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What's the difference between .500 & 2015 NFC East Champs?


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At this point in the season, everyone in the NFC East is definitely in the mix.  My question to pose here is what is the difference between being a .500 team and winning the NFC East this year?


From the looks of the schedule, it really only takes a win vs NE or Carolina to snap and turn from a .500 team to a contender. 


The rest of the schedule is 50/50 week in and week out.  Should the Skins pull off an upset of either of these two teams, you would have to assume that they would be in a strong position to win the NFC East this year. 


What's going to make the difference?


I'd point to DJax and spreading the offense out.  Cousins works with a quick release and open WR's and Reed in the mix definitely moves chains. 


DJax could be the difference. 

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Not really being emotional at all here. 


Rather, I see a team that is a rollar coaster ride and possibly a momentum click away from contending in a very weak division. 


This isn't normal.  NFC East is typically stronger than this and now it's simply not. 


Really the question is by the looks of things, a swing win would put the Skins in the drivers seat with plenty of heads up NFC East matchups to finish and close it out. 


Think I'm looking at DJax as the key ingredient and difference maker. 

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One thing we have going for us is that Romo is going to have quite a hole to dig the Cowboys out of when he gets back. Gives the rest of the division a head start on the team that was probably the favorite before the big injuries to Dez and Romo.

The Eagles are a wild card because that offense could click at any point or it could just get worse if Kelly loses the locker room. No way to know what happens but their defense has been a surprise.

The Giants are always tough to account for, because Eli can get hot and sheppard them on a win streak at any time. One of the streakiest teams in the NFL the last ten years but when they hit a hot streak, they can win Super Bowls. They don't have the roster for that now, but they're dangerous enough to take the East in its current form if they don't stumble.

I'd say we have our work cut out for us, and we should feel lucky to be 7-9 at the end of the year. I don't think 7-9 is enough no matter how much everyone is hating on the East right now, someone will get hot and hit at least 9-7.

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Once Djax, Reed and CT are all on the field together, our offense should get more dangerous and the running game should click a little more.

Our secondary needs to get healthy, then our linemen should start getting to the QB again.

We could get the hot hand in the division. Somebody will. I like the fight in our team.

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Anything is possible at this point. This team does not quit and is learning how to win (still a young team) but still have a ways to go. Unless the running game steps up and the defense can stop the run, have a hard time believing winning more than 6 or 7 is possible.

I am anxious to see what this offense can do when healthy and being able to stretch the field with DJax back. Not looking for a win against NE (not saying they can't win) but want to see them fight and push them. Yes, if they can beat NE or Carolina and NO then I would get excited as they would be 5-5 (I am anticipating 4-6 after the next 3 though) with 6 to go and 4 out of those 6 against division.

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I feel like aside from our next game at New England in two weeks, the remaining 8 will all be winnable games. The Patriots just so rarely lose and can beat you in so many ways that it will take a perfect game by us just to stay in it. After that, we should compete in every game and that certainly includes the at Carolina game. Not saying we will win those 8 games by any means, but see no reason why a Skins team that will be getting key players back can't win a bunch of them and make this thing interesting.

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 Yea, but could you fathom how much of a hard-on this team would get IF they somehow won against the Pats?


 That would be THE signature game of this season, maybe the last 3 years, but their confidence level would shoot sky high; and then prob stink up the joint the following games. If they do somehow win, I'd be very curious to see how Gruden handles the team, because that could be exactly what the team needed, a shot of confidence, but maintaining the emotion without the hangover is not easy to do.

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I don't see how we finish 8-8. Would be nice, but it'll be tough just based on the schedule


Week 9: @New England

Week 10: New Orleans

Week 11: @Carolina

Week 12: Giants

Week 13: Dallas

Week 14: @Chicago

Week 15: Buffalo

Week 16: @Philly

Week 17: @Dallas


All of those teams, outside of Chicago, will be fighting for a playoff spot. I see probably 3 more wins there, maybe 4. I don't see how we go 5-3 against that schedule. Yes, the Cowboys are bad now, but unfortunately we get them when they have Dez and Romo. Having 3 of the final 4 on the road isn't easy either.

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People taking Cousins seriously and forcing defenses to play honest enough for our run game to stand a chance.  We won't get to .500 unless we can do that.


I agree but I wouldn't stop there.  There are teams that can run against stacked boxes -- its not an automatic out -- so I am hoping the run blocking from the O line steps up, Alfred, too.


And we figure out how to stop the run especially out of nickel and play contain better on the edges.

I don't see how we finish 8-8. Would be nice, but it'll be tough just based on the schedule


Week 9: @New England

Week 10: New Orleans

Week 11: @Carolina

Week 12: Giants

Week 13: Dallas

Week 14: @Chicago

Week 15: Buffalo

Week 16: @Philly

Week 17: @Dallas




They seem to lose the games they are supposed to lose on the road -- actually under Jay they lose just about all the time on the road but lets assume that's fixed.  Then to me the key stretch is back to back home games against Dallas and the Giants -- it won't be easy but its plausible to win at home against division rivals.


They should beat Chicago, the Saints, Buffalo.  If they do that, you got 5 wins.  Then if you can steal one of the games on the road either versus Dallas or Philly or Carolina - they have a winning record.


I am not predicting it happens, its unlikely but I don't think its an outlandish expectation.  

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They seem to lose the games they are supposed to lose on the road -- actually under Jay they lose just about all the time on the road but lets assume that's fixed.  Then to me the key stretch is back to back home games against Dallas and the Giants -- it won't be easy but its plausible to win at home against division rivals.


They should beat Chicago, the Saints, Buffalo.  If they do that, you got 5 wins.  Then if you can steal one of the games on the road either versus Dallas or Philly or Carolina - they have a winning record.


I am not predicting it happens, its unlikely but I don't think its an outlandish expectation.  


I'm not saying it's impossible, just saying it's not going to be easy to do. If it happens, they defintiely earned it. I'm just not going to get my hopes up if they don't finish .500 or make the playoffs. No one went into this season expecting that.


I always thought at best, they could finish 7-9. That's still a possibility and could certainly happen.


We're going to be tested over these final 9 games and we'll find alot out about this team not only this year, but for the future.

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People act like we are facing the greatest show on turf along with the '85 Bears defense for every single game the rest of the season.  This is simply not true!  It's not like there are 5 teams each year that go undefeated.  Good teams lose to bad teams all the time.  Yeah, it will take some work and some "upsets" to finish at or above .500, but out of those 9 games, 8 are honestly winnable.  The New England game would be the biggest long shot.  After that, we have all winnable games the rest of the way.  The Saints are not world beaters.  I do like Carolina and am liking what they are doing, but that is a team with zero offensive weapons outside of Cam.  The division games are ALL winnable games.  The Bears suck and the Bills are what they are, and we get them at home.


I'm not saying we'll go 7-2 the rest of the way in, but it's definitely not impossible.  As long as we keep building and improving each week, we should have a legit shot in each of our final 8 games (after NE).


There's always a team that comes out of nowhere and gets on a hot streak going into the paloffs.  There's no reason why it couldn't be us this year. 

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I don't see how we finish 8-8. Would be nice, but it'll be tough just based on the schedule


Week 9: @New England

Week 10: New Orleans

Week 11: @Carolina

Week 12: Giants

Week 13: Dallas

Week 14: @Chicago

Week 15: Buffalo

Week 16: @Philly

Week 17: @Dallas


All of those teams, outside of Chicago, will be fighting for a playoff spot. I see probably 3 more wins there, maybe 4. I don't see how we go 5-3 against that schedule. Yes, the Cowboys are bad now, but unfortunately we get them when they have Dez and romoSUCKS. Having 3 of the final 4 on the road isn't easy either.


I agree. 


We would need to do two of three things to have a shot at 8 wins: 


1) Somehow solve the Giants 

2) Sweep the Eagles 

3) Win every toss-up game (Bears, Bills, Saints) 


And that's giving us the benefit of the doubt that we will figure out a way to split with Dallas (which lately is more likely than beating the Giants). 

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I'm not saying it's impossible, just saying it's not going to be easy to do. If it happens, they defintiely earned it. I'm just not going to get my hopes up if they don't finish .500 or make the playoffs. No one went into this season expecting that.


I always thought at best, they could finish 7-9. That's still a possibility and could certainly happen.


We're going to be tested over these final 9 games and we'll find alot out about this team not only this year, but for the future.


I agree from the viewpoint of season predictions, I actually predicted 7-9.   They have had a tough run of opponents so far -- they are about to get out of that tough stretch once they play Carolina.  You combine that with having many more injuries than the typical team and they are about to get healthier. Not that Buffalo, Chicago and the Saints are easy games but they are IMO compared to who they faced in the first half sans Tampa.


The Giants on the road on Thursday night -- missing all the players we did versus I assume a healthier Redskins in the rematch at home.  That should be easier.  We frequently seem to take one game from Dallas. 

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We had a big opportunity against Falcons and let it slip.  Everyone else in division lost to them, and we had them beat.  


Moving forward, NE poses a real challenge.  Every other game in my opinion, including the panthers, is winnable with consistent play and a healthy team.  Looking forward to after the bye.  

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