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I can still remember the pit in my stomach after he went down in the SEA game like it was yesterday. I knew in my heart he'd never be the same, and honestly I didn't even care about the game anymore. I just had this heavy, sinking feeling that what we had experienced in 2012 had just become a fleeting moment, never to be re-lived with Griffin. That we had thrown away all those draft picks for 7.5 games of glory. Honestly after that game I was a little depressed and couldn't stand to think football for about a week afterward, other than commiserating on ES. It was a low point, and felt all the lower for all the highs we had just experienced that season.....



Very well stated.  


I had those exact feelings.  Was in our usual seats in Sec 127.  Everything started out so great that game.  Skins up 14-0.  No home team ever blows a 14-0 playoff lead right?  Then you could it see it coming.  He was hurting.  Mid 3rd period I stood up and screamed, "GET HIM OUT OF THERE!  HE'S HURT AND KILLING US!".  People around me looked at me like I had grown another head.  But you could see he was hurt.


Then the play.  I told my wife quietly "Let's go."  She couldn't understand why I wanted to leave.  I finally told her when we got to the car what you said above.  I told her it was over.  And that what we saw in that '12 season was never coming back.  And like you, I didn't really care whether or not the Skins had a miracle comeback or not.  I knew all was lost.  That was one of the strangest walks from the stadium to the car that I've ever experienced.  It was more than 1 game lost. 

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If he never lost that burst of speed, it'd have probably been a lot easier to transition to a drop back passer that runs sometimes.  In 2012, he was LETHAL against the blitz.  Sadly, we'll never know what could have been.  Absolutely time to move on.


More had to have transpired with him. Losing a step when you're as fast as Griffin doesn't explain why everything crumbled. He's still plenty fast enough to hurt teams running the read option. I truly believe he and his camp became intoxicated with his rookie success and insisted on abandoning the 2012 offense. 

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apparently everyone thinks we have some sort of "gem" in Jay gruden and would like to see his "magical" offense do wonders (even tho no one on this roster could get it to work last season). He's Jim zorn 2.0 end of story.

here's to Darrel Bevel & RG3 2016!!!!!! :D


I'm on my phone. Can someone please post this pic? Lol

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There needs to be an appreciation thread for Rob... hes brought us some good times. I was thinking back this morning during the Dallas game in 2012 when we won the division... Robert on the sidelines with Alfred Morris talking about the moment in a very calm and collected voice... about how they helped bring the team something we haven't had for 13 years.  I will NEVER forget that moment.  Thank you RGIII.



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I had those exact feelings.  Was in our usual seats in Sec 127.  Everything started out so great that game.  Skins up 14-0.  No home team ever blows a 14-0 playoff lead right?  Then you could it see it coming.  He was hurting.  Mid 3rd period I stood up and screamed, "GET HIM OUT OF THERE!  HE'S HURT AND KILLING US!".  People around me looked at me like I had grown another head.  But you could see he was hurt.


Then the play.  I told my wife quietly "Let's go."  She couldn't understand why I wanted to leave.  I finally told her when we got to the car what you said above.  I told her it was over.  And that what we saw in that '12 season was never coming back.  And like you, I didn't really care whether or not the Skins had a miracle comeback or not.  I knew all was lost.  That was one of the strangest walks from the stadium to the car that I've ever experienced.  It was more than 1 game lost. 


It's why I still despise Mike Shanahan.  The reality is, it was so clear after that hit on the TD (or just before) pass that he wasn't the same player, not even the same one who played somewhat hobbled vs. Dallas but was still pretty decent, and definitely not the one who was killing Seattle.  It's not about what the player says, Mike Shanahan should have seen after one series of plays that Griffin was hurt and it was destroying his accuracy entirely and he couldn't run at all.  You don't blame a player for staying in and thinking a knee tweak will "loosen up" or that they'll do a Byron Leftwich/RG3 vs. Baltimore before OT. Trust me, I was screaming at my TV too.  Almost everyone in chat was saying the same thing.  


I thought that maybe after a year of mediocrity, he'd recover but for all the people talking about "RO scheme" if you look back at that year, he was killing the blitz, he was making all sorts of beautiful pass plays even in somewhat tight coverage, he had a building block of success and confidence. It's sad in a lot of ways, for him, but definitely if you're a Skins fan who felt good, finally, after years of at best mediocre, if not awful QB play.  And I really believe that had Shanahan just taken him out early, we win the game, maybe RG3 is able to take a week and get back to late season, hobbled-but-still good form or at least we could have rolled with Cousins with a week of preparation after holding onto a 14-0 lead.  At worst, we lose the following week but Griffin has a summer to heal without serious injury/surgery.

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My brother and I discussed( at the time )the likelihood of Griffin returning to his former self after the injury. 


Ok, so now were supposed to believe an ANONYMOUS SOURCE's... brother?   :lol:


The injury and surgeries were so brutal, such a mental setback, it's just tragic.  I wish he was more honest about his injury that 1st year, he shouldn't have gone back in without getting checked, but as I remember he kept it a secret.  The whole "All in for week 1"  return to action way too soon really didn't help anything.


His play suffered and his injuries opened the door for his competition.  That's football. 

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I was thinking about this last night.  Just a fun comparison of the three QBs running the offense- they are driving certain vehicles through a mud bog:


Cousins- He has a full sized 4 wheel drive pickup truck with a V-6.  He doesn't get a V-8 because that is reserved for elite QBs.  But Kirk gets the truck through the bog steadily.  He has a few problems with the gears, but seems to get through it, but is upset at the end that he grinded a few of the gears.


McCoy- I still don't understand how some think he's the best QB suited to start by virtue of beating Dallass one stinking time.  While he played a decent game, he 1) wasn't great, nor was he the main factor in the win, but gave a valiant effort that is appreciated and 2) the defense won that game.  So, back to the mud bog.  McCoy is a small truck with 4 wheel drive and a 4 Banger.  He sputters, stalls and even gets mud in his eye, but somehow "muddles" through it.  The truck looks ugly, but he's on the other side.


Griffin- He brings a Ferrari to the mud bog. He speeds way up, but is soon bogged down in the middle.  He spins the tires, gets out and kicks the tires and tries everything he knows, but he just cannot get out of the bog.  Totally unprepared and unable to figure out what to do.



Anyway, that's my weird view on the situation. I'm still not sure how that came to mind. I'm a little strange sometimes. :lol:  :ph34r:

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I think all three of our QBs are terrible. I'd rather see Rex Grossman frankly.

CORPMAN! ... CORPMAN! ... man down ... looks like a head wound

I thought he was a spread QB. What system does Baylor run?

don't know what they called it ... but Griffin ran ALOT and had a yd/carry avg under 4 his last season

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I don't understand why people are in such panic mode over RG3. He's only frikkin 25 years old. He's play one healthy season in which he dominated, won ROY, won the division, made the playoffs, all with a fairly mediocre team.


He tears his ACL, comes back, and has to play a completely different style that he is not accustomed too. And he still puts up decent numbers. I mean 3200 yards, 16 tds/12 ints, 82.2 qb rating. That's not "bad" considering the circumstance and him playing with that knee brace on and hobbling around out there. And not to mention, they had chances to win 3-4 more games that season, but the defense just imploded.


Then he finally is healthy and ready to go for 2014. Keep in mind completely new offensive system, one that he is not use to running. The dudes a spread/spread option qb, not Andy Dalton. His specialty is to force defense in to making a quick decision. Gruden is trying to turn him in to a pocket passer. I don't doubt he can do it, but it's something he has never done. I mean Cousins definitely has the edge there. 


So he comes out 2014 healthy finally. He looked good against Houston. I mean 29-37, 267 yards, 0 int. And they were moving the ball well, but screwed themselves with dropped passes and fumbles in the red zone. He definitely looked like a qb that could handle Gruden's system even though it's not what he is use to.


Then he came out flying against Jacksonville. Even the play he got hurt on he was moving very well and looked very fast out there. Then of course he dislocates his ankle, is out 6 weeks, and comes back not as fast as he was before. That's pretty much going to be the case after another long stint of rehab.


So he makes it through offseason, and it's now 2015. First game against the Browns gets couple drives. If Pierre Garcon catches that wide open td that would have been a 60+ yard td, his numbers would have been perfect for that first game and it would have been an impressive start. But, since he dropped it, he only has 36 yards and 0 tds/ints. Then the Lions game was a mess. I'll never forgive Gruden for leaving him in there after 2 series where it was obvious that makeshift line had no chance of protecting him. Of course Cousins gets to come in once they start mixing in the second teamers. 


It's just very frustrating. I'm not sure at all why they are panicking so much on a 25 year old qb that has had two pretty serious injuries but is healthy right now, other than a mild concussion. And this whole thing that Cousins doesn't take sacks, it's because he's programmed like a pocket passer. He makes his reads, if it's not open, he throws it away or to the other team. Hence his low completion %. RG3 likes to create with his legs. Probably something he needs to learn in the NFL, but he also has the ability to create bigger plays. I saw Cousins that first quarter against Ravens full starting squad and it was not pretty. Once again, just like every year in the preseason, you get the 2nds to start coming in the game, Cousins looks like a pro bowler. We will see early how good Cousins can be as he has two daunting defenses coming up. That Miami/Rams front will show us how good our line is and whether or not Cousins learned from his mistakes last year. I don't have my hopes up and still can't understand why they are treating this RG3 situation like they are. Makes no sense. And I'm a disgusted Redskins fan at Gruden and the entire organization. Flag flies at half-staff this year until Gruden is gone.

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I don't understand why people are in such panic mode over RG3. He's only frikkin 25 years old. He's play one healthy season in which he dominated, won ROY, won the division, made the playoffs, all with a fairly mediocre team.



you have to be alarmed at the amount of hits he takes ... last year he was sacked 33 times in 214 pass attepmts. 


Kirk was sacked 8 times 204


Colt, not so great either, but better ... 17 in 108


Also, the massive s-storm he creates by just being him has to be exhausing for all parties.  It's Tebow like, if not worse.  He is so tone deaf and is either totally oblivious to the weight his comments carry in the media, or just does not give an F. Either way, that is a problem. 


I really like him, and I'm still holding out hope for him to turn this around ... but with that being said, the end is coming, and coming soon. 

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Watch the tape.


I've seen every game. Still not seeing this panic. 

you have to be alarmed at the amount of hits he takes ... last year he was sacked 33 times in 214 pass attepmts. 


Kirk was sacked 8 times 204


Colt, not so great either, but better ... 17 in 108


Also, the massive s-storm he creates by just being him has to be exhausing for all parties.  It's Tebow like, if not worse.  He is so tone deaf and is either totally oblivious to the weight his comments carry in the media, or just does not give an F. Either way, that is a problem. 


I really like him, and I'm still holding out hope for him to turn this around ... but with that being said, the end is coming, and coming soon. 


I don't understand why anyone cares about the media attention. I actually think it's fun as a skins fan that people want RG3 to fail so bad because of the success he had. If they gave him a real coach and he succeeded, it would be awesome. But as for the sacks, who cares. Cousins doesn't even complete 60% of his passes. He makes his read and throws it away. Not sure how that makes him a better qb because he takes less sacks.

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More had to have transpired with him. Losing a step when you're as fast as Griffin doesn't explain why everything crumbled. He's still plenty fast enough to hurt teams running the read option. I truly believe he and his camp became intoxicated with his rookie success and insisted on abandoning the 2012 offense. 


spot on TD, spot on. 


RG3 beat Dallas on ONE LEG that last game in 2012, just his threat was enough.  That's all we needed.


In the end, his ego did him in. He should have shut up, and listen to the coach who some people called Mastermind and who just help orchestrate one of the greatest seasons for a rookie QB. 

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His long ball was never the same after the injury...flatter.


On top of everything else, how do we ever develop young OL if they dont know how to block for their QB....



Whats he going to do this time?  Certainly not step up or laterally to avoid rush.  Certainly not avoid the edges that come together at 8 yds. Even if Kirk isnt the answer, our line will finally get reps with someone who knows what to do in the pocket and they will be ready for the next QB who knows what to do in the pocket.

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I agree. Cousins should get the whole season, even if he sucks. He is a 4th round project. I don't really expect him to be great or to end up being the guy for the next 8 years. But he is better than our 1st round superstar ended up being. Who would we bench him for if he ends up sucking? A suckier guy? Time to give Kirk time to "develop". He either will or he won't, then we will know. Robert didn't. We know that.

The frustrating part is he has the tools; accuracy defensive reading, and can sling the ball. Its the mental toughness that has held him back. If he can sharpen that then he could be a quality starter.

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First of all, he's not making the decision which is great. Secondly, if a team is behind a coach, they should always back the coach over any one player. 


I'm talking about the decision to hire Gruden and keep Gruden. Dumbest decision I have seen him make. You have a young qb that won your first division title in over a decade as a rookie, the previous year won the Heisman, running a spread offense... and you go and hire a coach that does none of that. Makes no sense. RG3 is still young enough to build a team around with a coach that runs an offense that utilizes his strengths. Of course Kirk looks better in this pro style offense. It's what he has done his entire life. I honestly cannot stand Jay Gruden. Never in my life have I wanted the Redskins to lose. It's going to be hard this season to keep up the faith with that clown calling the shots.

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On top of everything else, how do we ever develop young OL if they dont know how to block for their QB....



Whats he going to do this time?  Certainly not step up or laterally to avoid rush.  Certainly not avoid the edges that come together at 8 yds. Even if Kirk isnt the answer, our line will finally get reps with someone who knows what to do in the pocket and they will be ready for the next QB who knows what to do in the pocket.



I was a big supporter until last season when it became known that he was taking the wrong number of steps on the drops.  To me that meant that he wasn't working hard on knowing the offense.  He thought he could athletically outplay people or "get better" like he always mentioned after bad games.

I've been wondering how much of the Lions preseason game was about making him be under center and prove he knew how many steps he needed to take with live bullets? 

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