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The "bathroom law" thread


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That's impossible. Every guy pees on the seat sometimes. Especially mornings.

Well to be fair I didn't inspect the toilets on a daily basis but we also didn't have cleaners resigning or girls running screaming from the facilities either.

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Well to be fair I didn't inspect the toilets on a daily basis but we also didn't have cleaners resigning or girls running screaming from the facilities either.

Just because you didn't know about their suffering doesn't mean it wasn't there. They probably silently coped with the suffering in the shadows. It's all coming to light now, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there before.

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I was a Govenor for years at a High School in England. 

Must have been interesting at conventions...


Introducing the Governor of the great state of Maryland Larry Hogan

Introducing the Governor of the great state of Virginia Terry McAuliffe

Introducing the Governor of the Loo... Martin

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Just because you didn't know about their suffering doesn't mean it wasn't there. They probably silently coped with the suffering in the shadows. It's all coming to light now, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there before.


I was in and out of that school on a regular basis (parent Governor) my daughter was a pupil. Trust me if there had been suffering I would have heard about - she doesn't do silent.

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I just think this entire thing is stupid. Are people that concerned that one sex will automatically attack the other, if the 4 inch plaque designation of which room a person should use to empty their bladder and bowels is in question?

People talk about them like chuds, coming up from the sewer to snatch babies.

Again, as my wife stated, when estimated 1 in 6  US women are raped in the lifetime (https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/172837.pdf) its something they think about. A lot.

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Number of women raped by a heterosexual man, (who uses the right stall and is rallying to protect his women from trannies in the bathroom), that the women knows personally?  Pretty close to that same 1 in 6 number I would reason.  



so let's give them easier access? 


i do believe that's the question.  people try to turn it around like "oh you think trans = pedophile / rapist?"  it is more emotional to say that. 

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Easier access?  By letting them in the women's restroom if they're in drag?  Is that really your point?

I don't see that as an issue and I don't see how we would be making it any easier to do that than it is right now.  Do you suggest that the added charge of using the wrong restroom is a deterrent? Someone considering rape isn't going to be dissuaded by that misdemeanor (probably?) charge.

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I really don't get the rape argument in favor of the bathroom law.  If someone is morally bankrupt enough to rape someone, do we really think they are stopped by gender-specific bathrooms?  


I also don't see how allowing transgendered people to pee and poop where they think is best makes it OK to allow sexual predators into any bathroom.  Obviously, people who enter bathrooms with the intent to rape or sexually assault are criminals.  Lets keep treating them as such.  Whether the bathrooms they are in match their genitals or not.

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I really don't get the rape argument in favor of the bathroom law.  If someone is morally bankrupt enough to rape someone, do we really think they are stopped by gender-specific bathrooms?  


I also don't see how allowing transgendered people to pee and poop where they think is best makes it OK to allow sexual predators into any bathroom.  Obviously, people who enter bathrooms with the intent to rape or sexually assault are criminals.  Lets keep treating them as such.  Whether the bathrooms they are in match their genitals or not.



that's a very fair point, both you and koa.


i just don't like people that ask that question being labeled as someone that believes that all LBGQTGIF are rapists and pedophiles.

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that's a very fair point, both you and koa.


i just don't like people that ask that question being labeled as someone that believes that all LBGQTGIF are rapists and pedophiles.

Problem is, after you acknowledge that point-thank you very much, there isn't a whole lot left with which to rationalize the question.  With all due respect, I think the emotional disconnect or misrepresentation is made when you (not you specifically) bring up rape having anything at all to do with issue in the first place.

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Locker rooms and school bathrooms interject age into the issue and that's where I start having second thoughts.  Not about rape, but about stupid kids being stupid and making it easier for THEM to do so.  


But at the mall?  Who cares.  Like I said earlier in the thread, if you're scoping me out in the bathroom I'm going to have an issue with you regardless of your self identified gender.  

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Locker rooms and school bathrooms interject age into the issue and that's where I start having second thoughts. Not about rape, but about stupid kids being stupid and making it easier for THEM to do so.

But at the mall? Who cares. Like I said earlier in the thread, if you're scoping me out in the bathroom I'm going to have an issue with you regardless of your self identified gender.

I work in a middle school and my thoughts are greatly influenced by it lol

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I work in a middle school and my thoughts are greatly influenced by it lol

I'm using my memory to try and come up with stupidity based possibilities here and I'm not having to work very hard to come up with them despite the vintage of said memories.  I could only imagine what would come to mind if I worked with kids everyday.  Makes my head hurt to even try.


I have to say I don't think there are that many kids in school that are so unhinged by having to use whatever bathroom they're told to, so as it would be a huge issue.  Maybe I'm wrong on that?

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