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The immigration thread: American Melting Pot or Get off my Lawn


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There "shouldn't" be many smart people blind to the "protect the white race/christian/dominance in the USA" cornerstone of this admin and many of his voters. My call is a majority of his backers seem actively seek/want that, whether they admit it out loud---many do---or not.


Let's talk a bit about our old friend---the accusation of "racism."  First, racism/bias/prejudice/bigotry are connected yet all have specific definitions. It's worth starting there. Then each term (just like "liar" or "hypocrite") as applied to a person or group is on a continuum of significance, not some absolute value.


"I'm not a racist" can be a truth to a degree while it also be true that there exists racist thinking and actions, also to a degree, in that same case. Not rocket surgery. 


Also, one thing I often see in trump & co and  many of his supporters (with negative bias of my own) is sort of a "well he's a good <insert "other">, we like good <insert same>", but extended to all "others."  And in a way they're showing a non-bigoted side concurrent with a bigoted side (not hard for people to do, really). In this form it's more about your politics---you can be any nationality you want or call yourself by another religion and we're fine with that, as long as you think/do what we do in all this stuff." That's seems quite inclusive, but we all know how that goes. Even if every "other" here fell into line (whatever that looks like) with trump & co, it wouldn't be long before something would be found "wrong" with those "others" that needs to be remedied (humans). 

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I am only as god made me.


(one of my fave lines from a fish called wanda)



marginally OT ---an unabashedly endorsed pulls-at-heartstrings story (hopefully not just for "libs"): it appears cnn digital (i don't know what that is exactly---i check their site but thought that was just "cnn") is running a series for black history month called 'the first time i realized i was black" with videos of personal stories and i think the theme for all of them is the first time the person experienced racism. 


so one of their talking heads---van jones (alway seems like a decent smart guy---very left) participated and tells about being in a diner @15 y.o., having a coke and some of his schoolmates  are there, and he gets up, goes to the bathroom, comes back and sits down. A girl who sits next to him (white fwiw) reaches for the coke and the boy next to her grabs her arm and tells her not to. van thinks little of it, drinks the coke, but later sees the girl again who is crying. she tells him  she was told not to drink his coke becuase when he went to the bathroom everyone spit in it and she felt awful she didn't tell him. he said the biggest part that got him was the surprise he felt because he thought they were his friends and didn't even know they felt that way about him.




he has that bill maher town hall tonight where bill tangles with a trump voter---also has some interesting stories of divergent views among gopers, and from diff nationality muslims  in our military re: the ban



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2 hours ago, Jumbo said:

I am only as god made me.


(one of my fave lines from a fish called wanda)



marginally OT ---an unabashedly endorsed pulls-at-heartstrings story (hopefully not just for "libs"): it appears cnn digital (i don't know what that is exactly---i check their site but thought that was just "cnn") is running a series for black history month called 'the first time i realized i was black" with videos of personal stories and i think the theme for all of them is the first time the person experienced racism. 


so one of their talking heads---van jones (alway seems like a decent smart guy---very left) participated and tells about being in a diner @15 y.o., having a coke and some of his schoolmates  are there, and he gets up, goes to the bathroom, comes back and sits down. A girl who sits next to him (white fwiw) reaches for the coke and the boy next to her grabs her arm and tells her not to. van thinks little of it, drinks the coke, but later sees the girl again who is crying. she tells him  she was told not to drink his coke becuase when he went to the bathroom everyone spit in it and she felt awful she didn't tell him. he said the biggest part that got him was the surprise he felt because he thought they were his friends and didn't even know they felt that way about him.




he has that bill maher town hall tonight where bill tangles with a trump voter---also has some interesting stories of divergent views among gopers, and from diff nationality muslims  in our military re: the ban





this sort of story also highlights your "spectrum of racial discomfort" theme.   Because, you know, Van Jones' story COULD have been just because he was a dork, not because he was black  (and it really could've, because some kids are mean little ****s that will be cruel to anyone, given an opportunity).  and since it COULD have a non-racial explanation, i don't believe any of those stories have a basis in race, they are all discredited.    


on the other hand, you know it is just possible that Van Jones only got his job BECAUSE he is black.  And since it is POSSIBLE that this is true... i believe it.   and pretty much everybody in his position (black and successful) only got to that place because of reverse discrimination.   If only i was black, i would've gone to Yale, and would be as successful as Van Jones (actually more successful, because i would've EARNED my place) 





21 minutes ago, The Sisko said:

I know! He's so articulate. I just wanna reach out and touch his hair. 





Edited by mcsluggo
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We have a petulant, reactionary, little man with the temperament of an emotionally scarred 7th grader as our president. Not that I'm telling you anything you didn't already know.


When he was elected, I was all like, "The world will survive. We'll get through this." It's only been three weeks but his attitude, actions, and overall unstable disposition combined with the GOPs bizarre willingness to fight for him have me questioning that assessment. I'd put it at a greater than 0% chance that this does not end well.

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I thought Donny was doing this to surprise the bad guys. Why isn't he putting the EO out right now if he's worried about bad guys rushing in? Also, why is he announcing days? He's telegraphing his moves! I thought he wasn't going to let the bad guys know the dates of our action like Obama did. It's almost like if all that was bs.

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3 hours ago, mcsluggo said:



this sort of story also highlights your "spectrum of racial discomfort" theme.   Because, you know, Van Jones' story COULD have been just because he was a dork, not because he was black  (and it really could've, because some kids are mean little ****s that will be cruel to anyone, given an opportunity).  and since it COULD have a non-racial explanation, i don't believe any of those stories have a basis in race, they are all discredited.    


on the other hand, you know it is just possible that Van Jones only got his job BECAUSE he is black.  And since it is POSSIBLE that this is true... i believe it.   and pretty much everybody in his position (black and successful) only got to that place because of reverse discrimination.   If only i was black, i would've gone to Yale, and would be as successful as Van Jones (actually more successful, because i would've EARNED my place) 


I can certainly agree that sometimes it's tough, in individual cases, to tell if something is racism or not.  


(And yes, I do realize (hope?) that your post was sarcasm.  But I think there's a serious point, in there, and so I'm going to address that serious point.)  


Anecdotal story that I read in the local newspaper, 10 years or so ago.  


A (black) professor here at UF bought a new car.  He had some friends over to his house, and he showed off his new car.  One of his friends stated that he was in the market for a new car, too.  They get talking about various models and features.  And the Prof decides that the dealer where he bought his car has a car that would be perfect for his friend.  So they decide to go over to the dealer and look at this other car.  


They drive over to the dealer, look at the other car, and leave.  


A police officer sees someone drive a new car, sticker in the window, off of the dealer's lot, at 3:00AM.  The car has a license plate, but it's not a 30 day, temporary plate.  It's a metal license plate.  


Cop pulls in behind the car, and runs the plate.  


Now, information:  In Florida, when I sell a car, I'm allowed to take the old plate off of the car I sold, and keep it.  If I buy another car, I'm allowed to attach that plate to the car I just bought.  I'm required to notify DMV.  And I might have to pay some money (if the new car has a higher tax on it than the old one did.)  But I am allowed to transfer the plate.  


The professor had done this.  He took the plate off of his trade in, and put it on the new car.  


But the dealer hadn't sent in the information on the license plate transfer.  The cop's license plate check comes back, and says that plate is registered to a completely different car.  


The cop now has evidence of a possible felony auto theft.  Procedure in that case, since it's a possible felony, is to radio for backup, and not stop the car until there are two police present.  So he does that.  


Net result:  A black UF Professor gets pulled over by multiple police officers, who demand that he prove that he didn't steal the car he's driving.  


Was there racism in this incident?  


I can't tell.  You can't tell.  Heck, I assert that the officer can't tell.  


Racism can be completely subconscious.  It's easy for the person who has it to be completely unaware of it.  


OTOH, some times, it's possible to look at statistics.  At multiple incidents.  


For example, I remember doing some math with the published statistics from Ferguson MO, back when that place was in the news.  


Take a random black man, and a random white man, from Ferguson MO.  The odds that the black man has been arrested are eight times higher than the white man.  


I think it's easy to conclude that racism, while it may not be conscious, and may not be intentional, absolutely does exist, and it absolutely does affect decisions that shouldn't be affected.  




1 hour ago, visionary said:







Lawyers:  Is this as unusual as I think it is?  


I thought that the loser decided whether to request an en banc decision or not.  

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1 hour ago, visionary said:




I got no problem with ICE conducting raids.  


It is the law of the land, people are breaking it, and it's absolutely within Trump's authority to enforce it.  


(It might be a bad idea.  Might be bad for the country.  Might cost a ton of money.  But it's absolutely his call to make.)  

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It is ultimately good.  I will give you my own example.  My wife has been a green card holder for close to 5 years.  She could have applied for citizenship 2 years ago (wife of a citizen can apply for citizenship after 3 years), but it really was not a priority.  Now because of Trump, it is a priority.  Expect a surge in people applying for citizenship. And guess what it will lead to?  Trump's demise.  All of us have to take it in the chin until then unfortunately.  Republicans are digging their own graves.

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