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Charlie Sheen is HIV positive!


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I always felt horrible for Freddie Mercury and his battle with hiv/aids.

Then I saw a Queen documentary and he was so out of control, knowing that his incredibly reckless behavior could be disastrous. Then, I got mad at him for making those choices because he seemed so troubled and was so talented, I was mad that his choices took him from the world.

It's a bummer.

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I'd have been more surprised if the headline read he didn't have HIV.  You just can't live that lifestyle and survive.  Sad so many talented people with money to do whatever they want choose such destructive paths.  Unfortunately,  his recklessness affects all his loved ones as is always the case.   It's a selfishness I just don't understand.

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I'm with Chewie.  I'd either be livin' like that or dead from livin' like that.

What does that say about me? ~ please, NOBODY answer that ~ :ph34r:


edit, add:  I will say that this post only really applies if there's the Hollywood stuff.  If I suddenly won the lottery or something, things would be totally different.  It's the fame, man.  It makes people weird.


Ditto, I'd be a hot mess living that life lmao.

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I saw a headline saying that his, "blood is HIV free."


I hate assertions like that.  He's just trying to cover his ass.  HIV is incurable for a reason, no one can beat the disease.  I don't care who you are or how much money you have.

see Johnson, Earvin. Been since 1991......almost 25 years later.  Just sayin.

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see Johnson, Earvin. Been since 1991......almost 25 years later.  Just sayin.


True.  You need to take a daily amount of drugs to make it undetectable in your bloodstream.  Doesn't mean you don't still have it and can't pass it on.


Medical science has progressed significantly where HIV can be controlled.  But it cannot be cured.


BY Dylan Howard and Melissa Cronin

As Charlie Sheen prepares for a Today show sit down with Matt Lauer on Tuesday, RadarOnline has learned the A-List actor will claim there is no trace of HIV in his blood. But that doesn’t mean he’s negative.

A medical expert tells Radar there is no known cure for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS – and once you have it, you have it for good. That said, a host of so-called “antiretroviral drugs” are able to control the illness by driving its presence in a patient’s bloodstream down to what is medically known as, “undetectable levels.”

Dr. Donald H. Marks, a Morris County, New Jersey-based board certified internist with an expertise in microbiology and immunology told Radar, “The levels can very low. They can be depressed for very long period of time by the anti-retroviral drugs as long as the person tolerates and they are effective.”


“It doesn’t mean you’re negative. It just means that you are below the ability of the standard test to detect it. It doesn’t mean that the virus is not there. You are suppressing the virus. You are not eliminating the virus. A person is not ever totally cured of HIV. They are in remission. We presume that the virus hides in various organs in the body, away from the blood.”

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Ive always wondered that as Magic ages, the virus would take hold as his immune system weakens


Magic's wife was pregnant when he found out I believe.


I think he is around 55 or so now.

Whatever his regimen is Charlie should get on it.


Unfortunately most people couldn't afford it.


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I can't imagine Charlie Sheen told a woman he has HIV and someone still having sex with him.

Would you have sex with someone if they had HIV? No.

I had a very good friend who had HIV. She would tell me that all of the guys she dated after she found out were told she had HIV and they still wanted to have sex with her..... Unprotected. Kinda makes you think huh

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I had a very good friend who had HIV. She would tell me that all of the guys she dated after she found out were told she had HIV and they still wanted to have sex with her..... Unprotected. Kinda makes you think huh

This is a perfect anecdotal example of why we are seeing a rise in HIV numbers (and STDs overall) again.  People see Magic Johnson, see he looks healthy (and many believe he's cured which is untrue) and aren't seeing the devastating effects of the disease splashed across the media like the 80's and early 90's.  As a result, the danger of the disease has been minimized and people aren't taking it as seriously.  

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This is a perfect anecdotal example of why we are seeing a rise in HIV numbers (and STDs overall) again.  People see Magic Johnson, see he looks healthy (and many believe he's cured which is untrue) and aren't seeing the devastating effects of the disease splashed across the media like the 80's and early 90's.  As a result, the danger of the disease has been minimized and people aren't taking it as seriously.  

Well duh, Magic is still going strong 25 years later :P


Seriously, this is part of the issue.  It's not appearing as a major threat as it was back in the 80s/90s.  Didn't Jon Bon Jovi say he had HIV or AIDS back then to shock some sense into people?  Then told everyone he was clean but that it can happen to anyone, himself included.


I seem to remember something like that when I was a kid.

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