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ES Coverage & Interactive Game Day Thread: Redskins vs Buccaneers (Final - Photos & Writeup)


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Sad reality is that the only consistency in this 20 years of suck has been Snyder. And we will continue to suck so long as he is the owner. And let me tell ya: he's not selling the team any time soon. And when he dies, he will probably give the team to his kids. What does that mean? The Redskins will suck for the entirety of our lifetimes. Suck on that one for a bit. Sucks, huh?

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36 years fan.  If somehow this damn franchise picked up Winston then I am truly done.  It's maddening to witness this and it just makes me that much more sick when I continue to renew my season tickets year after year after year.

I'm in the same boat as far as Winston goes, I don't want that scumbag anywhere near this franchise

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The problems begin at the very top! And trickle down to a GM that doesn't know talent-then a pass happy rookie HC and a DC who should have been fired two seasons ago. And that's just management

I agree. I also think Gruden is too stubborn to be a HC. It seems more like he wants his way to work than to find a way to win. Why aren't we running more? Why are we doing pitch plays 80% of the time? Why is Helu taking so many snaps?

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No the **** it's not. When the oline can't block, RGIII has no time to throw. When the oline gives him time to throw, he holds onto the ball too long and takes a sack. HOW THE **** IS THAT THE SAME??? Wow!


So SHUT your ****ing hole and think before you respond.


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Kirk Cousins put up 70+ points in 2 games with this very same offense! Colt McCoy beat a red hot Cowboys team with this very same offense! Robert Griffin put up 13 points in 2 games with this very same offense, see what the problem is? Robert Griffins the damn problem!

He is mostly the problem since he can't hit any of his receivers. Robert can only play QB using the read option this is what has been demonstrated by his play on the field. He doesn't throw with anticipation and can't read a defense.

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7 points! 7 freaking points against the Bucs! Why let Griffin finish the season, we already know he's not our guy.

Let Griffin finish.  We might pull off a victory and further damage our draft position.  We need a shot at at Winston/Mariota, but I wouldn't give up draft picks for them.

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Well I have to grasp to the idea of… have to hope that perhaps there is still something left worth looking at because the thought of giving up 3 first rounders for a bust is to painful to consider - besides what do we need to see out of the other QBs?  Thats why I say split time… who ever looks the part after the season is over gets the nod for next year why we start the rebuilding process of the O-line and eventually trying again at finding a QB.

Sad that's all we have. I might adopt another team,don't know who. Someone competitive that I have no reason to dislike, just to justify my Sunday ticket purchase.

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definitely not true.

I agree - not the worst starting QB in the league but FAR from being worth the price paid unfortunately.  I think he has proven that he isn't going to be able to do much without stellar players around him.  He is not a top 10 or even a top 20 QB in my mind.  Way to many mistakes and say what you will, he has lost something which made up for those mental errors during that 2012 season.

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its called being realistic


apart from maybe 5 players, this whole team is garbage, including Griffin, how can you watch this trash week in and week out and defend it

Wrong.  It has absolutely zero to do with being realistic.  Being realistic would be admitting the entire team sucked today and played like hot garbage.  But instead, all you see in here is people tearing each other apart and placing the entire loss on RG3 for the sole reason of being able to sit back and scream "I told you so".  And I am absolutely not defending him, as he played like **** too.

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I agree - not the worst starting QB in the league but FAR from being worth the price paid unfortunately.  I think he has proven that he isn't going to be able to do much without stellar players around him.  He is not a top 10 or even a top 20 QB in my mind.  Way to many mistakes and say what you will, he has lost something which made up for those mental errors during that 2012 season.


mental errors in 2012?  Do you know how few INTs he threw that year for a rookie?  And not even top 20?

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Let Griffin finish.  We might pull off a victory and further damage our draft position.  We need a shot at at Winston/Mariota, but I wouldn't give up draft picks for them.

They're not going to fix this mess. Griffin was far beyond both of them as a QB in college and we've destroyed him. This team is a disease.

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most sacks for the season people?  RG3 is not dealing with the same **** that Cousins and McCoy did


This is not all on Griffin, I've already argued that point, but Griffin does not have the mental clock or the ability to feel pressure and throw it that the other do.

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