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Gawker: Gun Rights Groups to Hold Fake Mass Shooting at UT This Weekend


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Multiple gun rights groups will be joining together this weekend for a mock mass shooting on the University of Texas campus, an event complete with cardboard guns, crisis actors, and fake blood. Now, what could this possibly accomplish?, a reasonable person might be wondering. But as one of the protestors told Statesman.com: “We love freedom, and we’re trying to make more freedom.”


The “crisis performance event” itself will involve actors being “shot” with mock guns, just over a week after the San Bernardino mass shooting took 14 individual lives. From Statesman.com:


“It’s a fake mass shooting, and we’ll use fake blood,” he said. He said gun noises will be blared from bullhorns. Other people will then play the role of rescuers, also armed with cardboard weapons.

... Asked if he was worried the demonstration, which will be preceded by a walk through Austin with loaded weapons might appear in bad taste following the mass shootings in San Bernardino and Paris, Short said: “Not at all. People were able to be murdered people because no one was armed.”



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I just hope no one comes in thinking they can make the event real.


First thought I had.  Today's Wednesday.  Plenty of time for a couple of nutjobs (of any race, color, or religion) anywhere in the country to travel down to TX in time for Saturday's festivities.  

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First thought I had.  Today's Wednesday.  Plenty of time for a couple of nutjobs (of any race, color, or religion) anywhere in the country to travel down to TX in time for Saturday's festivities.  


What if someone shows up to campus and shoot these idiot "fake shooters" - can they claim "stand your ground" as justification? 

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This combines two things I feel all people love wholeheartedly, performance art and loud political opinions coming from college campuses.

Does this mean it's been long enough, that we can talk about gun control, now?

This atrocity hasn't even happened yet Larry and you're already bringing up gun control?
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This combines two things I feel all people love wholeheartedly, performance art and college students shouting about things.

This atrocity hasn't even happened yet Larry and you're already bringing up gun control?

To be fair, it is a gun rights event which means it's in all likelihood an anti gun control rally.

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UT now saying they are going to remove anyone from campus doing this authorized "event."

This is going to be interesting...

Well the school administration is obviously socialist/communist/Hitler/Islamic terrorists and it's my god given right to be there and pretend to shoot anyone I want to.

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