 


As he leaves the second Target, a customer flips him off. He says, "Are you gonna use the men's bathroom or the girls' bathroom? Do you know? You're a walking identity crisis." 

In the third Target, when a manager approaches him, he says he is on "the safety committee for the Lord" and has to warn people against the policy. When she asks him to leave, he saunters to the front door and yells about Target's policy for two minutes. 




                 video at link                                                                                         


Be very vewy afwaid of the great Weirdo Onslaught headed towards plumbing near you. Forget about the vast hordes of the standard nutjobs of every demographic already in the can with you and your wimmen and chillun. 'Murica! Protecting our loved ones from the freaks!  :lol:


As someone who for many years has worked with hundreds of women and children abused by heterosexual men, and with many of those men fitting just fine into demographics like homeowner/employed/Christian/lower middle class on up, economically etc., I am always left wishing more people were more concerned and active about these huge numbers of victims in our "enlightened Christian society."  


So I just am so tickled to see so much fresh energy and deep thoughts (if still no action other than pounding on a keyboard) being devoted to protecting those same populations from these icky weirdos doing un-God approved sex stuffs. Safety for the wimmen and chillun, first! Rock on! 


Of course, being concerned and active about the latter doesn't mean one isn't doing something active and concerned about the former. But once you put that knee-jerk (and weak) defensive point aside, there's an opportunity for some real evaluation and examination on what's up in your head.


While jabbing here in good spirit still, I am prepared for any re-buttals, especially from defensive or hurt butts (see what I did there), however cringe-worthy or off-target (see what i did there) while still keeping my weekend cheer.  ^_^


But wait! That's not all!  :lol:


I have been working on some new member titles:

Tranny Trackers for Christ
Homo Hunters for Christ
Christian on Patrol
Deviant Early Warning System
(DEW line  :D for you Nike missile fans)
<old devil smiley>
(I know I will pay dearly for all of this--I accept that; some of it will even be deserved ^_^. I now go to join Joan of Arc in the flames---no religious preference, gender identification, or deviancy implied. I submit my fate to your keyboards)
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I saw a meme on the subject a while back. (Might even have been here. Can't seem to find it now.)

Picture was taken from inside a restroom stall, looking at the door. A person is laying on the floor, sliding his smiling fact under the partition door.

Text reads "Just checking to see if you have a penis. Wouldn't want YOU making ME uncomfortable."

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Let my pecker free in public




Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms – and vice versa – might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort – with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage – then realizing that it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.

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I saw a meme on the subject a while back. (Might even have been here. Can't seem to find it now.)

Picture was taken from inside a restroom stall, looking at the door. A person is laying on the floor, sliding his smiling fact under the partition door.

Text reads "Just checking to see if you have a penis. Wouldn't want YOU making ME uncomfortable."


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Texas plans to sue Obama over transgender bathroom directive


The state of Texas will sue the Obama administration over its directive to school districts on accommodating transgender students regarding bathrooms and locker rooms, Gov. Greg Abbott announced Wednesday.


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is expected to announce the lawsuit at a press conference Wednesday afternoon.


The Justice and Education departments sent a letter to schools districts across the country earlier this month notifying them that transgender students should be allowed to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity. While lacking the force of law, the guidance declares sweeping protections for transgender students under Title IX, a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities.


The guidance calls on schools to treat students based on their gender identity, even if it’s at odds with the information on their education records or identification documents, and reiterates that schools have a responsibility to provide a safe, nondiscriminatory environment for all students, including those who are transgender.


Failure to comply with the directive poses a risk for states, which could face lawsuits from the Obama administration and potentially lose federal education funding.

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This article in the local paper today about the unintended consequences of stupid laws like this one.


The impact in sports locker rooms particularly with coaches and reporters.


This is the best part of the article when a sponsor of the bill was asked about it he showed how ******* stupid he is:


The NCAA mandates open locker room access for reporters who cover its men’s basketball tournament. The ACC basketball tournament also has an open-locker room policy for media members, and so do various colleges and universities, depending on the sport and the location of the competition.

And so HB2 has created its own set of questions for media members, ones that Stam couldn’t answer.

I think you should ask, ‘Well when they have reporters in there, are the reporters in the part of the room where the girls were taking off their underwear and their bras?’” he asked. “Or were they in the part where they were taking off a sweatshirt?”




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NBC:  Utah Dad Attacked for Taking 5-Year-Old Daughter to Wal-Mart Men's Bathroom


A Utah father taking his young children to the bathroom at a Wal-Mart ended in violence after he was punched in the face by another customer allegedly over taking his 5-year-old daughter with him to the men's room. 


Christopher Adams was on a family trip to buy blinds and storage bins at a Wal-Mart in the city of Clinton over the weekend when his two children, 7-year-old Kyler and 5-year-old Emery, had to use the restroom, he told NBC affiliate KSL. 


Adams said he took his son and daughter with him into the men's restroom when a confrontation ensued.

"This guy walks in and goes to the bathroom, the urinal, and then he just like turns to me and starts freaking out and dropping the f-bomb," Adams said. "And what he was freaking out about was that my daughter was in the men's bathroom." 


Adams said the other man told him he thought Emery's presence in the restroom was inappropriate and started to shove him. 


"When I turned back around, I got sucker punched," he said.



A little OT.  I don't think this is a result of the bathroom law.  But I strongly bet that it's a result of the bathroom law fear mongering. 

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But that's part of the problem. Laws like these encourage assholes and give them permission to act out.




The "bathroom law" does not give this person permission to act the way he did. 


That's why I don't explicitly blame the law for this act.  I blame the the rhetoric that was used to manufacture the outrage and fear that was then used to justify the law. 


I think it's an important distinction. 

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I think it's an important distinction. 

Maybe, but I think it's also giving leeway. Laws like this and the conversation that inspire them do create an environment which encourages certain forms of action and certain ways of thinking.


I think your distinction is more of an equivocation. After all, segregated bathrooms encouraged and helped to perpetuate racism, right? They reinforced the "proper" order of things.

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