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I Want Cousins To Start 16 Games This Fall


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This is how I feel.  I think you know what you're gonna get with Kirk.  


Your last sentence is where I think a lot of my new pessimism stems from.  It's the train coming down the track that brings with it another QB change, another coaching change (possibly), and another scheme change.


I fully trust Scot to handle it, but man...this **** is exhausting. :)


Nah, the last sentence gives me hope because of Scot!  As you say, it is exhausting, but at least we think we have it right with the GM guy now.


You never know, though.  Stranger things have happened in football.  They have to play the games, bro :).

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Real talk... last night was Kirk Cousins.


A professional looking offense.  Nothing to write home about.  He didn't take any sacks and got the ball out.  Sometimes it was behind, sometimes it was not accurate.


But the offense looked efficient.


That's what you get with Kirk Cousins, and it's better (in my opinion) than what you get with the other two QBs.  This isn't one of those "poop to greatness" moves.  It's a "poop to efficient" move.


We're a ways out as a football team, fellas.


That was when I really lost all hope in 10. 


It was bad enough to see a player this year NO better in his mechanics, from his feet on up, to when he first arrived. Which is to EVERYONE involved, from the ridiculous way the Shanahan's went around him from the get go right through's detriment. Aside from the absolute mental block that goes on in his head that just can't process football  at this level and this pace. 


But it was the GLARING difference with everyone around him compared to the other two. God love him but he makes the offence WORSE. FOUR years in! That right there justify's the decision it's apparent the team has taken to cut ties.


As much as I hope, I don't hold out much hope for Cousins being a starter to any great degree in this league when the pressures on and the chips are down. But one things for DAMN sure. He's the best, albeit  of a bad bunch, that we currently have. 


It may well not result in any more wins. But at least we look semi composed and professional with him under centre as opposed to the complete circus with the other two. 



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I think it might be important to go with Cousins if only because you can actually evaluate the rest of the offense (and due to sustained drives, etc., a realistically rested defense as well) when he plays. That's very important when you have Scot in the background trying to build a long-term foundation. Anything that allows him to properly evaluate where we are as a team and where individual players are in their development is good. Anything that allows us to properly evaluate his draft choices in a functional football setting is good for us, too.

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You never know, though.  Stranger things have happened in football.  They have to play the games, bro :).

Very, very true.  Whatever way they decide to go, I'm gonna try to enjoy what I hope to be a more competitive football team.  Hopefully Kirk can be the man to give us that, if they roll with him.  It should be fun to watch the young pups develop.


A bit off topic, but that KRob body slam last night got me hyped!  Just glad football season is back. :)

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Manny had to get his shot at Gruden in there didn't he?  lol


Curious to see how this thing plays out next week.  Like, are we going to get another QB off the scrap heap or is Cousins playing... is Colt getting the whole game, etc?


Kinda think we should grab a flyer on someone or maybe lot Andre Roberts take some 2nd half snaps and hand the ball off.  Don't think Cousins should play and I don't think that Colt should play the whole game.

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Manny had to get his shot at Gruden in there didn't he?  lol


Curious to see how this thing plays out next week.  Like, are we going to get another QB off the scrap heap or is Cousins playing... is Colt getting the whole game, etc?


Kinda think we should grab a flyer on someone or maybe lot Andre Roberts take some 2nd half snaps and hand the ball off.  Don't think Cousins should play and I don't think that Colt should play the whole game.


Completely agree. I wouldn't play Cousins a single down next week. It's IMPERATIVE we have him available Week 1. 


And further to that, I've never been a fan of playing the starters and guaranteed roster vets the last exhibition regardless. All teams ever do is pay them lip service for a series or two IF they're lucky so what's that point? You know they're gonna' be on the roster. You know what you have in them. Sit them all and keep them fresh and healthy for the real action whilst letting the guys that desperately need the last chance to impress as much snaps as possible to state their case. 


That would be my philosophy in bucking the trend were I a HC/ GM. 



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Completely agree. I wouldn't play Cousins a single down next week. It's IMPERATIVE we have him available Week 1. 


And further to that, I've never been a fan of playing the starters and guaranteed roster vets the last exhibition regardless. All teams ever do is pay them lip service for a series or two IF they're lucky so what's that point? You know they're gonna' be on the roster. You know what you have in them. Sit them all and keep them fresh and healthy for the real action whilst letting the guys that desperately need the last chance to impress as much snaps as possible to state their case. 


That would be my philosophy in bucking the trend were I a HC/ GM. 




Yep.  I would be fine with Colt getting a couple of series, but not sure we need to see anything else from him.  Maybe let him go out there with Ross and Spencer (if cleared to play) and let them compete for a spot on the 53. Then after that look at the running backs.

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Kirk's pocket presence has improved in a ridiculous way. 


I'm not going to hide, dumb down, or qualify this praise. His pocket presence right now is excellent. Maybe even elite. 


He needs to use it more instead of assume he has to get rid of the ball immediately, every time. What I mean is, let the routes sometimes develop a little more, let guys cross the zone coverage a little more and take that extra split-second so that there's more space to make the throw into.


It's crazy, but he might be getting rid of it too quickly at times and, when he wasn't as good in the pocket last year, that was the best he could hope for because, otherwise, he'd be unable to escape, improvise or just buy time. Which would lead to really bad plays.


But right now, I'm seeing a guy who just has a great feel in there and is moving his feet incredibly well. I especially like what he does when the DEs crash inside, and instead of stepping up into a tighter pocket, he takes a few quick steps back into a wide open space. He's done that quite a few times this preseason and it's impressive, often finding his RB on a checkdown when he does so.


Still have questions about his long term arm strength (into the 4th quarter of games and after numerous starts), his eyes (staring down receivers at times) and decision making in general (as mentioned above). But one of the biggest things a QB needs to succeed is his ability to work a pocket... and he's got that in spades right now.    


I hope that he is able to keep at it, and not regress. Hopefully the Oline continuing to improve will help him not to regress there as well.


Really interested to see which direction the team goes now. Is it his job? Are they going to allow Robert some more time? I'm still a little interested in seeing the offense designed for Robert all offseason on full display... but then I think about the hits he keeps taking and I don't know. They just suck the life out of everyone and even excite the opposing defense.     

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Cousins needs to start the whole season to see if he can resemble the sort of qb that is needed to consistently lead teams to the playoffs year after year, if not, then the redskins look to the draft next year or pick up a capable veteran. We MUST move on from RG3, because he will never get better for the skins (he's a more athletic version of jason campbell). If cousins succeeds or fails, we at least know where we stand because no matter what we are stuck with the qb's we have for at least this season.

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Kirk's pocket presence has improved in a ridiculous way. 


It's crazy, but he might be getting rid of it too quickly at times and, when he wasn't as good in the pocket last year, that was the best he could hope for because, otherwise, he'd be unable to escape, improvise or just buy time. Which would lead to really bad plays.


I'm sure that will come with reps and as the offensive line gels (as you later mentioned).


How cool is it to have a young line with this much potential?  (Nerd alert!) :lol:

But, him throwing early does give that line confidence as they grow.  The line won't hear how bad they stink from everyone....

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I think it's the right choice. Makes me a little sad non the less.


Regardless, Kirk better sieze this opportunity and prove himself. Gruden, RGIII, and Cousins are all in it a prove it year. McCloughin is watching to see who is a player and who is a leader. Gruden probably has his guy and just like with Barry, he better be right.


I hope he is. My goal for this team was 7-9 and it still it, but I'd love them to beat it. I've seen Cousins be very, very good. I hope he figures it out.

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A lot of people who are pro-Cousins are even more anti-RG3. They will tout Cousins, even if Cousins is mediocre, at least until they can get rid of RG3.

Therefore, it might be best if Colt McCoy is named starting QB....soon. The fact is McCoy has better grasp of the offense and has better leadership skills than either of them. And, I hear he doesn't throw up on himself.

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A lot of people who are pro-Cousins are even more anti-RG3. They will tout Cousins, even if Cousins is mediocre, at least until they can get rid of RG3.

Therefore, it might be best if Colt McCoy is named starting QB....soon. The fact is McCoy has better grasp of the offense and has better leadership skills than either of them. And, I hear he doesn't throw up on himself.

If we really want what's best, it's taking a hazmat team and removing every quarterback from the roster and placing them in containment barrels in New Mexico. That's the only way to truly clean up the toxic waste dump that our team has become.

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From Fox just now...



According to Florio, Redskins deny that the Fox report is true. The sad truth is all these idiot reporters are claiming to have inside information.

These reporters and the so-called insiders are what Joe Theismann calls spineless. They all need to go. They are the biggest drama queens in town, even worse than politicians.

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You act like there wasn't an enormous man in a purple jersey right there in between two players.  Suggs is a big man, hard to miss him........and Kirk just throws it right to him.  


So you bash Kirk because he throws a pick in which the lineman (moses) should take more blame for it happening because he didn't cut block suggs like he was supposed to, but yet, if it was griffin that would have thrown the pick, then you and a bunch of rg3 homers would have said a great play by suggs and griffin did no wrong. I just love this debate! Point blank, people need to understand Kirk is a much better fit in this offense than Griffin.

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A lot of people who are pro-Cousins are even more anti-RG3. They will tout Cousins, even if Cousins is mediocre, at least until they can get rid of RG3.

Therefore, it might be best if Colt McCoy is named starting QB....soon. The fact is McCoy has better grasp of the offense and has better leadership skills than either of them. And, I hear he doesn't throw up on himself.

I'm anti RG3 first and foremost. I really like Cousins' potential and am not impressed with Mccoy, but I would be fine with Mccoy being named starter. I think Gruden (or someone high up the food chain in our offensive coaching) likes mccoy the best and if him playing means rg3 won't play, so be it. Based on McCoy's historical pocket presence and injury history, he would likely not finish the season, so Cousins would likely get his shot. If Mccoy doesn't get injured, then perhaps his pocket presence has improved, in which case he would have fixed a serious flaw in his game and would make him a decent nfl starter, imo.

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I think it's the right choice. Makes me a little sad non the less.


Regardless, Kirk better sieze this opportunity and prove himself. Gruden, RGIII, and Cousins are all in it a prove it year. McCloughin is watching to see who is a player and who is a leader. Gruden probably has his guy and just like with Barry, he better be right.


I hope he is. My goal for this team was 7-9 and it still it, but I'd love them to beat it. I've seen Cousins be very, very good. I hope he figures it out.



Sad?  What's there to be sad over.  The sadness was last year; when it was beyond the doubt that RG3 wasn't the guy.


It happens.  I wish him well and if can have a career somewhere else; good for Robert. He can't do that here.  If not, he joins the long line of busts at the QB position.  If you want to be sad, that's where you can get out the hanky.  Just how many of those QB busts were Redskins? :(


This team won 7 games over the previous 2 years. Expecting that for one season; might be to much for asking.  No clue whether Cousins can actually play a full season.  He could be benched pretty quickly, if he plays like last year. Colt not a long term answer, but I do see him getting some playing time this year.


Also, Jay Gruden doesn't seem like a head coach to me.  If there is something for Dan to be embarassed about; it is Jay.


If we move on from Robert; a big weight is removed from this.  Still, the problems this team has; doesn't vanish. It's going to be a up and down season.

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Just a perspective, for whatever it is worth. Been a season ticket holder for more than 30 years. Seen every play; the big ones more than once. Haven't really liked any starting QB we have had in that entire time, except for RG3 for a seven game span, and others for a game here or there. RG3 led us to a divisional title. No other QB has done that in...(you look it up). I would love it if he did it again. I would love it if McCoy, Cousins or anybody led us to a title. Cousins hasn't earned sixteen games. Maybe one to start.

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IMO, it's not about how great Kirk or Colt have or have not looked.... it's about how awful RG3 has looked since 2012. For every decent game, he would have multiple games where he didn't look a good backup, much less a franchise QB in the making.


It's just nuts.

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