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Let me explain the Herschel Walker trade since no one understands it


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Okay, now do one about talent vs "heart"

Great thread and op


I'm going to do one the theories behind Jay Gruden's offense. This is an offense that wants to:


1. Establish the run

2. Protect the quarterback, and

3. Distribute the ball to playmakers while

4. Limiting turnovers


I bet I can get 16 pages on that.

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I'm going to do one the theories behind Jay Gruden's offense. This is an offense that wants to:


1. Establish the run

2. Protect the quarterback, and

3. Distribute the ball to playmakers while

4. Limiting turnovers


I bet I can get 16 pages on that.

I onlu wish I could get this level of analysis on twitter.

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That was a great OP.  Funny and informative.  Kudos.


As an aside on the whole Casserly - Saints trade: Honestly, Casserly has proved over the years to be a bit of an idiot.  He really did absolutely nothing here, especially with Norv, and then he went on to do nothing productive with the Texans. I think that in a different era of social media and sports talk radio, he might have been compared to Vinny in a lot of ways.


The fact that he got a treasure and then used the vast majority of it to trade up 5 sports to get Bailey was suspect.  He said that was the guy they wanted all along, so they got him and everything else was bonus.  Uh....


I love Champ.  And he is a HOF player.  But honestly, he should have just used every one of those picks he could have.  


The saddest move was trading picks to move up and draft Freaking Lavar dumb-as-rocks Arrington.  What a complete waste of draft picks.  And he's such a complete waste of space.  

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Most of the trades that really stand out as bad to me since 1999 were under Gibbs.  TJ Ducket, Mark Brunell and Clinton Portis.  Not because I didn't like the trades for Brunnell and Portis, but they gave up WAY too much.  Portis for Bailey, straight up.  No problem.  Brunnell for a 4th or 5th?  Ok.  But they parted with too much, and were on the wrong end of the deal both times.  The Ducket trade was just stupidity.


The (Damn, I'm going to forget his name, the DE from Miami who was on Dancing with the Stars) was also an epically stupid move by bug-eyes.


I think more of the stupidity was with FA signings than trades.  The entire 1999 class of 1992 pro-bowlers come to mind, and was topped off by the worst FA signing in the history of the league with AH.  Throw in an Adam Archuletta for spice, and you've just got complete stupidity.  

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Remember when the Bengals decided to save Vinny from himself by turning down 2 1st for Chad Johnson?

Sad to imagine things could have been worse, but man did it come close.

Pretty sure one of those firsts ended up being Trent Williams. The Bears also saved us from ourselves when we tried to trade for Lance Briggs.
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