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Does the overall ineptitude and fail of this franchise make you enjoy professional football less?



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  1. 1. Does the overall ineptitude and fail of this franchise make you enjoy professional football less?

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The European soccer leagues, particularly premiere league, have be the worst when it comes to competitive balance ... Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal haven't had a losing season in what, like 20 years now?

Different sports culture.

There's more to win than just the League title overseas.

FA Cup, capital one cup, qualifying for the champion's league

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I don't know about the team but the incessant whiny, weepy teeth-gnashing-hair-pulling-hold-our-breath-'til-we-turn-blue hysterics here lately sure as hell makes this board a lot less entertaining


What board have you been reading the last decade.  Looks like the same whiny, weepy teeth-gnashing-hair-pulling-hold-our-breath-'til-we-turn-blue hysterics to me.

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Yes. I enjoy football less when the Redskins stink. The only enjoyment I get from watching football now is to see teams I hate, like the Giants loose. I have been a Redskins fan since 1957 and this debacle is worse than the teams the skins fielded in the 60s. At least back then our team stopped them once in awhile.

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When the schedule was released tonight's game looked to be one of the most anticipated games in recent memory. It is only week 5 and you already basically have to give your tickets away because you will not get anywhere close to face for them.


I have been a die hard Redskins fan all my life but the constant losing on the field and drama off the field have finally taken its toll. Not renewing next year, no more merchandise purchasing except the alternate (80th anniversary) line. I will always be a fan and root for the team when they are playing but I will not let them ruin my week anymore after a loss.


Enjoying football in general less? That's hard to say because there will always be teams like the Jags, Raiders, etc. that are always worst off than us. But that also means there are a ton more that are doing average or better above us. Watching the rest of the NFC east continue to win and have to listen to all their fans living in the DMV rub it in week in and out has gotten really old...

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I think last night something broke in my brain. Sack fumble, 7 points to NY. Two drives of making Eli ****ing retarded face Manning aka the terrible Manning march down the field just throwing the ball really high to Anthony Mix 2.0 while our linebackers and defensive backs blow coverage over and over and DON'T TURN FOR THE ****ING FOOTBALL. +7, +7.


Then we're driving down the field at the end of the half with a sure touchdown and chance to be down only 7 despite our terrible showing, and Logan ****ing Paulsen coughs up the ball. Then the Giants get up to the 40 in spite of terrible clock management, we force a 3rd and long at the 40 with 7 seconds left and Victor Cruz, one of the few players in the NFL I would love to see get hit by a bus while he's salsa dancing around in the street, catches a pass and struts backwards out the sideline with 1 second. +3. 24-7 at the half. That's how frequently the Redskins ****ing blow ironically.


Even then I stuck around. I was already at an 8 on the 1-10 scale of anger and despair, but I stuck around like I do every ****ing time year in and year out because I must be retarded or something. I promise myself, if they come out in the 2nd half looking better, I'll stick around. We go straight down the field and score. 24-14, our defense makes a stop, our offense is rolling again. Then Kirk Cousins throws an interception. Ok, it happens. If the Giants score here I'm out. I don't turn games off but if they go up 31-14 I'm not going to watch the remaining 25 or so minutes of football.


We get an interception, what a miracle. They review it and elect NOT to put points on the board for the Giants, another total ****ing miracle given the fact that we're something like 0-4 on challenges this year when we really should be 4-0 or at least 3-1. Anyway, the smallest glimmer of hope sweeps back into my mind. For just a moment I thought "hey, maybe we'll manage to dig ourselves out of this...maybe this is a game changer..." then BAM Kirk Cousins comes straight out and gives the ball right back to the Giants.


I don't even know what happened after that. I turned the game off and went upstairs to play Counter-Strike, which was far more enjoyable than watching the Redskins absolutely suck penis on national television for the 54001924818th time in my life. I saw the score before going to bed, hung my head ashamed of the team, wondering aloud "why the **** am I devoted to this pile of scrubs with no hope of success???" 3 years now and we're still starting Tyler Polombus, a player who could be upgraded by placing a folding chair at the right tackle position. This team is going nowhere.


Then I climb in bed, turn on the TV, decide I'll put on the daily show for some laughs. They have an entire segment on the Redskins name featuring some of the dumbest redskins fans you'll ever find, and a bunch of pissed off Native Americans. It was the final kick to the testicles of the evening. I hate this stupid team and the only thing we all have left to cling to is our past, history, and identity and they're taking that away too. The name will change, we'll go with something stupid, safe, boring, innocuous, so as not to offend the easily offended. We'll become another franchise with a bland and nonsensical name with no history or pride. Like the ****ing Jaguars, the Wizards, the Phoenix Coyotes, who ****ing cares anymore?


Who honestly can say they give a **** what happens to this baby **** burning dumpster tire-fire of a franchise at this point? I'm not sorry, I don't apologize, **** the Washington Redskins. Everything we do is wrong. I can't take this **** anymore. I no longer enjoy watching football. I cannot root for another team, but I can't for the health of me continue to subject myself to this one. It's been 23 years for me of not turning the game off, putting off other things on Sunday so I didn't miss a single second of the futility, pain, misery, stupidity. I barely remember anything of when we were great, all I remember is ****ing garbage and being the laughing stock of the NFL. The Washington Redskins are a joke and we're all the punchline.


My God man, you just summed up everything I've been feeling.  I laughed, I cried.  Bravo, sir.  Bravo. 


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Different sports culture.

There's more to win than just the League title overseas.

FA Cup, capital one cup, qualifying for the champion's league


If the Redskins were in soccer they would be fighting to avoid Relegation every year.  Which would at least be exciting.  Actually, though the Skins would have dropped down to the 10th division league of the football league pyramid by now with their ineptitude.

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The European soccer leagues, particularly premiere league, have be the worst when it comes to competitive balance ...  Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal haven't had a losing season in what, like 20 years now?

You don't watch soccer do you.  Arsenal has been struggling the last couple years and Man U didn't even make the top 4 or the Champions league.  Man City came out of nowhere and has leapfrogged into the top 4 and taken the top spot the last couple years.

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I'm a STH, huge Skins fan, don't know the last time I've missed watching a game. Tonight, I honestly have no desire to watch the game. I still will, but I'm not nearly as excited as I should be for a home MNF game. This team just sucks any fun out of it for me right now. Between the name crap, the QB "controversy", the 1-3 start and the list goes on.


I never though I'd see the Orioles get back to being a championship contender before the Redskins. When both teams made the playoffs in 2012, I'd never thought the O's would be the more consistent team going forward. For once, the O's are the team with hope and promise, while the Skins, well there's always next year.


I hope I'm wrong and they somehow pull out a huge win tonight, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I still enjoy watching other games. It reminds me how much fun this game actually is when two teams are playing all out and being competitive. 


I watch Redskins hoping they win, but going into every game, I am thinking about how they are going to lose and what new ways they lose games. The only real excitement about this franchise is the offseason, where Snyder knows best to bring hope by bringing in new faces to market. However, that's worn off already and he needs to go.

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I enjoyed yesterday without having to worry if the team that I live and I die for, was going to **** the bed.  I've also enjoyed watching the MLB playoffs without a dog in the fight there as well.


At some point, I'm going to move away from the D.C area I've called home for most of my adult life.  I wonder if I'll be as in tune with this team as I am now.  It's gotten to the point where I honestly loathe as much about this franchise as I love, but the history, hope and loyalty keep bringing me back.

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Not sure there is much I can contribute that hasn't been said, but I thought it appropriate to add a reply on a day that should be filled with excitement but has turned out to be anything but. 


I made a committment over 5 years ago to stop attending games and to spend absolutely nothing on new merchandise.  That is the only voice I have, however small, that could ultimately contribute to a change in ownership at some point in the very distant future.  This ownership will never see another dollar of my hard-earned income.  I know many others have done the same, and I can only pray that our efforts will lead to a change one day.  Until that time, absolutely nothing will change with the product on the field.  A fish rots from the head, and this fish has been dead for 15 years.

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I couldn't even get hate points on Sunday. Every team I hate watched wound up pretty much trouncing the other team, or winning in some insanely awesome fashion. And it fuels my hate fire even more.

This is something I have simply accepted about myself.

I'm not going to riot, or burn anything down in anger...but I will come here to vent my fanatical depression with people who can relate. I'm not a sunny disposition type, & I'm okay with that because I don't ever feel like I have to lie to myself in order to c I need my mind into believing that things are all just peachy keen. This is how I learned to cope after years of early therapy. It's ok, & perfectly normal to get dejected, & feel doom, & dismay. So long as it doesn't bleed into your every day functions. ...then fine.

Sure...it makes me severely incapable of watching football. ..heck, it took me almost a whole week to get over myself enough to watch the Sean Taylor special.

I needed that cry...lol.

My girlfriend analogy is the best way I can describe it. Because that's how passionate I am about my sports. Also...I hate being bullied. I was bullied as a kid, & I find myself to be ultra sensitive to it. This is why I generally don't talk trash...because I know I can't handle it when it comes back around, & my reaction generally is to make it stinging, & personal. ..or to become a rage monster. Still...When we are the laughing stock that we are...I feel like I'm being bullied by random fans, or changers everywhere I go. Then the commentary on Sundays always is to become the butt of all jokes, yet on the other hand EVERY other team gets a free pass, & a bucket of excuses.....or worse...they drone on in lust, oooooing, & ahhhhing at the every step of other teams.

It sickens me...& makes it impossible to enjoy, lest I turn off the sound. At which point I usually tune out altogether, & just move on to Diablo III, or Destiny.

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Yes.  I've been a hockey fan since birth and only became a football fan in my teens (when we got cable).


I used to follow all Redskins related news. I used to know all the players on the roster and who was inactive on game day. Now I just tune in on gameday or record the game so I can fast forward through all the replays.


Having the team be so dissapointing year after year just makes it hard to get excited for. It used to be something I looked forward to all week. Being the only football fan in my circle of friends and family doesn't help either.

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I don't know about the team but the incessant whiny, weepy teeth-gnashing-hair-pulling-hold-our-breath-'til-we-turn-blue hysterics here lately sure as hell makes this board a lot less entertaining

Well, when a team has been consistently bad since Clinton's first term, and a whole generation of fans know nothing but disappointment, it tends to make you a little pessimistic.

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