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WP - ‘Muslim-free’ gun shop teams with George Zimmerman to sell Confederate flag prints

The Evil Genius

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Keep on thinking what's racism?    Some of the oath keepers?    Sure.



The organizer of the armed march, Sam Andrews, who ran a tactical team called the “YETIs,” said that after the national leadership refused to support the armed march in Ferguson, he resigned from the organization.
Andrews stated that the group’s decision to not stand up for the constitutional rights of the citizens of Ferguson was largely related to race.
“I can’t have my name associated with an organization that doesn’t believe black people can’t exercise their First and Second Amendment rights at the same time,” Andrews told The Fifth Column News.
“Almost this whole board-of-directors are retired cops. This whole board of directors was OK with Oath Keepers at Bundy Ranch pointing rifles at feds, but not OK with a black open carry march.”



And that wasn't even a gun.  :)



Nice.  And he left when asked to do so.  And that was the only polling place where it happened.


And we still had literally millions of angry white conservatives accusing Obama of racial bias because he didn't press charges against that guy.   Including a large number of folks on this board.   Good times. 

crap - I lost three paragraphs of my post.    Grrrrr.....

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George Zimmerman Disgustingly Retweets Picture Of Trayvon Martin’s Dead Body (IMAGE)


George Zimmerman just did the unthinkable.


In what is probably the most inhumane, despicable act you can think of after killing someone, Zimmerman retweeted a picture of Trayvon Martin’s lifeless body on Twitter Friday.


Remember that exclusive interview he had done on Sean Hannity before his trial began where he told the Martin family how sorry he was? He looked unflinchingly into the camera, in an appeal to the nation: Well, those words went straight to hell on Friday.


“I do wish that there was something, anything that I could have done that wouldn’t have put me in the position where I had to take his life. And, I do want to tell everyone, my wife, my family my parents, my grandmother, the Martins, the city of Sanford and America, that I’m sorry that this happened. I hate to think that because of this incident, because of my actions, it’s polarized and divided America and I’m truly sorry.”


Since his release Zimmerman has taken to social media and used a number of racial slurs. To this day, he regularly refers to African-Americans as “apes” and proudly displays the Confederate flag as his profile image on Twitter.


While he has hasn’t exactly painted himself in the best light up to this point, this certainly is a new low.

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Sickening. Should be interesting to see how your typical far-right nutjob justifies this though. I will say that as with OJ, Zimmerman's personality will eventually catch up with him and land him in jail....or what he really deserves.

What does he really deserve?
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Sickening. Should be interesting to see how your typical far-right nutjob justifies this though. I will say that as with OJ, Zimmerman's personality will eventually catch up with him and land him in jail....or what he really deserves.

"You're racist for calling him racist" would be my guess

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OK, as long as he's only armed with Skittles.

Cmon now....skittles are quite tastey. They'd stop ISIS in their tracks. The only thing deadlier in fruity deliciousness would be Starburst.

That candy has dragons crying and fighter jets firing juice missiles.

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To be treated the same way he treated Trayvon Martin.


If that happened, it would likely be because someone thought they saw a suspicious looking (read: brown skin) man walking around their neighborhood.  His white nationalist friends would probably have a good laugh about that. 

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