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Bram has a show? Sorry to be late to the party, but what channel?

Completely agree. What he said he would do to Suh if Suh did that to him was hysterical.

But he also gave a tip of the hat to Morris being a true gentleman. It was a cool bit.

He's much more coherent and well thought out than I thought. I don't think he'd be the guy I'd want to conduct an interview, but he's a good radio-chat guy.

It's a podcast
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Can't wait {sarcasm} to hear how sheehans going to spin amerson getting released.

Cuz it's not possible that it's shannys fault.

He'll say the same thing the "Mr. Negativity" AKA Reid was saying this morning: It was Bruce Allen's fault. "He had his fingers in it..." like Allen is some kind of Dick Cheney style master manipulator. Whatever.

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Jason Reid and Sheehan in particular can find every reason in the book to point the finger at EVERYONE but Shanahan for the failures from 2010 to present.  Typically that finger points to Griffin or Bruce.  Its pretty obvious the media/radio guys choose to favor those that have been giving with information over the years.  On the other hand, those that don't - get the wrath.

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Jason Reid and Sheehan in particular can find every reason in the book to point the finger at EVERYONE but Shanahan for the failures from 2010 to present.  Typically that finger points to Griffin or Bruce.  Its pretty obvious the media/radio guys choose to favor those that have been giving with information over the years.  On the other hand, those that don't - get the wrath.


Again, how many former coaches of teams with an awful record of 24-40, are held in such high regard among the local media?

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Impressed with Clinton Portis.

I've always liked his personality, and on the radio he's very good.

Him and Cooley discussing the game is very good.. not only are they former players, but former teamates, and the chemistry exists.

Portis makes good points, and is fun.


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It's obvious to me that Shanahan used to snitch to Sheehan, and that is why Sheehan is President of the Shanahan is a Football god fan club. I've also suspected that Haslett must've been giving information to The Junkies, as they attacked London Fletcher with a vitriol I found shocking, even for them. 


I haven't been listening consistently since I've been sick the last couple of days, but what was Sheehan's logic that Allen was to blame for the Amerson reach? Dude was getting torched in college, and could've turned out to be a good pro if the coaches were capable of working on his fundamentals. Instead, he's a worse cornerback now than he was when he was drafted. Is it Bruce Allen's job to coach him too?????

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I haven't been listening consistently since I've been sick the last couple of days, but what was Sheehan's logic that Allen was to blame for the Amerson reach?


I didn't hear that when i listened to it the first time. I just went back and listened, and I didn't hear him blame it on Allen the second time either. So I have no idea where that's coming from.


What he actually did was defend his defense of Shanahan's drafts. He starts with "a decent draft hits on 30%", then goes through things. He admits the 2013 was a bad draft, he specific says "i'm not going to deny that", but he pivots to "but it produced Jordan Reed" and then talks about Chris Thompson. Goes on to say it wasn't as bad as 2008 draft.


He then goes over how 1/2 the people on the field on Sunday were acquired via shanahan, many through the draft.


Basically he says the drafts were 'above average'. He says Shanahan's drafts were "C+s and B-s".  He's backing off his defense a bit, but he's not going to call them complete busts. I don't think he's really wrong there...


I didn't hear Allen's named mentioned once. I honestly have no idea where that's coming from...




It starts around the 7 or 8 minute mark.


Sheehan's been high on Shanahan since the moment they hired him. I don't know how much of it is because Shanahan told him things, I'm sure he did, but he was high on him from the minute that story broke. He was so sick of Snyder and Vinny he wanted a football guy in charge and that's what he viewed Shanahan to be (side note: just one example of how people saying ESPN 980 protects Snyder are full of garbage and obviously don't actually listen to the shows. the end of the zorn era Sheehan went nuts on vinny and snyder multiple times)

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Who's not picking up on it?

The example you provided led me to believe that you haven't. While the stance he's taking there is more even keeled, there are a number of other examples of Kevin copping pleas for Shanahans poor personnel decisions. Typically under the narrative that the bad decisions were a result of him not truly having full control and Bruce/Danny pulling strings.

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Everyone has picked up on it. In fact, last week Sheehan admitted that he does 3 shows a week from his position under Shanny's desk.


What is killing me is how the Sheehan and Squeaky show has flip flopped in that Squeaky is brimming with giddy optimism and Sheehan is pumping the brakes a little.

All it tells me is that Squeaky's entire bit is an act that feels it has to play one fiddle or the other. Reasonable criticisms and praises seem to be beyond his reach. He has to be over the top one way or the other. Just a week or so ago the coach was going to be fired after week 8, Cousins would be benched by week 4, and the season would be over after losing to the Rams.


So glad there's Cooley. I have found myself listening to him in the mornings from the vault, because i can't listen to him in the evenings.



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The example you provided led me to believe that you haven't. While the stance he's taking there is more even keeled, there are a number of other examples of Kevin copping pleas for Shanahans poor personnel decisions. Typically under the narrative that the bad decisions were a result of him not truly having full control and Bruce/Danny pulling strings.


I don't know how you took that away from what I posted.


I've posted multiple times, in multiple threads, in both main subforums, about how ridiculous Sheehan is about Shanahan. I don't blame you for not having followed any of those posts, but I honestly just don't get how you got that from my post of explaining what Sheehan said during the show in question.


*shrug* Everyone here does not like Sheehan, many hate him. It is what it is. You say anything remotely close to nice or objective about him and this is what you get.

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I like Sheehan, even if he is hopelessly in love with Shanahan.

Sheehan is one of the few who can pull off a decent sports talk show by himself... he's a homer, but he's not a blind one, and he's not unfair. I think he's sports smart and articulate.

He always seems to get paired with the worst partners. I don't know how he hasn't been fired for slapping some of them.

I did like it with him and Mark Stern when Squeaky was off on vacation.


Edited by Bang
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Why? Seriously. Who gives a ****? He's going to have the same narrative: Kirk is God, RGIII is trash, nothing is my fault.


Honestly, do fans really give a **** what Shanahan has to say any more? I don't get the obsession with him around here.


Can we bring Zorn in for his take? What about Sherm Smith?

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I like Sheehan, even if he is hopelessly in love with Shanahan.


I bet he becomes hopelessly in love with Gruden and SM if they work out well enough to stick around :)


I honestly think his Shanahan obsession is born out of disdain for Snyder and Ceratto. When he watched (from his point of view) Griffin run Shanahan out of town and Allen take charge... and bring in Gruden... i think he saw the Ceratto 3.0 era beginning.


And you're right, he's a huge fan of the redskins. It's really hard for me to blame him...


Over time he's backed away. If this year continues the way its started (solid o/d line play, physical and powerful teams, culture of pushing others around, time of possession style tactics) he's going to move quickly off of it.


I just think he sees Allen as a slightly smarter Ceratto, Griffin as the Owner's shiny toy he's putting priority on above the team, and Gruden as a big name splashy hire that hasn't really proven anything to anyone yet... and after the last 2 decades of what we've had, it's made him go crazy.


He'll come around...


Again, I don't blame him... I think he's more Anti-Griffin than he is Pro-Shanahan, but you'd have to listen regularly to get that.

Are you kidding me????



Why? Seriously. Who gives a ****? He's going to have the same narrative: Kirk is God, RGIII is trash, nothing is my fault.



Honestly, do fans really give a **** what Shanahan has to say any more? I don't get the obsession with him around here.


Can we bring Zorn in for his take? What about Sherm Smith?


It's 106.7 the fan.


They are trolling redskins fans.


Don't feed the trolls....


If you don't think it works, just listen to how many hours of play they'll get today. From Grant and Danny up through Dukes, to their unofficial pregame show.. They're going to try to troll us ALL day.


What more perfect way than to bring on Shanahan?


Like I said, don't feed them. **** that radio station.

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