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CONFIRMED: Scot McCloughan has accepted offer to become Redskins GM: Per Michael Robinson, Albert Breer and Ian Rapoport


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2 reasons why Snyder went after McLoughlan- 1. Fans didn't want A.J. Smith. Saw right through it like Fassel deal. Snyder can be influenced.




Snider's tweet is bull**** lol...


This was in no way some sort of reactionary move by Snyder due to fans not wanting Smith. Not to mention that quite a few fans were OK with Smith having an "enhanced role" in things. The outcry over Fassel dwarfs whatever cynicism that was expressed over the supposed AJ Smith move. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if the Smith move was an attempt by Allen to appease Snyder, not Snyder trying to appease the fans.


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I swear some people wouldn't be happy with Bill Polian in his prime and Bill Belichick as head coach...this should be a happy day


There are a lot of us that are completely skeptical of all things Daniel Snyder and the organization and for good reason. I don't think people are saying it's a bad hire but just that we will wait until we see the results on the field. We want proof that Snyder won't get impatient and only time will tell.

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I love how reports were this was a done deal hours ago. Yet now I see reports that say its not a done deal.


I just hope by tomorrow morning this is a done deal.


Maybe this is why:


 Redskins Fanbot and 3 others follow

Interviewing Cards GM Graves may have been one of the last bureaucratic hurdles between making the McCloughan hire official. #Redskins

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Maybe this is why:


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4z41x5tM_bigger.jpegChadwiko Menendez ‏@chadwiko  41m41 minutes ago

Interviewing Cards GM Graves may have been one of the last bureaucratic hurdles between making the McCloughan hire official. #Redskins

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Can't be that, Breer says we interviewed Graves on Monday. He fulfills the Rooney Rule, but since it happened before today that's clearly not the hang-up. Probably just the contract.

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If McC gets it written in his contract that he has absolute control over all football personel and Snyder meddles can mcc quit and still get paid due to breach of contract?

If I was him I would only sign here if I had absolute control over the roster.

Basically, his authority must be clearly defined in the contract.

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He's getting too much credit in this very thread alone. 


Someone earlier referenced the 2010 Draft as another example of McCloughan's brilliance. McCloughan was canned, errr, mutually agreed to separate in San Fran, one month BEFORE the 2010 Draft.


The 2010 Draft was Baalke's, not McCloughan's. 


I read a post in here, posted today, that referenced Mike Iupati and Anthony Davis, a bunch others, the whole lot ... those guys from 2010 were Baalke's. And 2011 was another huge hit getting Kaep and many others, McCloughan wasn't even in house.


And on top of that, 2005, 2006 and 2007 were drafts in which Nolan had the final say in personnel matters, not McCloughan. McC was the VP of Player Personnel then.

Input? - Yes

Final say? - No. 



The 2008 and 2009 Drafts were his. He was the GM then and had contractual final say. '08 and '09 are starkly in contrast to the drafts of '05, '06 and '07, as well as the ones to come in '10, '11 and '12. 


Do a little exercise and compare the San Fran drafts of '05, '06 & '07 versus 2008 and 2009. 


There's a difference.


Then do the same of comparing 2008 and 2009 versus the Baalke drafts of '10, '11, '12 and '13.

There is a difference once again. 


I posted those Emmanual Benton links mainly in response to someone trying to get pics of those drafts up. I saw those tweets almost simultaneously. There was a storm of tweets, and thought I'd share those and maybe help out. I do really appreciate this post though, your later ones, and the call for tempered expectations. I think tempered expectation should be about the pinnacle of attainable emotion when it comes to how the team is run. I do admit I was a little bit happy to hear this news though. It has been a long while since there's been a glimmer of good news. It's so very long overdue for the leadership of this team to quit being an embarrassment, put people who are good at what they do in charge where they need to be, and let them do their jobs. I like what Connskin said about process. I'm gonna find that post and like it.

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I swear some people wouldn't be happy with Bill Polian in his prime and Bill Belichick as head coach...this should be a happy day

 And I am sure there were doubters for those guys when they got hired. Bill B wasn't a slam dunk after failing in Cleveland. Nor am I aware of behavioral issues with either that prevented them from staying with one organization for more than a few years.


Just because some posters are not buying into the false narrative that this guy built SF and Sea, doesn't mean they are hating.


People were more than happy to write off AJ Smith's ACTUAL record of accomplishment as GM, but expect everyone to buy into the fiction of the legend of Scotty Mc, who apparently told Pete Carroll to sit his ass in the corner and shut up, unless he wanted to be shipped back to USC, on draft days... and had the actual GM Schneider going on donut and coffee runs.


One poster said he doesn't care if Scot was only in the room when those guys were drafted, that is enough, and I am fine with that. It's an opinion. But that he superseded Baalke, Nolan, Schneider and Carroll in the building of the 49ers and Seahawks is straight up false, or at minimum a serious exaggeration. Sorry.


I am happy the Redskins have moved beyond Bruce Allen as GM, but I am not going to just ignore that this guy is a bit of a crapshoot, or that hindsight will be 20/20 if he craps out and all the cheerleaders now will trade in their pompoms for pitchforks and torches to Storm Evil Dan's castle. But I will stop posting about it as I have said my peace and do not desire circular arguments.


Welcome aboard Scot M. Best of luck to us all.

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Its still unofficial but word is both sides have a agreement, just need to go through the rooney rule first.


Good day in skins nation, we finally have a guy with a vision.  Heres to seeing a legit defense ran by competent people again, havent seen that in years.

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The rest of your quote added to the discussion but, damn, this part is a bit harsh.


Yep, and Albert Breer and Rapaport both say McCloughan had his hand all in the 49ers and Seahawks rosters...the ones who played in last year's NFC Championship game.


Rapaport says McCloughan is regarded as one of he best if not the best talent evaluator in football.  Said he also had a ton of influence.  


I'm going to trust those two sources over any ESPN article.  I don't know what's up Monk's ass but it sounds like trolling and a bull**** article (that I didn't read in full disclosure but it contradicts some of what I heard today).  Rapaport and Breer are trusted reporters and they laud the dude...as do most FO people throughout the league.  

No one should be downplaying this guys credentials or talent...period.  

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Brilliant Mercuryrising!

I heard it a bit differently though... that SM told Dan in the interview Bruce will sit his ass in the corner and shut up, unless he wanted to be shipped back to Tampa, on draft days... and he will have Dan actually going on donut and coffee runs! :)

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The posts from those who are trying to belittle his draft acumen are missing the bigger picture that this move represents. If the protocol is now to identify, locate, and interview to tier executive talent to run the football ops then there is truly hope that a real "football organization" is being run.

Most of us that feel good about this hire understand that this isn't a slam dunk to multiple Super Bowls right away... But it is a small step in the right direction.

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Great management realizes their deltas and they carefully choose their team with other highly experienced people that they trust and who excel in the areas where they are weak or need help. I think SM already has his team in mind and changes will be swift at Redskins park...for the better. That is part of the contract negotiations. He needs to have the hire/fire authority to execute his plan that he has been working on for well over a year.

And how do we not know that this change has been brewing for a year?

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