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CONFIRMED: Scot McCloughan has accepted offer to become Redskins GM: Per Michael Robinson, Albert Breer and Ian Rapoport


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No one's saying that. But after 20 years of losing, I think anyone has the right to take a wait and see approach to this team. Just a couple of days ago, people were planning on hitting Snyder where it counts. One GM signing changes all that?


well if they want to wait and see why not actually wait and actually see rather the preemptively declare it horrible and a waste of time.


whatever this guys issues and however many drafts he's directly controlled in the past there's a boat load of people with no connection to the Redskins who have plenty of positive things to say about him.

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Haha. I understand.

Go to page one of this thread and read what I posted. 


Trying to compel people to show some reserve, show some guarded emotion is not equivalent to saying the candidate is trash. 


Yes, he was around for two organizations that improved greatly through the draft. But, this business is full of guys who are good and competent, few who are truly great or genius. 


I'm happy about things changing. I want a qualified GM myself, a football guy. It doesn't me that the guy we just got, is the real true genius that people are making him out to be. 


Oh, espn said it? - Damn, it must be true. Next thing you see are people talking about the 2010 draft like those were his picks, when they were not. 


Look, I can make up my mind because I go and look at the structure of San Fran from 2005 to 2009, I compare the drafts and I do the same for seattle. What I realize is that many people are involved in the decisions of an organization but one guy ultimately has the last say and the decision. 


Now it looks like McC is asking for that power here. Let's see what he does with it. 

I'm just being guarded. 


The problem I have is that the morons of this front office are the ones creating this masterstroke of a move. Schneider came out after McC was left go and said, basically: everyone is held to the same standard. 


We all know what that means. It means you don't drink at the office. 



Well, in that espn article, McC talked about his SF days where he was drinking vodka out of gatorade bottles. So, ****, I'm applying as an intern with the Skins so I can drink screwdrivers with McC. 


Dude, I know. I'm just trying to reach the casuals who read the wrong, misnomer, false, cliche, one liners of: "McCloughan drafted everyone of significance for SF and seattle. He's the guy who picked all of the pro bowlers, etc." 


For someone so good he seems to have a knack of losing his job. 


plenty of people do.  And at least one of those he quit.  And the other was the 49ers who just fired a winning coach .


frankly considering the negativity of the unhappy posters around here let the happy people be as happy as they like

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more important than getting him is Dan recognizing that Allen is not a GM.

I will be fine if the deal falls through. Booting Allen from GM duties was priority one this off season, yes bigger than Haslett.

I agree with this. I think if deal falls through they'll go find another gm candidate they might have learned thier lesson

Maybe Allen recognized that Allen isn't a GM. That's what I'd like to believe.

I don't think Allen wants it to be honest

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After Vinny Bugeyes and Bruce Allen were fieed from their previous gigs, nobody wanted them. No one would even entertain hiring Vinny Bugeyes now that he's gone, and noone would hire Uncle Brucey if he were booted out of here.

This guy had teams paying him as a draft consultant and competing to hire him. That alone should be indicative of a huge leap forward.

I have been desperately waiting for the team to hire a QUALIFIED GM since Dannyboy's stupid move to hand Schotferbrains full control over personnel back in 2001.

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And at least one of those he quit. 


In both cases he was pushed out. He was out of control in SF, according to the espn expose. They allowed him to save face making it a mutual agreement to part ways. 


Same thing in seattle where he worked with his "buddy from block," Schneider. Schneider made it clear that everyone was held to the same standard. Meaning, that McC didn't live up to that standard. It's clear that he was hittin the sauce again. 


Again, Schneider allowed his friend to save face as a mutual parting. But Schneider made clear in the media that it was an organizational move, not McC walking away while everyone else was begging for him to stay. 


If he was indispensable, something could have been worked out. 

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I like the move.  Dan is taking a chance as the guy has got issues.


I would like to see a list of all the other qualified candidates the FO legitimately had a shot of bringing in here instead of Scot M.  Not a wish list, but an actual real life list.  How many of those are better?


Clearly this guy is better than every person holding the GM title since Dan bought the team.  As always have to wait and see what happens, but it is worth giving this guy a couple of years to bring in some talent.  Interesting to see what improvements/changes he makes to scouting department/current personnel guys.


I don't see any coaching changes this off season, and Grudes will pick the DC.  Interesting what his take on our QB's and what players he will get rid of as we move forward.

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The reality is that any of us that were:

1. Not in the draft room

2. Aren't close with someone who was in the draft room.

Have no clue how integral he was to those drafts.

What is unquestionable however is that he absolutely had some level of significant involvement in the 49ers drafts from 2005 to 2010 and the Seahawks drafts from 2011 to 2013. At least I'd imagine that should be unquestionable based on him being either a exec in the player personnel department OR the GM for a significant period of the draft evaluation process.

HOW much impact he had? Impossible for any of us on this board to say.

WHICH picks he specifically lobbied for and which he didn't? Again, not something we can definitively say generally (sans perhaps Willis).

But it's ridiculous to suggest he wasn't heavily involved in the draft process in all those years I mentioned. And he, along with the other personnel folk in those places, deserve credit for those drafts. Does he deserve ALL the credit for "building" San Fran and Seattle? Absolutely not. Does he deserve a decent amount of the credit given his position was a high end exec of the actual top guy at times during those drafts? Absolutely.

I don't buy the notion of trying to remove any credit for 2010 from him. Again, as I said, he doesn't deserve ALL the credit for any of those drafts. But to act like a guy who was running the show, who had some measure of control over the counting department and it's personnel, who was helping with the evaluation process all off season deserves no credit for what the team does when one of his subordinates takes over the process a MONTH before the draft is ridiculous.

Are people going a bit overboard in terms of their praise for him and assigning him all the praise for "building" the niners and seahawks. Absolutely. But the attempts by a few posters to argue against that over reaction seem to be going FAR the other direction in terms of going overboard in terms of how much credit they're trying to take away from him as well.

One thing I will hold some value over is that reportedly it seems a number of well connected people...specifically scouts and player personnel guys...have been largely positive in terms of his PROFESSIONAL talents based on reports from pretty much every news outlet (not just ESPN). The big resistance seems to be largely around personal issues, which is absolutely justified...but that's far different than degrading his ability as a professional.

His prominent position in the personnel departments of the Niners from 05-10 and the Seahawks from 11-13, mixed with what seems to be a majority positive view regarding his talents as an evaluator from his peers, definitely gives me the impression that at the very least on a PROFESSIONAL level that this is a solid higher of a legitimately talented evaluator. It's mitigated by the risk on the PERSONAL level, but I believe that risk is largely what's providing the option to get a guy who's seemingly viewed as a very good scouting mind not by "Fans" but reportedly by peers.

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well if they want to wait and see why not actually wait and actually see rather the preemptively declare it horrible and a waste of time.


whatever this guys issues and however many drafts he's directly controlled in the past there's a boat load of people with no connection to the Redskins who have plenty of positive things to say about him.

Never implied it is horrible and a waste of time. Just saying hold the horses before giving Dan more money until the product on the field shows it. I won't get fooled again. How'bout you?

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Same thing in seattle where he worked with his "buddy from block," Schneider. Schneider made it clear that everyone was held to the same standard. Meaning, that McC didn't live up to that standard. It's clear that he was hittin the sauce again.

Actually, I don't think it's evident he was hitting the sauce again in Seattle based on how the ESPN article went...at least, not "hitting the sauce" in the same fashion he was in the Niners.

That's absolutely one possibility, but when I read it another clear possibility came into my head as well based on things I've known with other people and organizations before.

I'm sure many are familiar with the notion in AA that the first thing you have to do is admit you have the problem, that you're an alcoholic. That's not just AA, my understanding is that's the case with a lot of rehab type things. There's also an expectation that you STOP using alcohol entirely.

The ESPN article, around the point that it was talking about his leaving Seattle, was also talking about Scott's personal feelings regarding what he is, what he can do, and what he must stay away from. He clearly doesn't subscribe to the thought that he's an "alcoholic" or that he has a general alcohol problem...he seems to think he simply has a HARD alcohol problem, or put another way a Liquor problem. He's staying away from that (he claims), but he seems perfectly happy to still sit and have a beer.

I've been around people, and heard of organizations, where they'll allow someone to remain employed after an issue with substance abuse or other such things...with the caveat that the person needs to be going through a program and keeping it under control. I don't know if the Seahawks have such an expectation with their employees as well...but if they did, this would make a TON of sense in terms of the "Standards" comment. If the Seahawks expected their employees with addiction issues to be working a program...and Mccloughan basically said "No, I'd rather do this my own way", then that would sync up PERFECTLY with how it was described in the ESPN article. I'd actually suggest that would make MORE sense with how it's described in the article as opposed to him starting to drink hard again.

Though I admit him just going hard into the booze is absolutely a likely scenario as well. I just feel like, upon reading that article, it didn't seem like the ONLY likely scenario.

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The espn mag article goes into more depth on what happened


At minimum, this is a moment where Dan Snyder is finally figuring out his way isn't the smartest way, and the conventional way that smart orgs do, i.e a qualified personell man/GM is the best route to become a winner


At best, we found our next Bobby Beatherd 

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Why ate people getting bent out of shape about how much influence he had in past drafts. He obviously had some amount of influence on both teams. But look past that.

Look at his reputation. Every reporter every single one said this guy's reputation is one of the best talent evaluators in the league. He's renowned in ththe league as such.

Every reporter also said this would be a huge coup, a massive get for this franchise. Go listen to Albert Breers interview on 106.7 this afternoon. He said this is a franchise altering move and gives the redskins instant credibility and can put us in the list of contenders a few yrs down the line.

Ian Rappaport said on the NFL network that this is the anti redskins move cause it was to smart.

I have never seen this much agreement on a redskins hiring. Every other one had alot more detractors then I've seen here (I haven't seen any but not gonna say there aren't any that say it's a bad move). The media was almost split with the shanny hiring cause of his ending in denver, Gibbs 2 cause of his age and tI'm away from the game.

I'll say it again in caps:


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I love how reports were this was a done deal hours ago. Yet now I see reports that say its not a done deal.

Must be nice to be a reporter. Just make up @@@@ and say your sources said this or that.

To bad we never ever hear who the source is

I just hope by tomorrow morning this is a done deal.

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Also I wonder who the MLB is that he was drooling over in the article for this draft.


Not sure, but in the article it called the prospect an "FBS Inside LB," whose draftnik range was somewhere between the 6th and 7th round.


For all I know he was watching Taiwan Jones from Michigan State. http://www.rotoworld.com/player/cfb/131912/lb

Wouldn't surprise me. 


When I first read that quote through my head, in his voice, I immediately thought that he was referring to an OLB, a rush outside LB. Made me think of a guy that I've held close to the vest all season. A guy that is totally overlooked: Owamagbe Odighizuwa. 



Hey DogofWar ... remember what I told you about Diggy?

He was ranked down in the 400s three months ago, now check where CBS ranks him ... #61: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/prospectrankings/2015/DE






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Hey DogofWar ... remember what I told you about Diggy?

He was ranked down in the 400s three months ago, now check where CBS ranks him ... #61: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/prospectrankings/2015/DE


You should send your resume in a letter to his new house.  Maybe mention some sleeper guys that he probably likes.  Get on staff.  You're special, and I guarantee you'd be a net positive on the talent evaluation front.

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