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RIP Malik Taylor, aka, Phife Dawg (ATCQ).


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Man, this one hurts a lot.  Waking up to the news this AM that Phife passed hit me a little bit.  My earliest memories involving rap have to do with getting turned on to the genre by ATCQ.  I mean, if you LOVE hip-hop, there is no way you don't know the line "I like 'em brown, yellow, Puerto Rican, or Haitian...." from Electric Relaxation.  There was something about his easy going and DISTINCT flow that just meshed SO well with the makeup of the group.  He was a real good dude and one of my favorite moments as a fan was actually chopping it up with him...not about music, but about basketball, which was one of his other loves.  RIP, Phife....we lost a GREAT one. 


A Tribe Called Quest's Phife Dawg Dead at 45
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ton - of - bricks


Man ... i'm not even a big hip hop fan, but as a musician, Tribe and and Pfife demanded my attention and respect.  Gosh, literally stunned. 


I loved the classic ****y/hard edge he had ... without having to be obnoxious.  Just confident ... man. I'm shocked. 

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wow. i haven't listened to tribe in a long time, but they've always been my first love (rap-wise). sad sad that phife has passed. his name was malik, the 5 ft freak (not sure which track/album that's from...)


Let's say we get together by the end of the week.

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So sad.  I remember roaming the used CD store my freshman year at UNC.  I found a copy of Low End Theory for two bucks.  Bang for buck, still the best CD I've ever bought.  Used to to throw it in with Marauders, open the window, sit outside on the balcony with friends in the spring and watch guys play hoops on the asphalt court below.  


I've always thought that what really separated great groups/bands from legendary ones was that the legendary ones also came with their own ideology.  I've always thought of Tribe having their own ideology, and their music inspired me to relax and not take myself too seriously.  RIP.

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