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WSET- Little Girl Taken Out Of Christian School After Told She's Too Much Like A Boy


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I'd just like to note that despite all the rampant librulism in this thread, not a single person has suggested that the school did not have the RIGHT to do what it did, based on the religious views it professes.  


Remember that the next time someone tells you that Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs, are losing their legal rights, etc.  

Not all persecution comes in the form of legal consequences, don't you agree?

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I thought about it, but I didn't want to come off as condescending after a certain point. Generally, whenever I talk to or see someone like that, I at first try to get them to understand what they're actually saying, in hopes of getting them to change their approach.


And you're a better person for it.


I was in it solely for my own entertainment. It was all I could do to not goad him on any further.... :D

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I don't know how or why, but Liberty sends me their magazine once a year. I've never attended, visited or looked them up on google, but somehow I'm on the mailing list. Strange.


Identity theft.



Just kidding, but probably someone with a similar name that they added.


I get mail from places and I wonder why too. Some of these places sell your info.

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Not that it matters, but she really does look like a chubby 8 year old boy.I went to private school until 8th grade and transitioning to public school was a shock for me, I can't imagine what it will be like for her. Hopefully everything works out for her and she'll be able to go back if she wants to.

Apparently she is being professionally counseled for identity issues

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I'm not sure why a school like that would not have a dress code if they are going to act in that way.


They don't really need one.  They are a private religious school.  They can boot kids out for whatever reason they want, or for no reason at all.   They can change their rules, or have no set rules.  No one has a legal "right" to go there or to have any particular rules applied equally or fairly.

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Not that it matters, but she really does look like a chubby 8 year old boy.I went to private school until 8th grade and transitioning to public school was a shock for me, I can't imagine what it will be like for her. Hopefully everything works out for her and she'll be able to go back if she wants to.

Apparently she is being professionally counseled for identity issues


I looked like a boy when I was younger too. In fact, one time playing football in the backyard with the neighborhood boys and my brother, a good friend of the family looked out the window and wondered who that new boy was.


I am sick of young children, if they aren't going with the patriarchal flow of what is masculine or feminine, is immediately tagged as having gender identity issues  and is transgender.  They are not, they just don't conform to what is expected of boys and girls, pigeonholed into rigid roles/appearance/actions.  For example, to this day, I hate hate hate the color pink in any shade except for coral or salmon.  Won't wear it, won't have it in my house.  I dig tools, hand tools power tools it doesn't matter.   I hate dolls and anything to do with dolls.  Well, guess what I always got for Xmas?  Girly stuff, which I hated with a passion.  Xmas was always a huge disappointment.  And I'm all girl/woman, as I define it for myself.  I refuse to let any patriarchal structure define me.


We need to let these children be children.  Forcing this "gender identity" and transgender stuff onto them is a form of child abuse.  Introducing them to the medical industrial complex that uses hormones, other drugs used off schedule, and surgery to "change" their sex is pure D child abuse.  These children have no idea what is involved (lifetime use of hormones and surgery to remove perfectly healthy parts) and in any event cannot even sign legal contracts before age 18.  That means that their parents and the medical industrial complex are the ones pushing this onto them.  And besides, no one can change sex, one cannot change one's chromosomes.


Further, if I had grown up in today's environment, the medical industrial complex would be saying that I'm transgender, when that is simply not true.  One cannot be born in the wrong body, there is no such thing as "brain sex".  Where the failure occurs is not accepting people for who they are, without the trappings of "masculine/feminine".


Done with my Feminist rant.

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Did you like the post or that I was done with my Feminist rant, twa?  :D


I'm married to a feminist....the rants never truly done  :P


I did buy her a pink outfit once .....she even wore it once (that gal really loves me)

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LSF, why did you get the fru-fru,poofy, handbag dog then? ;)


She's not a fru-fru poofy handbag dog!  She's the dog of a Lesbian!  And she's wearing Redskins shirt.  She's butch, she lifts her leg when she pees!  That proves she's not a fru-fru- poofy handbag dog!  :D


Plus, I don't carry a handbag.  My wallet resides nicely in my back pocket, like any self-respecting dyke!  She would be kinda hard to stick in my other back pocket.  I do carry her around though at times.  She absolutely loves snow, runs around, snuffles in it!  Very funny to watch.

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No, you rant did not sound "feminist" but it did display a bit of ignorance.


We do not know any of the details about the girl and how gender identity applies. You are right, it could simply just be that she prefers boy's styles of clothes and hair cuts and there is no gender issues involved. And as such what I am about to say may or may  not apply to her.


Gender identity issues DO manifest themselves in young people at an early age, and there is a lot more involved than just what clothes they were and how they want to cut their hair. Gender is NOT based simply between what is between someone's legs. Knowing what I know now, I can look back and see the manifestation  of my own gender ID "issues" beginning when I was in 3rd grade. And I would have gone through a lot less crap in my life had I had parents who actually took steps to help me with it.


However, screaming that it is child abuse, followed up with the second example of you talking down transgender, is ignorant. In fact, it sounds amazingly similar to those who scream that allowing young adults to come out as gay and the parents supporting them being child abuse. That homosexuality is not real, and "God" made humans to only work one way sexually. Though sadly I am not surprised - for all its push for equality, the homosexual community is very bigoted towards bisexuals and transgendered.


And no, you would not have been diagnosed as transgendered unless you a) though of yourself as only male and b )  suffer from constant body dysphoria in which having a vagina causes you severe emotional/psychological distress.  

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Body dyphoria manifests in females a bunch, because of the patriarchal definitions of how a woman should dress:  makeup, hobbling high heals.  Also, for example, when puberty hit and I started growing breasts not to mention menstruation, I hated my body.  It took a long time to learn to reject dressing and acting to please the male gaze, which means women are always submissive to men and must please them in all ways.


And I did want to be a boy because only boys could marry girls.  Not to mention the years of trying to be heterosexual when I wasn't.


If we accepted children as they are and help them to accept themselves rather than force these gender stereotypes on them, we would have a lot less people looking to the medical industrial complex to help them.


Feminism seeks to do away with the gender binaries enforced on people in this patriarchal society.  It's actually not really about equality, although that may be a by product of activism.  It's point is the abolition of patriarchy which mandates that females be less than males by definition.

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You are right, body dysphoria does occur in women because of society telling them what they should look like, and strangely enough, it happens to men as well - women can be just as critical of appearance as men. Hair color to cover up gray, hair re-growth gimmicks, "abs of steel" videos, and so forth make a lot of money based on body issues.


When I discussed body dysphoria in my last post, it was not someone who looks in the mirror and is upset because they do not match society's view of what men or women are supposed to look like. It is looking in the mirror and seeing someone whose body's sexual characteristics  (breasts or lack of, wrong genitals, and so forth) do not match their emotional/psychological being. It is "body issues" in an extreme way that goes beyond high heels to make one's legs look better to men. It is looking in the mirror and expecting to see a penis instead of a vagina, or a flat chest instead of breasts, and so forth. And speaking as someone who has had those moments, it is not a "damn, I need to get to the gym" response - it can literally throw you into a debilitating depression.


You mention that you wanted to be a boy because only boys could marry girls. That is a bit different than wanting to be a boy because in all ways but physical you were a boy. It is one of the reasons that I personally do not agree with trans* being included in the LGBT - sexual orientation and gender identity do not necessarily have anything in common - someone can be transgender and still be straight just as someone who is not trans* can be gay. It confuses the discussion of gender by linking the two.




For example, this thread. The school lists gender identity with homosexuality and sexual morality when gender ID is not tied directly to the other two items. Then Portis For One-Too-Many-6-Packs came along and tried to link it to gay marriage.


(end edit)


And yes, I agree that pushing gender stereotypes on children is wrong regardless of whether they are trans* or not. I caught insults and the buckle end of a belt from my father for spending too much time playing with my sister's Barbie dolls, so, ya, no argument there. This girl may or may not be trans*, and trying to label her as such based on whether or not she likes boys clothes and short hair is stupid.


However, an earlier post mentioned that she was seeing someone for gender identity issues, which, if true, leads me to the conclusion that there is more going on than just jeans and sneakers.    And her grandparents getting her that help can be a great thing IF it is supportive and helping her find herself and not trying to "cure" her. It is no more a "Medical Industry Complex" conspiracy than homosexuality is a liberal/Marxist/Satanic plot. It is the "Medical Industry Complex" finally catching up to the reality that has existed for a very, very, very long time.  

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One cannot be born in the wrong body, there is no such thing as "brain sex".; Where the failure occurs is not accepting people for who they are, without the trappings of "masculine/feminine".


Done with my Feminist rant.

You seem like a nice lady, LSF....but this is utter nonsense. There are numerous studies about androgen levels during fetal development that refute the baseless assertion that "there is no such thing as "brain sex"".

Transgenderism has nothing to do with societal standards, nor sexual orientation. For example,how exactly would a 6 year old child know enough about society or sexual orientation for either to be a factor in his praying to God every night to wake up in a female body? Given these misconceptions, I'm a little confused as to why you seem to consider yourself informed enough to make this kind of bold statement.

Unfortunately, your sentiment is not an uncommon one.

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; You seem like a nice lady, LSF....but this is utter nonsense. There are numerous studies about androgen levels during fetal development that refute the baseless assertion that "there is no such thing as "brain sex"".

Transgenderism has nothing to do with societal standards, nor sexual orientation. For example,how exactly would a 6 year old child know enough about society or sexual orientation for either to be a factor in his praying to God every night to wake up in a female body? Given these misconceptions, I'm a little confused as to why you seem to consider yourself informed enough to make this kind of bold statement.

Unfortunately, your sentiment is not an uncommon one.

I can't believe you're seriously going there. I think everyone on this board can attest to the fact that LSF is extremely qualified in whatever she speaks to on these issues, that as a small child she was aware of a difference in herself and other females she had interaction with, be it family members or playmates...she has very openly posted about it.
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It took a long time to learn to reject dressing and acting to please the male gaze, which means women are always submissive to men and must please them in all ways.




i never really understand this when i hear it. couldnt a woman just choose to dress in a way that is appealing to a man just because she wants to attract a man? i dont see where it has to be about being submissive. (actually, in some cultures, women are clearly submissive and dress in a way where you literally cant see anything- no even their eyes at time- exactly so other men arent attracted to them, but, i digress....)


dont men dress in a way that would be desirable to a woman? there are men who want to please their woman. i know i do, but i dont correlate that to being submissive. 


on a related note, have you ever seen howard sterns interview with mayim bialek? she says the same thing- doesnt shave her armpits or legs (but shes hetero). i dont really get it.

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