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John Boehner resigning from congress


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Obviously, what's needed here is more far-right purity


NBC/WSJ Poll: 6 in 10 Oppose Defunding Planned Parenthood


It's funny how several have attacked Boehner and Mitch as harming the GOP brand, when the position of the people fighting to replace them have a much worse brand for the GOP.


That's fine in the long run, these things have a way of reverting to the middle, which, if the GOP keeps pushing farther and farther to the right while in power, would mean a democratic wave sometime in the next couple of elections.

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Obviously, what's needed here is more far-right purity


NBC/WSJ Poll: 6 in 10 Oppose Defunding Planned Parenthood


18% of Republicans have a positive view of PP


2 in 10 of your opposition are wavering


yeah the Reps should just elect Dems or vote along with them. :P


give me the exact wording of the poll ....that's a science ya know 

Call it the Karl Rove effect. 


Karl opposes defunding PP...at this time

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The Republican Party is becoming some sort feverish dream Barry Goldwater had one night after too many burgers at a late-night, commie bashing social. I'm not the biggest fan of the House Speaker, but hearing about his resignation was concerning to me. The era of the "liberal Republicans" like Nelson Rockafeller and Olympia Snowe has come and gone, but are we getting to a point where right-leaning "Establishment Republicans" are now not conservative enough for the party?

Goldwater would throw up at the degree to which the Grand Oligarch's Party has been taken over by the religious nut jobs. 


I'm sure they want deserters opinions on the matter  :P

They're very likely to get it in the next election whether they want it or not. I'm sure I'm not the only former RINO voting for the Dems nowadays. If the march to purity continues, that will leave the GOP with nothing but people like you. Pretty hard to remain relevant when you only appeal to 18% of the populace.


Agreed all around. Boehner is like...the bad guy from a bad 80s comedy. Yeah, he's stiff-necked and he's going to piss you off by how out of touch he seems to be, but at least there's some semblance of reason there.


The TEA Party caucus is something that is truly frightening. In a way, I can sympathize with them because I'm supporting a candidate for President who, while a long-time member of congress, is considered an outsider with fringe ideals, but at least he has a past of reaching across the aisle and doing business with "the other side." This batch of newer conservatives in both houses give no quarter and seem to constantly come from a place of fear and loathing for everyone who doesn't think and speak like they do.


I feel great for Boehner. He's leaving a dumpster fire and I'm sure he feels lighter than air. I am truly concerned for the Republican Party, whIch seems to be continuing their slide into complete madness.

I think Boehner probably came to see things my way. Sometimes, it's best to give a fool his own way and just sit back and watch the ensuing train wreck. I for one, can't wait to see the results of the Tea Klan finally getting to have their way. ...and you all thought it was impossible for Congress' approval rating to get any lower. HA! You ain't seen nuttin' yet!  :lol:

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I'd just like to point out something about Kevin McCarthy, in case no one has heard...

He's authored & gotten passed just two pieces of legislation...one to name a post office after Buck Owens (Hee-Haw good guy), and naming a space research center after Neil Armstrong (hopefully we all know who he is).


Yeah, he's the most qualified for Speaker.  He can handle the tough stuff. :rolleyes:

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The Republican Party is becoming some sort feverish dream Barry Goldwater had one night after too many burgers at a late-night, commie bashing social. I'm not the biggest fan of the House Speaker, but hearing about his resignation was concerning to me. The era of the "liberal Republicans" like Nelson Rockafeller and Olympia Snowe has come and gone, but are we getting to a point where right-leaning "Establishment Republicans" are now not conservative enough for the party?

Listen to Bush 1 and Reagan's comments. 


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It's interesting to read so many people characterize Boehner as a level headed, moderate republican.


Not sure if I've misunderstood the criticism of him in the past, of people have changed their views, or if they're just looking at the replacements and forgetting what they used to say about Boehner.


To be fair, I thought he got a bad rap for his role in the 'party of no' stuff. I always thought the other side had their own fair share of not cooperating. But I'm seeing people I recall trashing Boehner speaking of his departure like it's this terrible thing because he was such a good leader/compromising person and it's weird...

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I feel like someone has to have played these Reagan videos for Republican candidates by now.  Like, it's funny, but he's so much closer to the center compared to so many of his modern day peers.


To be fair, I thought he got a bad rap for his role in the 'party of no' stuff. I always thought the other side had their own fair share of not cooperating. But I'm seeing people I recall trashing Boehner speaking of his departure like it's this terrible thing because he was such a good leader/compromising person and it's weird...


While Boehner was hardly the best political bedfellow for Democrats (which is to be expected), he seemingly was more focused on creating a functioning government than many in his party were.  I remember first feeling sorry for him pretty early in his tenure, when he was drawing flak from the far right, and being forced into political standoffs that you could tell he was only halfheartedly involved in.


I definitely disagree with his politics, but frankly out of the Republican party today, he's one of the first people I'd want being Speaker if the GOP is in charge, since he would make sure there was a functioning government (though he'd first have to not be so quick to give into the far right wing that has made governing so difficult).

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I feel like someone has to have played these Reagan videos for Republican candidates by now.  Like, it's funny, but he's so much closer to the center compared to so many of his modern day peers.

The irony (is that the right word?) is if someone ran as an actual Reagan Republican now, it wouldn't even be close. "All" the Dems had to do for 2016 is to put up a decently strong candidate and they've failed to do that because Hillary was supposed to be the annointed one. And, if they lose what should be a gimme white house that's their fault for defaulting to Hillary. 

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There's no such thing as a Reagan Republican anymore. Frankly, Reagan might be considered more liberal than Obama if he ran today.

He'd probably have hugged Obama at some point, and then the far right would talk about how he's a "Liberal Hollywood Elite."


And that's how Zombie Reagan lost the 2016 Election.

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They should play that clip at the GOP debate and ask for responses. I would bet they would all attack George Bush and pretend they didn't hear what Reagan said.

There would be a strategic angle involved for most of the participants, i.e. try to connect Bush, 'er Jeb to the tarnished Bush past in an effort to knock him out before he fully gets started. However the idea that Saint Reagan would be seen by today's neo-fascist GOP as an amnesty RINO is spot on. Not to mention St. Reagan's tax increases. Odd that many on the far right don't know that even as they clamor to name everything from airports to highways after St. Reagan.

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