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Zimbabwe: Minnesota Man Being Sought For Lion Poaching


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I do feel bad for the lion and lions in general, but I HATE the social media backlash. The man has a business and assuming a family to clothe, feed and support and the internet, not only this time, chooses to go hysterical and destroy a man's livelihood and reputation.

I want to see how many of these a-holes tearing him down on Yelp and peddling his name on the internet drive gas-guzzling SUVs and get in their cars to drive across parking lots, don't recycle, or moved into a subdivision that destroyed a way station for the monarch butterfly or watershed for migrating birds.

Internet self-righteousness is out of control.

This is the second time he's killed an animal illegally and been caught for it. How do you not realize this?

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It's amazing how much sympathy a lion gets, yet when a baby gets aborted it's not a big deal.  


Is there any topic you zealots won't connect to abortion? 


Redskins lose: why are you upset about this, somewhere some monster had an abortion and you don't care!!

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We're very selective with our outrage. There's no massive backlash to ecosystem destruction for less "visible" animals like kangaroos, lions or dolphins. We're very selective about something someone else does but fail to see how our collective behavior is just as or more destructive than the murder of a lion. 

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This is the second time he's killed an animal illegally and been caught for it. How do you not realize this?

So. The dude is a schmuck.  You will get no argument from anyone on that.  And he should pay whatever fine or penalty is due.  But there is a self righteous backlash which is ridiculous.  I wonder how many "protestors" at his office are vegetarian, or spend serious time in a soup kitchen?  

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This is the second time he's killed an animal illegally and been caught for it. How do you not realize this?

Does that justify the internet vendetta? What temperature do you keep your AC at home? Are all your electronics turned off when you're away? How much water do you and your neighbors use to water your lawns or keep your golf courses lush?

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We're very selective with our outrage. There's no massive backlash to ecosystem destruction for less "visible" animals like kangaroos, lions or dolphins. We're very selective about something someone else does but fail to see how our collective behavior is just as or more destructive than the murder of a lion.

there is, there was an Oscar winning documentary about Japanese killing dolphins.

Humans are dicks sometimes towards other animals.

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Does that justify the internet vendetta? What temperature do you keep your AC at home? Are all your electronics turned off when you're away? How much water do you and your neighbors use to water your lawns or keep your golf courses lush?

I see.  So, unless you've never stepped on an ant or killed germs by brushing your teeth or using soap, you are a killer. Let the murderers free! You have no licence to complain. Why you probably jay walked or littered at least once in your life. Close all the prisons. No penalties for anyone.


Leave this poor dentist alone... you've got blood on your hands too.

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So. The dude is a schmuck. You will get no argument from anyone on that. And he should pay whatever fine or penalty is due. But there is a self righteous backlash which is ridiculous. I wonder how many "protestors" at his office are vegetarian, or spend serious time in a soup kitchen?

He's beyond a schmuck at this point, he's a repeat offender and an criminal. He's facing 15 years in prison if he were to be extradited and has already served a year of probation for the protected bear he killed.

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lol@ the "lack of outrage" over abortions.

Stupid pinhead comparisons are for stupid pinheads. Tunnel vision is for those with no vision, and leads to outrageous displays of ignorance, such as this whining moan about a lion getting a couple day's worth of outrage and sympathy while somehow ignoring the fact that anti-abortionists continue their outrage and loud quest day after day, anywhere they can. 

(Like here, in a thread that has nothing to do with religion or human deaths at all.)
I can guarantee there are dozens, if not hundreds of clinics with protesters yelling at people RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT.. and i bet that statement is true for every single minute of every single day that the clinic is open.


is there not an annual march of tens of thousands of people,, millions across the country who are outraged over abortions?

there is a CONTINUAL vigil in front of the White House ever since Roe V Wade was handed down, and you whiners pretend no one cares because a lion gets a couple days of sympathy?

On my way home from work, i pass two churches continually decked out in wooden crosses and huge signs shaming everyone over abortions.


the outrage over abortion is continual, and loud, and EVERYWHERE. 

So, for my two cents, i'd say anyone making such a statement should shut their yaps, unless appearing INCREDIBLY short sighted and ignorant of their own cause is how they'd like to appear.

Because that sure is how it looks.


Poor, poor persecuted you.



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I see.  So, unless you've never stepped on an ant or killed germs by brushing your teeth or using soap, you are a killer. Let the murderers free! You have no licence to complain. Why you probably jay walked or littered at least once in your life. Close all the prisons. No penalties for anyone.


Leave this poor dentist alone... you've got blood on your hands too.

Get a grip, he shot a lion.  It sucks and he should pay whatever penalty the law requires.  Any more outrage than that is self serving.

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I see. So, unless you've never stepped on an ant or killed germs by brushing your teeth or using soap, you are a killer. Let the murderers free! You have no licence to complain. Why you probably jay walked or littered at least once in your life. Close all the prisons. No penalties for anyone.

Leave this poor dentist alone... you've got blood on your hands too.

Kinda, but not so melodramatic.

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I see.  So, unless you've never stepped on an ant or killed germs by brushing your teeth or using soap, you are a killer. Let the murderers free! You have no licence to complain. Why you probably jay walked or littered at least once in your life. Close all the prisons. No penalties for anyone.


Leave this poor dentist alone... you've got blood on your hands too.


I had professor once when I was a freshman in college who was a real hippy, like one of these guys who was about 55 years old and clearly had been in the college educational system since the late 60s.  He taught some sort of general education/Weather class that i had to take for my major.  No one learned much of anything from his class about the weather.


But he did say something pretty real once.  He told us all that if you are a hippy liberal, you really just need to focus one one issue, or a single set of closely related issues.  And you need to be candid about your own conduct, as he said, he was all about preserving environment, but he drove a big truck that guzzled gasoline so he was hesitant to criticize others.  He just kept things positive in his advocacy. I still think he was a hypocrite, but at least he was honest about it so it made his agenda a little bit easier to swallow.


EDIT: On the first day of class, he also offered to give everyone (about 70 students) a B+ and allow us to do whatever when wanted for the 3x/week, 50 minute class. But then he said that he'd also give out 5 A's to whoever wanted them.  He then told us we had to take an anonymous vote, and whoever wanted to get an A had to write that on their ballot, but if he got more than 5 people asking for an A the deal was off.  So about 10 people asked for A's.  Then he told us that it was the "tragedy of the commons" at work and that we were all greedy capitalists, and therefore had to pretend to listen for the rest of the semester..

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I'm not advocating for no punishment. He deserves whatever he gets legally, but what, IMO, he doesn't deserve is the internet going into tsunami mode and destroying his livelihood and reputation. Especially, when (and this is my point reiterated) the internet doesn't go berserk over equally important but less high profile topics. He's probably done that himself, anyway, piling on not necessary. Like was said, it's just self serving.

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Kinda, but not so melodramatic.

Yeah, I have fun going that over the top.



I have little sympathy for him. Now, if someone decides to hunt his family or him as he hunted the lion I'll agree the mob has gone too far... , but he can bare the sticks and stones of words and the penalty of lost business for his vile actions.







I do think that this was a sad, unnecessary, and cruel act. This was not hunting. It was murder. I suspect it would take much more courage to stalk this beast with a camera than a bow.


Never liked the idea of hunting for sport or trophies anyway. If you're doing it for population control, food, to protect your livestock sure... but to go out and kill an endangered animal with a tracker that lives in a protected preserve and has been taught not to fear humans is just rotten. He deserves public shaming, anger, jail and fees.

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Well, think of it this way. There are way too many humans in the world. Right now, there are more tigers living in captivity or as pets than in the wild. The Human population today is estimated to be over 7 billion while the lion population may be less than 25 thousand.


We are failing in the duty given us to be shepherds of this world. I think we can afford some sympathy for the beasts we drive into extinction, esp. through poaching and malice. The way elephants are killed with cyanide, for example, is truly sick and gruesome. They seed the feeding grounds with poison so that they the beasts burn themselves out from the inside out. Then the poachers come to collect the ivory.





Burg, you get no argument from me on it. This is truly a sad and depressing story and the abuse of creation for selfish desire.

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I do feel bad for the lion and lions in general, but I HATE the social media backlash. The man has a business and assuming a family to clothe, feed and support and the internet, not only this time, chooses to go hysterical and destroy a man's livelihood and reputation.

I want to see how many of these a-holes tearing him down on Yelp and peddling his name on the internet drive gas-guzzling SUVs and get in their cars to drive across parking lots, don't recycle, or moved into a subdivision that destroyed a way station for the monarch butterfly or watershed for migrating birds.

I'll save you the time, all of them. I remember when they built the PETA headquarters in Norfolk, on a wetland lol

Outrage is a hobby for so many nowadays We are seeing it everywhere

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So. The dude is a schmuck.  You will get no argument from anyone on that.  And he should pay whatever fine or penalty is due.  But there is a self righteous backlash which is ridiculous.  I wonder how many "protestors" at his office are vegetarian, or spend serious time in a soup kitchen?  


Awful analogy is awful.


Cows, chickens, and pigs aren't endangered. And we eat the ones we kill. Non-vegetarians aren't killing endangered exotic species for ****s and giggles. Poachers are scum. I equate this guy to those pricks that sneak into wildlife preserves and kill elephants and rhinos for their ivory.


Honestly, in this age, you do despicable things, there's going to be public backlash.

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I'm going to out all of you that sit in belt-way traffic daily for being responsible for the massacre of thousands of polar bears by destroying their habitats. I hope your businesses fail or you become unemployable and have your reputation trashed. 


I'm not just outraged. I'm internet outraged. 

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Awful analogy is awful.


Cows, chickens, and pigs aren't endangered. And we eat the ones we kill. Non-vegetarians aren't killing endangered exotic species for ****s and giggles. Poachers are scum. I equate this guy to those pricks that sneak into wildlife preserves and kill elephants and rhinos for their ivory.


Honestly, in this age, you do despicable things, there's going to be public backlash.

Lions are endangered?  I'll need a link.

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