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Budget Fight: FY2016 Shutdown


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*Sigh* - it is the beginning of the Fiscal Year next week which can only mean one thing - 535+1 jerks holding government employee paychecks hostage due to issues that have nothing to do with spending and that only are "urgent" because there is political gain in appearing "strong" for BS political rhetoric.

The "reason du jour" this time is planned parenthood... but its not really a fair fight since there is a bicameral bipartisan system, and one party doesn't have ability to override a Presidential veto.

I would appreciate the rhetoric more if more politicians were honest, like McClintock who quit the House Freedom Caucus over the shutdown threat. I am on a phone and can't post link -- but some part of his resignation still attempts to "blame the other guy".

I wonder who the American people will blame... (unfortunately the polls over shutdown issues don't match the voter rolls...).

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I suppose signing the spending bill and then fighting over funding for special interests is not a option?

Nope. The spending bill will already include fighting over the special interests, before anyone is allowed to sign it, or even vote on it.

(As you well knew, when you were crafting your "why doesn't the other side just give my side everything we demand?" post).

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I'm thinking there will be no shutdown at this point

Not sure I agree with your prediction. (Although I do share your hope).

I think the odds depend on each side's opinion of "if there's a shutdown, can my side successfully blame the other side?"

That's why we had the previous shutdowns. The Republicans thought that the voters would blame the D's. And so they did it. And then the polling data showed them that they were wrong, and they reversed course.

But this time, they may be right. Demanding a cutoff of Planned Parenthood isn't like demanding the repeal of a popular bill, which was the opposition's signature accomplishment, before it even took effect. This is a much more minor demand, that they're considering making.

And, this time, the R's control both houses of Congress. So this time, there isn't any "clean CR" that the Senate has passed, and the House is refusing to allow a vote on.

I could see the blame, if there's a shutdown, being a lot more bipartisan, this time.

And, if I can see it, then I assume the R's see it, too. I don't think they're as scared of the backlash, this time.

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Nope. The spending bill will already include fighting over the special interests, before anyone is allowed to sign it, or even vote on it.

(As you well knew, when you were crafting your "why doesn't the other side just give my side everything we demand?" post).



and if it does not include funding for special interests that lost that fight the govt should shut down instead of fight another day?


where is your hostage taker this round.

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and if it does not include funding for special interests that lost that fight the govt should shut down instead of fight another day?

where is your hostage taker this round.

Ah, we try a different spin.

"We shouldn't fight over special interests, just do what I demand" didn't fly.

So we'll try "my side has spoken, therefore we won the fight".

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It doesn't really make sense to me. The Repubs control both houses of Congress. Come up with a budget, pass it, and dare Obama to veto it. Make Obama the bad guy if government shuts down.


Otherwise, just get it done.


that is the way it usually works


Larry, my side is Congress who has the power of the purse, submitting the budget they argued over is their job.

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It doesn't really make sense to me. The Repubs control both houses of Congress. Come up with a budget, pass it, and dare Obama to veto it. Make Obama the bad guy if government shuts down.

Otherwise, just get it done.

Well, their intent is to come up with a CONTINUING RESOLUTION, and dare Obama to veto it.

And personally, I don't think they're cheating or doing anything wrong, this time.

(Well, to be more specific, I don't think I can fault their TACTICS. Their OBJECTIVE is wrong, but that's a different matter.)

IMO, a better question, in this debate, is whether it's all right for the Senate Dems to FILLIBUSTER the Rep's CR, because it de-funds PP. And I think I disagree with them, this time. I think it's an inappropriate use of the filibuster.

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It doesn't really make sense to me. The Repubs control both houses of Congress. Come up with a budget, pass it, and dare Obama to veto it. Make Obama the bad guy if government shuts down.

Otherwise, just get it done.

Republicans are morons. So they won't think of this. Way too complex

Well, their intent is to come up with a CONTINUING RESOLUTION, and dare Obama to veto it.

And personally, I don't think they're cheating or doing anything wrong, this time.

(Well, to be more specific, I don't think I can fault their TACTICS. Their OBJECTIVE is wrong, but that's a different matter.)

IMO, a better question, in this debate, is whether it's all right for the Senate Dems to FILLIBUSTER the Rep's CR, because it de-funds PP. And I think I disagree with them, this time. I think it's an inappropriate use of the filibuster.

I don't. I would just make them ACTUALLY filibuster.

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I disagree re: use of the filibuster. In this bipartisan bicameral system we have, all legislation leaving the Senate should have 60 Senators approving it. The Senate and filibuster is a moderating factor to the populist House.

Besides, it looks like it will be Cruz filibustering a clean CR... the Senate can't even get a vote on defunding PP.

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I disagree re: use of the filibuster. In this bipartisan bicameral system we have, all legislation leaving the Senate should have 60 Senators approving it. The Senate and filibuster is a moderating factor to the populist House.

I have a problem with the notion that all legislation (well, all legislation that's more controversial than renaming a post office) should require a 60% vote, to pass. (And, I'll point out that I think it would take a constitutional amendment to create such a rule.)


To me, the filibuster should be reserved for things that are actually controversial.  Things that are really important.  (And I don't think that this issue rises to that level.  Although, maybe, it's close.) 


Besides, it looks like it will be Cruz filibustering a clean CR... the Senate can't even get a vote on defunding PP.

Well, maybe I'm proceeding from a false assumption, here.

I'm assuming that the R's have 51 votes, to pass a "CR + de-fund PP" bill, but that they don't have 60.


And my opinion is that, if they have a majority vote, in both houses of Congress, for that package, then they should be allowed to have the vote, and pass it.  (And that Obama should sign it.) 


The R's are the majority Party, in both houses of Congress.  They should be allowed to pass routine legislation, accordingly. 

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Back in August a vote was taken and the result was ~ 55 to 45 (two from each party voted the other way, L. Graham wasn't present, Mcconnel voted against it so he could bring the motion up again).

Nothing has changes since August, but there was talk of a compromise bill that would require a DoJ investigation into tissue harvesting and cut off funds for specific facilities accused of tissue harvesting.

I bet that compromise is what breaks the shutdown... but it is a shame it couldn't have been done in August instead of up to the deadline just because a hot button issue could come up re: leverage.

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