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Potential Landing Spots For RG3

Gizmo 3squire

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Calling it now:


Browns @ Redskins season opener on MNF.


Poor Bobby will get abused by Kerrigan, Gallette and Smith. I'd predict minimum four sacks.

I can see that game going either way... I can imagine Barry going into one of his non blitz coverage heavy schemes and the Browns coming up with an amazing plan for that day... and suddenly, lo and behold, redemptive story.


I can also see RGIII folding to the pressure and just having a miserable day while falling in a rout.

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Burgold said this in the twitter thread:

I felt compelled to reply. And do so here.  Where all Griffin talk should go.


I will just comment thusly, : Griffin, IF he has his athletic ability and burst back the way it was, can make even the most average players, OL and otherwise, look pretty spectacular.  
Look at the difference between 2012 and 2013.  It was essentially exactly the same team.  One year they were an offensive juggernaut, next year they won't. 
Griffin has proven, in the right situation, if he's the same physically, he CAN elevate mediocre players around him.  
The questions are:
1. Is he the same physically (burst more than top-end speed)
2. Is he willing to play the same style of offense? Which won't be AS effective, because defenses have caught up a little.  But see Carolina, it can still work pretty well.
3. Can Hugh coach it up as well Kyle and Mike?  



as far as #2 goes, I think we all know it works because Cam is a beast and built like a linebacker, he can take hits that RGIII just can't.  

I don't know why some of y'all are sweating the Browns and RGIII lol, come on man.



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Griffin did not get screwed in Washington...He brought everything upon his self. 2012 playoffs instead of pulling his self out of the game when he was hurt he told everyone he was fine just so kirk would not get in the game and take all his glory..2013 his dumb ass slogan all in for week one,he could hardly move around..blaming everyone for his shortcomings..I could go on and on..

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I can see that game going either way... I can imagine Barry going into one of his non blitz coverage heavy schemes and the Browns coming up with an amazing plan for that day... and suddenly, lo and behold, redemptive story.


I can also see RGIII folding to the pressure and just having a miserable day while falling in a rout.



Or he can also not play at all if he looks as bad this preseason as he looked last preseason in Washington.


If he plays like he played in that preseason game against Detroit, the only place you'll see Griffin in the game against the Redskins is on the sidelines. :)

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Ok wise one please tell me why he refused to take any blame for his shortcomings or came up with some BS slogan to put all the attention on him..He always had to be in the spotlight..Thats what did him in.

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Ok wise one please tell me why he refused to take any blame for his shortcomings or came up with some BS slogan to put all the attention on him..He always had to be in the spotlight..Thats what did him in.

Considering that this is not a "**** about RGIII" hate thread, as much as you want it to be, I'll refrain from debating that with you and stick to the topic.  Which is potential landing spots for RGIII, which is now been determined, so continuing to discuss playing him and the Browns next season along with how he may potentially do in Cleveland.



Just looked at some of your previous posts and you are one angry guy.  



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Ok wise one please tell me why he refused to take any blame for his shortcomings or came up with some BS slogan to put all the attention on him..He always had to be in the spotlight..Thats what did him in.

He often took blame. The idea that he didn't was one of those myths that don't add up if you listened to the press conferences or remember the articles accurately. The sloganeering was corny, but basically harmless.


The fault is everyone's to bear.  Shanny should have pulled him. Almost no player ever pulls himself. Ever. Shanny also should have not let him start in 2013 when he was that rusty and unready. He's the head coach. Take control or get out.  RGIII should have spent as much time working on the mental side of football as he did rehabbing. He didn't get what he couldn't do. He also became paralyzed by fear and indecision which made bad line play, terrible line play.


RGIII owns his failures, but the line, the playcalling, crap defenses that could never hold a lead, and the HCs certainly contributed a lot!

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Not angry at all..just tired of people saying he was screwed by the coaching staff...He got three years to show his talents and failed for some reason or another,but don't act like two head coaches were the problem.. 

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I think Hue Jackson is a very good coach, and might very well revive RG3's career, in much the same way Harbaugh resuscitated Alex Smith's.


I think that depends on if they put an o-line in front of him that can block and if they get Gordon back.  That team is really in shambles right now.  O-line is bad, not sold on any of their running backs, receivers are average outside of Gordon, who hasn't played but 5 games in the past two seasons.


New head coach, new system, Bob hasn't played in a regular season game since Dec. 28th, 2014.  It's gonna be a long journey full of pain and misery for #10.


Thing about the Browns is they are the Browns.  Even when Gordon put up over 1600 yards receiving, they finished 4-12 that year.  They were competitive in a lot of the losses and in the game until the end, I'll give them that.  


I personally don't think Gordon should be reinstated, this would be his 4th chance.  He had the 2 game suspension in 2013, 10 game suspension in 2014 and then 1 year suspension in 2015.  Not to mention being suspended indefinitely in college for a failed drug test, which I can over look since it was college.

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I think Hue Jackson is a very good coach, and might very well revive RG3's career, in much the same way Harbaugh resuscitated Alex Smith's.

It possible.  I thinks it's more likely that the Browns draft a QB in the first round and RG3 is looking for another team in two years.

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What does that mean? Are we at the beginning of a long season of passive aggressiveness from the Griffin camp?

You bet we are. It will be all over espn.

I don't feel bad for griffin. Sure he could've gone to a better place but he still has a starting qb spot on lockdown. He'll get his chance and I expect he's finally healthy.

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