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15 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


I've felt for a while now (basically since Rouge One), that Vader is one of the most criminally wasted villains of all time, especially in the context of how many Star Wars movies have been made now.


Having said that, this is a compelling reason to "keep it that way".  I want to see more of his peak savagery, but a show of 'end of Rouge One scene' might jus be the dog catching its tail for that franchise.

I do think we're going to get a Vader movie.  Why?  I'll give you 1 BILLION reason why.  I will contribute my (I have no idea how much movies cost these days) $20 to the cause.  


However, I agree, I think just getting spurts of Vader at times is what makes him so special.  I like that he's sparingly used, but when he is used, you can't take your eyes off of him.  



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9 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

I do think we're going to get a Vader movie.  Why?  I'll give you 1 BILLION reason why.  I will contribute my (I have no idea how much movies cost these days) $20 to the cause.  


However, I agree, I think just getting spurts of Vader at times is what makes him so special.  I like that he's sparingly used, but when he is used, you can't take your eyes off of him.  


Aye, a movie instead of a show may be that compromise Disney finds impossible to resist.


Even if we agree we don't want too much Vader, if they do it, we all going, we all know it, and so does Disney.


Edited by Renegade7
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Re: Obi-Wan not killing Vader

It's not the Jedi way, and at that moment Obi-Wan was peak Jedi.  He was so Jedi that Vader could feel it and felt weakness towards him.  Guess what Vader?  You still ain't the most powerful Jedi.  You probably had a good 10 year run when Obi-Wan was lost and hopeless.  But you wanted to find him, torture him and defeat him so much.  I gotta think this moment was an inflection in the rebellion and even in Darth Vader's power. 


Also, Obi-Wan could never kill Anakin.   Not in Episode III, not now.  He will always have some soft spot for Anakin.  I am even sure seeing Anakin's desire, lust and need for victory -- he has compassion for. Probably he felt some comfort knowing that even if Anakin wants to say he is dead, Darth Vader can't help but demonstrate the qualities of Anakin.  


Sure, this is just my own head canon.  It does not bother me at all.  People will make proclamations like "We will end this once and for all!"  and then Obi-Wan see's there's another way. 


They can just call this: "Return of the Jedi" because Obi-Wan went from rejecting the Jedi way.  Rejecting the force... which is why he was weak in the early episodes.  Do you blame him?  Looks like all the orphan midichlorians of dead Jedi went to him... 


I am more upset at the dumb things like how did he get off that moon without the Empire caring. Did Vader say, "Finally, I will face Obi-Wan, this won't take long!" and then all the crew is just relaxing because it's so hard serving on his command ship... gotta be on your toes?  And how did his ship have hyperdrive?  Maybe the Grand Inquisitor is like "I am in command, we'll crush the rebel scum once and for all!"  and he takes Vader's command ship.  Do they not have Tie Fighters?  Hey let's send Tie Fighters to pursue the rebels and use this big ship for Obi-Wan.


Are we not gonna talk about how badass Aunt Beru is?









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8 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Obi Wan shouldn’t get to to plug back into the force for a day and use his lightsaber one time and immediately become peak ROTS Obi Wan. Because if so, why does he completely fall of a cliff again over the next 7 years to become ANH Obi Wan? His portrayal was fine thru episode 5 but this is where they lost it for both Vader and Obi Wan. 



It's established in Rebels that Obi Wan really hasn't lost a step by ANH (twin suns episode).  If anything, it look like he's stronger by then.  Filoni's canon basically has him intentionally taking a dive to Vader on the Death Star 


As for Reva's motivation to kill Luke, she realizes that she can't kill Vader, so she's looking to exact revenge on his son.  Kinda rushed, but that's what I got on her motivation 


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1 hour ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

There might be other parallels, but that's what I could come up with quickly. (There was no Jabba, no Endore, and no fleet attack on anything, so I think that's our parallel.



The music when Vader is chasing the escape ship is almost the same, maybe a bit different tempo, as chasing the Flacon at the end of ESB.


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1 hour ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

I do think we're going to get a Vader movie.  Why?  I'll give you 1 BILLION reason why.  I will contribute my (I have no idea how much movies cost these days) $20 to the cause.  


However, I agree, I think just getting spurts of Vader at times is what makes him so special.  I like that he's sparingly used, but when he is used, you can't take your eyes off of him.  



He is going to appear in Ahsoka. But Ahsoka is set in post RotJ, so it'll just be flashbacks?

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11 hours ago, Fergasun said:

Are we not gonna talk about how badass Aunt Beru is?



I thought that was a little over the top as well. Fun, but a bit absurd. Again, nit in the overall high entertainment value of the show. 


Next up is Andor. August 31 this year. Bad Batch season 2 is slated for the fall, Mandalorian is scheduled for Feb 2023 and Ashoka is slated for early next year. The one I am waiting for is the Acolyte--I'm hoping it's around Darth Bane and the rule of 2.

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15 hours ago, Riggo#44 said:


Appreciate you actually addressing any of the points in my post with a thoughtful response. Yes I know it’s annoying to hold writing and storytelling to any actual standard at all. Sorry for inconveniencing you. Should have just gone with the tried and true response the show was created for: “lightsaber fights omfg so cooooll man” 


no you know what? I’m going to watch it all now. I might even start the animated shows. And I will be here every episode with my thoughts, good or bad. Just for you 


Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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11 hours ago, bearrock said:
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It's established in Rebels that Obi Wan really hasn't lost a step by ANH (twin suns episode).  If anything, it look like he's stronger by then.  Filoni's canon basically has him intentionally taking a dive to Vader on the Death Star 


As for Reva's motivation to kill Luke, she realizes that she can't kill Vader, so she's looking to exact revenge on his son.  Kinda rushed, but that's what I got on her motivation 




Is it confirmed that she figured out Luke was his son? How would she have pieced that together from that one message she saw?

If this series was used to have Obi Wan rediscover the force and his hope again and then you get the rebels scene years later, it tracks. What doesn’t track is him being cutoff from the force and completely lost and a day later he’s peak Obi Wan again. Give me something, give me Kylo taking a blaster shot to the stomach that weakens him against someone he underestimated.

dont give me peak Vader at the height of the very victory he had sought for a decade going “eh he’s probably dead under there, I’ll just walk away” like he’s Dr Evil and then getting beaten pretty effortlessly because Obi Wan thought about Luke and Leia. 

and story wise @Voice_of_Reasonis correct, it is reckless and irresponsible and unacceptable that Obi Wan doesn’t kill him there. It’s cliche, just do the walk away when you know that this man is going to cause incalculable death and disaster innocents across the galaxy. That is why the face reveal and Obi Wan realizing Anakin is gone should have happened in the episode 3 fight when Obi Wan gets his ass kicked. Let him fight Reva in this finale who is still weak from getting impaled. It helps both of them. It’s like pro wrestling when you win clean or win with help. Obi Wan shouldn’t beat Vader clean at this point but a victory against Reva would make far more sense. He can show her mercy not Vader. And that tracks with him still relearning his power and the force again, ending the series on the same optimistic and hopeful theme, just without clowning Vader in the process 


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32 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Appreciate you actually addressing any of the points in my post with a thoughtful response. Yes I know it’s annoying to hold writing and storytelling to any actual standard at all. Sorry for inconveniencing you. Should have just gone with the tried and true response the show was created for: “lightsaber fights omfg so cooooll man” 


Except that it wasn't, but you want to ignore anything contrary to complain. Go right ahead. I am not going to stop you. And if you actually took the time to read all that I wrote, I did respond to many of your complaints. Thing is, chief, many are tired of your incessant whining and complaining--it's 98% of what you do. I am all for critiques and honest assessments--not for constant whining and complaining. I have no time for anyone who is that perpetually negative.


That being said, I liked this break down a lot:



36 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

no you know what? I’m going to watch it all now. I might even start the animated shows. And I will be here every episode with my thoughts, good or bad. Just for you

Feel free, chief. I'll happily put you back on ignore and not have to listen to your childish rants.

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43 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


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Is it confirmed that she figured out Luke was his son? How would she have pieced that together from that one message she saw?

If this series was used to have Obi Wan rediscover the force and his hope again and then you get the rebels scene years later, it tracks. What doesn’t track is him being cutoff from the force and completely lost and a day later he’s peak Obi Wan again. Give me something, give me Kylo taking a blaster shot to the stomach that weakens him against someone he underestimated.

dont give me peak Vader at the height of the very victory he had sought for a decade going “eh he’s probably dead under there, I’ll just walk away” like he’s Dr Evil and then getting beaten pretty effortlessly because Obi Wan thought about Luke and Leia. 

and story wise @Voice_of_Reasonis correct, it is reckless and irresponsible and unacceptable that Obi Wan doesn’t kill him there. It’s cliche, just do the walk away when you know that this man is going to cause incalculable death and disaster innocents across the galaxy. That is why the face reveal and Obi Wan realizing Anakin is gone should have happened in the episode 3 fight when Obi Wan gets his ass kicked. Let him fight Reva in this finale who is still weak from getting impaled. It helps both of them. It’s like pro wrestling when you win clean or win with help. Obi Wan shouldn’t beat Vader clean at this point but a victory against Reva would make far more sense. He can show her mercy not Vader. And that tracks with him still relearning his power and the force again, ending the series on the same optimistic and hopeful theme, just without clowning Vader in the process 



So I'll push back a little bit on the Part 3 thing.  One thing that had to happen for the cannon to work was Obi-Wan had to best Vader again for the line "Last time we met, I was but the learner, now I am the master" to make sense. 


Whatever the last fight between Vader and Obi-Wan before ANH, Obi-Wan had to win it.  So, since he was demolished in Part III, they had to have another one for Obi-Wan to win.


There are folks who are on the side of "don't ever have them face each other after the battle on Mustafar in Sith.  Ok, fine. That's perfectly fine.


But if they are going to make this show, and they are going to have Vader and Obi-Wan interact in any way, Obi-Wan has to have the upper hand in the end.


I am fine with the show happening, I liked the show overall.  I think the last bit between Leia and Obi-Wan explained away the "formal" message cannon issue well enough that I don't have a problem with it.


I loved the fact Vader said, "You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker, I did."  And then Obi-Wan said "then my friend is truly dead."  That actually helps the Lucas retcon from 30 years ago of "a certain point of view." I loved that.


I loved the fact that Reva tracked the escapees, which leads to how Leia knows they're being tracked in ANH.  That was cool.


I loved getting to spend some time with your Leia.  


I have 2 complaints of the entire series, one major, one minor:


1.  (BIG) Obi-Wan just couldn't leave Vader alive.  And I don't think he would have, honestly.  After the reveal that Vader already killed Anakin, I think Obi-Wan finishes Vader.  The reason he didn't is because of Plot armor.  That's it.  He can't.  So they had to figure out another way out of it, and that piece is very poor story telling.  


2. (Minor) I think they could have handled the entire Reva character and plot line a lot better.  I think there's a good story in there, but they didn't do a good job with it.  


Otherwise, for me, the good way outstrips the bad.  I very much enjoyed watching it, and I'm glad it was made.  But I just wish they had handled that 2 minute sequence at the end of the the fight so Vader makes an unlikely escape.  Hell, I wouldn't have minded having Palpatine appear out of nowhere to protect Vader, that would have also added to the "learner" vs. "master" thing.  Just about anything but what happened would have made me happy.  


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12 hours ago, Fergasun said:



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Re: Obi-Wan not killing Vader

It's not the Jedi way, and at that moment Obi-Wan was peak Jedi.  He was so Jedi that Vader could feel it and felt weakness towards him.  Guess what Vader?  You still ain't the most powerful Jedi.  You probably had a good 10 year run when Obi-Wan was lost and hopeless.  But you wanted to find him, torture him and defeat him so much.  I gotta think this moment was an inflection in the rebellion and even in Darth Vader's power. 


Also, Obi-Wan could never kill Anakin.   Not in Episode III, not now.  He will always have some soft spot for Anakin.  I am even sure seeing Anakin's desire, lust and need for victory -- he has compassion for. Probably he felt some comfort knowing that even if Anakin wants to say he is dead, Darth Vader can't help but demonstrate the qualities of Anakin.  


Sure, this is just my own head canon.  It does not bother me at all.  People will make proclamations like "We will end this once and for all!"  and then Obi-Wan see's there's another way. 


They can just call this: "Return of the Jedi" because Obi-Wan went from rejecting the Jedi way.  Rejecting the force... which is why he was weak in the early episodes.  Do you blame him?  Looks like all the orphan midichlorians of dead Jedi went to him... 


I am more upset at the dumb things like how did he get off that moon without the Empire caring. Did Vader say, "Finally, I will face Obi-Wan, this won't take long!" and then all the crew is just relaxing because it's so hard serving on his command ship... gotta be on your toes?  And how did his ship have hyperdrive?  Maybe the Grand Inquisitor is like "I am in command, we'll crush the rebel scum once and for all!"  and he takes Vader's command ship.  Do they not have Tie Fighters?  Hey let's send Tie Fighters to pursue the rebels and use this big ship for Obi-Wan.


Are we not gonna talk about how badass Aunt Beru is?




I disagree to an extent it's not the Jedi way to kill sith.  I mean, when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were fighting Maul, what were they going to do, arrest him?  No, that's a fight to the death.  (Or at least a fight to cutting the guy in half and throwing him down the tropey Star Wars huge hole to nowhere for no reason.) 


In order to protect, the Jedi can kill.  Especially the Sith.  


Now, if you want to argue Obi-Wan just can't kill Anakin because of their relationship?  Ok, but then they can't put the line "You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker, I did" in.  With that line, Obi-Wan knows Anakin is not in there anymore, and therefore Vader is the enemy that has to be finished.


There's also the line in the ship where Obi-Wan is saying "it's going to end today." He went in with the intention of killing Vader.  He says "I will do what I must."  


Yoda and Windu would have both finished Palpatine if they could.  Neither got a chance to, but I'm positive they would have.  


Everybody can explain away the mistake with their own head cannon, but this was a mistake by the story tellers. Unforced error.  



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1 hour ago, Voice_of_Reason said:
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I disagree to an extent it's not the Jedi way to kill sith.  I mean, when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were fighting Maul, what were they going to do, arrest him?  No, that's a fight to the death.  (Or at least a fight to cutting the guy in half and throwing him down the tropey Star Wars huge hole to nowhere for no reason.) 


In order to protect, the Jedi can kill.  Especially the Sith.  


Now, if you want to argue Obi-Wan just can't kill Anakin because of their relationship?  Ok, but then they can't put the line "You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker, I did" in.  With that line, Obi-Wan knows Anakin is not in there anymore, and therefore Vader is the enemy that has to be finished.


There's also the line in the ship where Obi-Wan is saying "it's going to end today." He went in with the intention of killing Vader.  He says "I will do what I must."  


Yoda and Windu would have both finished Palpatine if they could.  Neither got a chance to, but I'm positive they would have.  


Everybody can explain away the mistake with their own head cannon, but this was a mistake by the story tellers. Unforced error.  




Agree about the head cannon and not killing Vader. Bit of a misstep there--even a group of purge troopers on the shuttle would have helped that part. But, it's whatever to me, I liked how the breakdown I posted saw it--pity. He didn't feel Vader as a threat anymore--he'd beaten him twice now. But, yes, agree it was an unforced error. However, it doesn't take away from the gravitas of that moment. The vacillating Christensen/JEJ-Vader voice with the broken mask was haunting. That scene wasn't just lightsabers and OMG cool--it was emotionally impactful--what a lot of the PT and ST were missing.


I'm also very much on the fence about Season 2. I'm always down for Ewan McGregor reprising the role, but I'd be worried about how that fits in the overall cannon--which I think they've done well to protect.

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2 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


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Is it confirmed that she figured out Luke was his son? How would she have pieced that together from that one message she saw?

If this series was used to have Obi Wan rediscover the force and his hope again and then you get the rebels scene years later, it tracks. What doesn’t track is him being cutoff from the force and completely lost and a day later he’s peak Obi Wan again. Give me something, give me Kylo taking a blaster shot to the stomach that weakens him against someone he underestimated.

dont give me peak Vader at the height of the very victory he had sought for a decade going “eh he’s probably dead under there, I’ll just walk away” like he’s Dr Evil and then getting beaten pretty effortlessly because Obi Wan thought about Luke and Leia. 

and story wise @Voice_of_Reasonis correct, it is reckless and irresponsible and unacceptable that Obi Wan doesn’t kill him there. It’s cliche, just do the walk away when you know that this man is going to cause incalculable death and disaster innocents across the galaxy. That is why the face reveal and Obi Wan realizing Anakin is gone should have happened in the episode 3 fight when Obi Wan gets his ass kicked. Let him fight Reva in this finale who is still weak from getting impaled. It helps both of them. It’s like pro wrestling when you win clean or win with help. Obi Wan shouldn’t beat Vader clean at this point but a victory against Reva would make far more sense. He can show her mercy not Vader. And that tracks with him still relearning his power and the force again, ending the series on the same optimistic and hopeful theme, just without clowning Vader in the process 




Tbf, she hears the snippet about if he's learned of the children, heads to Tatooine and finds out Owen is raising a boy named Luke Skywalker, I don't think takes a genius to put it together even if she doesn't know Anakin's background, which I would assume she did some digging into).


As for Obi-Wan beating Vader so shortly after being reconnected with the force, I mean it's more believable than Luke kicking Vader's ass after a mish mash of training from Kenobi and Yoda.


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1 minute ago, bearrock said:


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Tbf, she hears the snippet about if he's learned of the children, heads to Tatooine and finds out Owen is raising a boy named Luke Skywalker, I don't think takes a genius to put it together even if she doesn't know Anakin's background, which I would assume she did some digging into).


As for Obi-Wan beating Vader so shortly after being reconnected with the force, I mean it's more believable than Luke kicking Vader's ass after a mish mash of training from Kenobi and Yoda.



It thought it was blatantly obvious as to why Reva wants to kill Luke: Anakin killed kids and Reva's friends. She's going to return the favor.

Obi Wan didn't start to manhandle Vader until he crushed his chest respirator. I'd imagine it's hard to use the Force if you can't breathe.


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2 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:
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So I'll push back a little bit on the Part 3 thing.  One thing that had to happen for the cannon to work was Obi-Wan had to best Vader again for the line "Last time we met, I was but the learner, now I am the master" to make sense. 


Whatever the last fight between Vader and Obi-Wan before ANH, Obi-Wan had to win it.  So, since he was demolished in Part III, they had to have another one for Obi-Wan to win.


There are folks who are on the side of "don't ever have them face each other after the battle on Mustafar in Sith.  Ok, fine. That's perfectly fine.


But if they are going to make this show, and they are going to have Vader and Obi-Wan interact in any way, Obi-Wan has to have the upper hand in the end.


I am fine with the show happening, I liked the show overall.  I think the last bit between Leia and Obi-Wan explained away the "formal" message cannon issue well enough that I don't have a problem with it.


I loved the fact Vader said, "You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker, I did."  And then Obi-Wan said "then my friend is truly dead."  That actually helps the Lucas retcon from 30 years ago of "a certain point of view." I loved that.


I loved the fact that Reva tracked the escapees, which leads to how Leia knows they're being tracked in ANH.  That was cool.


I loved getting to spend some time with your Leia.  


I have 2 complaints of the entire series, one major, one minor:


1.  (BIG) Obi-Wan just couldn't leave Vader alive.  And I don't think he would have, honestly.  After the reveal that Vader already killed Anakin, I think Obi-Wan finishes Vader.  The reason he didn't is because of Plot armor.  That's it.  He can't.  So they had to figure out another way out of it, and that piece is very poor story telling.  


2. (Minor) I think they could have handled the entire Reva character and plot line a lot better.  I think there's a good story in there, but they didn't do a good job with it.  


Otherwise, for me, the good way outstrips the bad.  I very much enjoyed watching it, and I'm glad it was made.  But I just wish they had handled that 2 minute sequence at the end of the the fight so Vader makes an unlikely escape.  Hell, I wouldn't have minded having Palpatine appear out of nowhere to protect Vader, that would have also added to the "learner" vs. "master" thing.  Just about anything but what happened would have made me happy.  




No I think that line in ANH still works after episode 5. It works far better and is actually pretty clever imo in that Vader was the far superior fighter and would have killed Obi Wan had he caught him but Obi Wan remembering his training of Anakin in the flashbacks we saw was able to trick Vader with the two ships. He knew he had no patience and got the best of him. That makes the ANH line really cool in that, yeah I was far better but you still outsmarted me and I had more to learn. Now I am the master.

It works perfectly and they never have to have another fight. Getting tricked again was the learning moment for Vader there, not just because Obi Wan turned into Superman in an instant. There is more to it than just brute strength and force power which is what it’s turned into. I really liked that aspect of it when I saw episode 5 but now they just wanted it to be Obi was being physically/force superior for some reason 


Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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As a really small nit pick, and this is for episode 3, there are 2 iconic Vader standing  or lighting his light saber scenes: The first time we see it is him standing with his light saber already lit in ANH while waiting for Obi-Wan, the second is in RogueOne at the end.


im both scenes, he lights/holds the light saber and it is inward, diagonal down across his body.


In part 3, when he sees Obi-Wan, he lights is saber and all we see is his hand and it is being held outward.  

This, I feel, was a missed opportunity at continuity.  I find that Vader pose iconic.  They could have gone to it one more time instead of changing it up.  It was a badass shot, very well done.  But I would have preferred almost a repeat of ANH with the saber positioning so “the circle could be complete”. 

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3 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

As a really small nit pick, and this is for episode 3, there are 2 iconic Vader standing  or lighting his light saber scenes: The first time we see it is him standing with his light saber already lit in ANH while waiting for Obi-Wan, the second is in RogueOne at the end.


im both scenes, he lights/holds the light saber and it is inward, diagonal down across his body.


In part 3, when he sees Obi-Wan, he lights is saber and all we see is his hand and it is being held outward.  

This, I feel, was a missed opportunity at continuity.  I find that Vader pose iconic.  They could have gone to it one more time instead of changing it up.  It was a badass shot, very well done.  But I would have preferred almost a repeat of ANH with the saber positioning so “the circle could be complete”. 

ESB, it's upwards.


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2 hours ago, Riggo#44 said:
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Agree about the head cannon and not killing Vader. Bit of a misstep there--even a group of purge troopers on the shuttle would have helped that part. But, it's whatever to me, I liked how the breakdown I posted saw it--pity. He didn't feel Vader as a threat anymore--he'd beaten him twice now. But, yes, agree it was an unforced error. However, it doesn't take away from the gravitas of that moment. The vacillating Christensen/JEJ-Vader voice with the broken mask was haunting. That scene wasn't just lightsabers and OMG cool--it was emotionally impactful--what a lot of the PT and ST were missing.


I'm also very much on the fence about Season 2. I'm always down for Ewan McGregor reprising the role, but I'd be worried about how that fits in the overall cannon--which I think they've done well to protect.


I was surprised with how back into the "main" story they brought him for Season 1. I was expecting something like the comics where they'd do a "Journal of Obi-Wan" for a flashback. He'd be watching over Luke and ended up messing with some baddies who worked for Jabba... so that became a thing. Stories like that. 

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