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Who'd a thunk it


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I know this takes an extra risk as a thread posted before we know how we play tonight, let alone win or lose, but that's part of the point.


I will put aside the talk of how poorly this division, and at least one other, and the nfl in general, is playing (w/l records) In the context of this season just as I do Gibbs two 8 game season as "not counting as much." Everyone competes within the same seasonal context.


The thing is, no way I'd have thought we'd be where we are, flaws and all, though I picked 7 wins as my optimistic call---(5-6 being more realistic was my thought). And I posted that 8 wins would be a very encouraging surprise to me and put a big smile on my face. 


And now those 8 wins are quite possible and would mean even more. And it's been more a roller coaster this year than the last couple where it just felt down all the time, and now it's starting to even smooth out a bit here at the end so far. And while we're more the opposite of some "quick dramatic turnaround" story (or myth if you like) it's been a season of slowly growing improvement, building to many exciting plays, games and team capabilities. Yup--plenty of weaknesses still left to address, but the other is true, too.


It seems most of us are enjoying a great deal of what we're seeing, even through the up and down angst of this year and pain of recent ones---though our eyes, collectively, also seem wide open and our feet fairly well on the ground from what I read (minus VeryOldSchool who's head went into the clouds early).  :lol:


For me, it's not just coming from getting a few more wins (even if it's only 3 more this time at the end and a paltry 7 as a total) but for the team/staff chemistry we're seemingly forming for the first time in many years, from coaches to players to execs.


And to all of you ES'ers who are able to enjoy all of that, congratulations! There are many here who do indeed "like that."


So, I will again thank Scot, Jay and his staff, and Kirk and all the players (hell, I really should add Bruce & Dan) for this group, as they are starting to really become a solid pro football team, with of course, a long way to go. It's been a season so far that is closing out with valid renewed hope and belief---now don't **** it up, guys!  :D


Posters (mods and otherwise) come and go, "big presences" < ^_^ > or not, but ES always rocks and always will. We just want the Redskins to do the same.  B)

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I've long said the rest of us can only hope to learn from you, kb, in football and in life. :lol:


Personally, I think you should start a cult. I think I'd like Island living (only tried it briefly on Maui, though). I could be your first official acolyte/witch doctor/advisor.  :ph34r:

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I picked 7-9 too and that was about as realistically overoptimistic a call as I could muster.

What pleases me more than the possibility of a winning season or even a playoff season in this forging year is who did it.


Moses rookie year

Scherff 1st year

Long 1st year


Cousins (seasoned back up, but first year starting)


Long rookie year

Smith 1st year

Compton (not sure what year he's at)


Crowder rookie year


Jarrett rookie year

Dunbarr converted udfa rookie year


Jones rookie year


and I'm probably missing a few. This was one heck of a teaching job with a lot of really young players who made contributions.


If ya thunk about it that's quite a list for a coach who started on the hot seat who chose the worst defensive coordinator in NFL history to lead the defense... not to mention a career back up interception machine with a nerves made of balsa wood as quarterback.

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Great thread!


I was of a similar mindset prior to the season. I don't remember my exact prediction here, but felt that 6-7 wins was a pretty nice step in the right direction...especially if it came in a sustainable manner. We've gotten to 7 wins with players who should all sustain or improve upon their performances over the next few years. That's exciting and has already made this season an overachievement in my book. 


Don't get me wrong...I want tonight's game so badly. If we don't win and end up losing out on the division title next week, it will sting for a couple weeks. But eventually I will replace that disappointment with optimism for the long-term progression of Redskins. The past few weeks have provided us with valuable experience in important games. We've come up big in plenty of spots this year and have grown. 


A division title and playoff game (or two) would be gravy. But today, right after Christmas, I'm really craving some gravy!

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Pre Season Week 1 in Cleveland I told my buddy Jamie Street from ESPN 980 that this was going to be a looooooong season. It's been a running gag between us all season. Hopefully, tonight I get to explain to him that "looooooong season" meant PLAYOFFS. :D

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Win or lose tonight (and quite honestly the rest of the way this year) I think for the first time in a long time the organization is headed in the right direction with a solid base and culture/attitude conducive to success.  It is uncanny how having an adult in charge seems to have changed the entire culture around this organization.  We have been able to enjoy an entire season here with very low drama, social media incidents, no means no, leaks, locker room incidents with reporters, etc.  I will never forget the magic the squad in 2012 brought us, but I honestly think this years team is much more well positioned for sustained success next year and years to come.  We are playing with house money here, and I'll enjoy the ride the rest of the way regardless of what happens tonight. 



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My prediction was that we'd suck, at the beginning of the year. But that we'd get better, through the year, and finish around 7 wins, and we'd be more of a team.

My main reason for predicting that, was the two new guys starting on the right side of the OL. Figured it would take them a while to gel, and to pick up the game. (And the same for Cousins).

In many ways, I've been seriously impressed with this team, this year.

I'll have to say, even if we lose our last two games, I'm still impressed.

I know it's been over used, but I Like This.

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I'm still frankly shocked at all of "you people" with your terrible preseason predictions.


I predicted 10-6 and first place in the East. I thought we'd have this **** on lock by now.


I'm pissed we've under performed.


I went with 7-9 before the season and I recall a thread right before the Dolphins game where people got into the subject and 7-9 was wildly optimistic compared to most.  But 10-6 definitely has you taking the cake, don't recall much optimism on that level.


Having said that if I would have known how many injuries they'd suffer I'd probably have gone with a lower record.  14 guys on IR, that's insane.  Games without both Jordan Reed and D. Jackson.  Both MLBs out.  Top corner out.  Top strong safety out.  Two O lineman out. Relying heavily on 2 guys off the street to help lead the defense.  


If you put everything in context IMO it makes the season more impressive.    If they win tonight I think it turns a good story into a great story also I think to will turn around some of the fans who still have a hard time believing. 

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I went with 7-9 before the season and I recall a thread right before the Dolphins game where people got into the subject and 7-9 was wildly optimistic compared to most.  But 10-6 definitely has you taking the cake, don't recall much optimism on that level.

I remember 7-9 being the poll option that got the most votes.

Having said that if I would have know how many injuries they'd suffer I'd probably have gone with a lower record.  14 guys on IR, that's insane.  Games without both Jordan Reed and D. Jackson.  Both MLBs out.  Top corner out.  Top strong safety out.  Two O lineman out. Relying heavily on 2 guys off the street to help lead the defense.  


If you put everything in context IMO it makes the season more impressive.    If they win tonight I think it turns a good story into a great story also I think to will turn around some of the fans who still have a hard time believing.

Agreed. Granted, it's just my gut talking, but my feeling is that an offseason of building up depth, and we're a contender.

We're actually gonna have tough choices, to make, with player retention and who to cut, this offseason.

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I went with 7-9 before the season and I recall a thread right before the Dolphins game where people got into the subject and 7-9 was wildly optimistic compared to most.  But 10-6 definitely has you taking the cake, don't recall much optimism on that level.

Don't give him too much praise. Every other season he probably went 16-0 and so 10-6 is probably really, really pessimistic for him.


Thanks for the sig complement, Jumbo. Been amazed at the reviews and the reception the book has gotten. Hopefully, sales follow :)

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Every season the fan in me predicts we'll go at least 7-9 and I always predict that we'll do well at home. This season I had us getting off to a fast start and imagined that we'd be 7-7 before losing the last two games.

But of course I didn't see Romo getting hurt and I thought Philly would be a bit better than they have been. But after the first 2 weeks, after Romo got injured and the Eagles were looking like junk, I made a lunch bet with a friend at work that the Skins would take the division. I'm feeling pretty confident that the bet will pay off tonight. But if not, seems like a good foundation is being built here.

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Almost no one in the media. That's for sure. But honestly, I don't think we really have that far to go. Considering all the injuries we've had this year, I think this team has shown a ton of heart this year. You know, " fightin' their guts out ".

There's been too many times in recent years, where if we were down by three or four points with three or four minutes to go ... game over. That sense of doom would set in, and what we feared, would play out before us in all of it's predictability, time and time again.

But now, we can answer the challenge in those situations. Some of that ( or maybe a lot ) , of course, has to do with the quarterback position. It's so crucial. The defense has played well in the reverse situation, also.

I picked 9 - 7 after Cousins was named the starter. Before that ..... uh ..... not 9 - 7.

I think the next two games are critical in truly judging where we are as a team, right now. Finish 7 - 9, after having the division title right there in front of us for the taking, and we'll probably have to say " we're better, we're making strides, but ...

However, finish 9 - 7 and bust the front door down to the playoffs, and you have to feel good about our prospects going into next year.


Aretha Franklin, ... if you know what I'm saying.

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Moses rookie year

Scherff 1st year

Long 1st year


Cousins (seasoned back up, but first year starting)


Long rookie year

Smith 1st year

Compton (not sure what year he's at)


Crowder rookie year


Jarrett rookie year

Dunbarr converted udfa rookie year


Jones rookie year


and I'm probably missing a few. This was one heck of a teaching job with a lot of really young players who made contributions.

I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but I've been extremely impressed with what SM has done this season. Not only are we seeing production from the young guys that you listed. But how about the patch work he's done with filling holes vacated by injured starters.  Blackmon was unemployed in the beginning of the season, and has been nothing short of solid for us. Mason Foster has showed well also.  And the free agents he brought in during the offseason has done exceptionally well fitting into the gameplan.


I can only imagine what this team looks like with a full compliment of our starters (Galette, Culliver, Paul, Lavauo, Litch, etc).


Win or lose, I'm finally excited for what the future holds, knowing we have a rockstar of a GM running the show.

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I've long said the rest of us can only hope to learn from you, kb, in football and in life. :lol:


Personally, I think you should start a cult. I think I'd like Island living (only tried it briefly on Maui, though). I could be your first official acolyte/witch doctor/advisor.  :ph34r:

Hey brother, I keep a guest room open for like minded (sober vegan redskin fans) good people.


I've thought about the cult angle, but it would have to be organic. My memory is too bad to not be honest.

I went with 7-9 before the season and I recall a thread right before the Dolphins game where people got into the subject and 7-9 was wildly optimistic compared to most.  But 10-6 definitely has you taking the cake, don't recall much optimism on that level.


Having said that if I would have know how many injuries they'd suffer I'd probably have gone with a lower record.  14 guys on IR, that's insane.  Games without both Jordan Reed and D. Jackson.  Both MLBs out.  Top corner out.  Top strong safety out.  Two O lineman out. Relying heavily on 2 guys off the street to help lead the defense.  


If you put everything in context IMO it makes the season more impressive.    If they win tonight I think it turns a good story into a great story also I think to will turn around some of the fans who still have a hard time believing. 

If we lose this game tonight, I will go into complete baby mode and trash every single part of this team and accuse Snyder of still meddling.

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I expect lots of hate around here if we lose tonight and if we don't make the playoffs.

Still, that shouldn't shadow the fact that we've been witnessing a young unproven team turned into an average team that is gaining some respect throughout the league. As some noted in the thread regarding Kendricks and others, other players think it's smart to do some trash talking against us, meant we are becaming relevant.


I did not take part in the prediction thread, this year to me was about heart and passion on the field, and the W/L ratio had not much importance. I was more concerned about the content than the outcome of the games. And to this, I can say I'm already satisfied with what we've been showing on the field. Sadly, I won't be able to watch the game tonite, but I know we're gonna show up and play within our strenghts and try to get the hell out of Philly with a W.


Playoffs are just bonuses this year, I'll obviously take them, but it's still not a goal to me. Goal has been achieved, and everything to come is just icing on the cake.


What pleases me more again is the play we've got from many rookies or those off the street FA. Burg have shown a nice list of them where I would add guys like Foster or Dustin Hopkins, Derek Carrier, Pierre Thomas also. Which makes me giving serious kudos to all the coaching staff. Those guys deserved a lot of respect for what they've done this year, considering everything they went through, the least respect they got, and still get from some that solely attribute this to McCloughan.


Heck, McVay said it better than anyone in the SoundFx of Kirk Cousins: he's learning too. He'll be better as time goes by.

Yeah, I'm getting more and more excited about 2016 than anything. What I ultimately wants for the Redskins in to be perennial playoffs contenders. SBs aren't that easy to get, but being in the playoffs every year is what the Redskins should year in, year out.


Hopefully, we're heading to this as Kirk and Gruden are working their butts off to that.

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