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VIDEO: DeAngelo Hall interview: Locker room did not want RG3 benched

Toe Jam

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D Hall wants a big contract, surprise.


Is this post just about Hall, or are you hinting that you think it discredits what he's saying (despite other players w/o such incentive corroborating)?


If you are likely looking at your final contract as a Pro and played at a Pro Bowl level, would you want a small contract or a big one? Besides, he took less money to be here, and loves his hometown, so who's to say he doesn't take a hometown discount? He's likely only getting a 2-3 year deal anyway.


What's also not a big surprise is that the RG3 stuff in the media has been mostly overblown nonsense, and it's being confirmed by multiple players in recent days now, even Garcon who Jenkins more or less said hated RG3. 

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Hall gave us so much in that interview if you really  listened to him..


#1. Shanahan gave limited access to his players and the lines of communication were difficult


#2. Shanahan went against what his captains and leaders wanted by benching RG


#3. ( On starting RG week#1)  " Was he ready? Probably not..; But are you going to sit your best player and the leader of your offense? No, We were trying to win football games and that's what It came down to" .


I've ALWAYS defended DeAngelo Hall in the face of constant scrutiny from this board ( MEangelo).. . Fans were quick to judge him and they are quick to judge Robert too (RGME). There's a lesson to be learned here to those who were wrong about both individuals.

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Does it really surprise anybody? Griffin put his career on the line for those guys last year, and fought like hell to be out there with them this year.


Did Griffin play well? No, absolutely not, but you don't bench your franchise QB in the second season of his career.


Griffin being benched was all about Shanahan on a power trip daring Snyder to fire him.


It's too bad rat faced Mike got his wish, and will likely get another gig despite being a total fraud of a head coach.

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Is this post just about Hall, or are you hinting that you think it discredits what he's saying (despite other players w/o such incentive corroborating)?


If you are likely looking at your final contract as a Pro and played at a Pro Bowl level, would you want a small contract or a big one? Besides, he took less money to be here, and loves his hometown, so who's to say he doesn't take a hometown discount? He's likely only getting a 2-3 year deal anyway.


What's also not a big surprise is that the RG3 stuff in the media has been mostly overblown nonsense, and it's being confirmed by multiple players in recent days now, even Garcon who Jenkins more or less said hated RG3. 


Well if you apply logic, what would you expect him to say.  The Redskins were the only team to give him a deal this year.  He isn't going to **** where he eats.

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Just another reason for me to continue my undying support for D Hall . I've always supported him even when many wanted him gone. He needs to retire a 'skin.

Good to FINALLY see somebody from the team speak up for III but what the hell took so long???


What would you say for a multi millionaire contract????  Oh I hate RG3?  :lol:

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Just another reason for me to continue my undying support for D Hall . I've always supported him even when many wanted him gone. He needs to retire a 'skin.

Good to FINALLY see somebody from the team speak up for III but what the hell took so long???


D. Hall said it himself -- during the NFL season he's only focused on football. he doesn't read the newspapers or listen to radio shows. So when the season ended he and some of the other guys were taken aback by the leaked reports.

Well if you apply logic, what would you expect him to say.  The Redskins were the only team to give him a deal this year.  He isn't going to **** where he eats.


So the players that voted for RG in the Ed Block courage aware, are they all looking for new contracts too?

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D Hall wants a big contract, surprise.



Well if you apply logic, what would you expect him to say.  The Redskins were the only team to give him a deal this year.  He isn't going to **** where he eats.



What would you say for a multi millionaire contract????  Oh I hate RG3?  :lol:


You've been around too long to be a simple troll.  Check yourself.

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I'm glad that a poster has included the Garcon interview on NFL Network which pretty much reflected what DHall said.  Also, I noticed that the "analysis" on NFL Network really didn't ask Pierre a lot of clarifying questions.  This leaves them some room to continue to quote anonymous sources and put words in the players mouth when they are desperate for clicks.  Crazy how the media works.


The Skins locker room obviously had some issues, but I do not believe they are a fragmented team.

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Great, another Mike Shanahan bash session. Yay. 



We can both be pleased that Robert wasn't seen by his teammates in a negative light while also understanding why Mike would have an issue with him. DHall also said "I love Mike Shanahan" and that "when we sat down and talked it was all good". But somehow that is interpreted as "difficult lines of communication"?


Come on, those of you who are labeling all of those who criticized Robert, and rightfully so for some of the things he said and did on and off the field this year, as "haters" and interpreting everything they've said as just "hate" are doing THE EXACT SAME THING when it comes to Mike.


That injury was just a bad situation for everyone involved. It caused trust issues from player to coach and then that caused trust issues from coach to player. It's not that hard to see how everything went downhill without pointing the finger at one guy on either side.  

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It's frustrating seeing all the labels. I refuse to get labeled one way or another. I'm not anti-Shanny and, therefore, pro-Robert. I'm not anti-Robert and, therefore, pro-Shanny. I'm pro-Shanny and pro-Robert when it comes to what they've done that has been good for this franchise and I'm anti-Shanny for the leaks (as well as for the D/ST, though I'm not as harsh about it as others) and anti-Robert for how he handled a lot of things this year on and off the field. In the end, I'm pro-Redskins so now I want Robert to be as great as he can be and want the whoever we hire to be the best coach ever. It's that simple.


Enough with the labels. It's getting stupid.


There's literally two or three posters here who MIGHT be deserving of such labels, but otherwise it's being way overblown to prove people's points and it's painting people in corners they don't deserve to be in.   

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Can we FINALLY put to bed the **** about 10 not being liked/ being a diva et all now?



what the heck do players know about the locker room?

The reports are what matters. reports from unnamed sources trump Griffin being voted Ed Block man of the year by his teammates. Or being voted captain.

RGIII is a loud mouth coach killing diva meddling who will influence the hire of the next HC

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Thanks, De!  We fans apparently needed this...just a little confirmation that our team is still a team.

And the Redskins need Hall back.  He was booed every time his name was called for a tackle here in Atlanta, and all I could think was "jealous he's ours now?" 

And thanks, greenie, for those pics in your sig...my QB smiling that big makes me happy, like after a win!



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What would you say for a multi millionaire contract????  Oh I hate RG3?  :lol:

Wow dude! Even with proof "IN YOUR FACE"  from multiple players in the locker room WITH RG3, you still find a way to spin it the other way. I guess it's a waste of time trying to get some posters to see the truth. While I don't want to label you or call you a troll, these kinds of post makes some wonder what is really going on with you!!!

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On Hall... I'm wary of re-signing him just because he had two sub par years, tested the free market and didn't get the contract he hoped for, and then on his second contract year upped his game.  Now, if he is paid will his performance fall back down or maintain the new level.  History tends to show players regressing after their contract year if there is a sudden spike for that year.


On Griffin, I think he should have been benched as he really was going to get no benefit from playing other than to continue the reinforcement of bad habits.  He was getting killed out there and he wasn't particularly effective in a lost season.  Now, Shanahan did not bench him for that reason.  He benched him as a deflection (it seems to me).


Do I believe Hall?  Why not?  He had no reason to lie or to seek out a camera.  Chipwich does have a point that badmouthing the qb could be bad for his career, but when has Deangelo been smart in that way.  Usually, he gets in trouble with his mouth and annoys the heck out of us for saying the wrong, the impolitic thing.  Still, when you look at the whole it feels that the RGMe story is more myth than reality.

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On Hall... I'm wary of re-signing him just because he had two sub par years, tested the free market and didn't get the contract he hoped for, and then on his second contract year upped his game.  Now, if he is paid will his performance fall back down or maintain the new level.  History tends to show players regressing after their contract year if there is a sudden spike for that year.


On Griffin, I think he should have been benched as he really was going to get no benefit from playing other than to continue the reinforcement of bad habits.  He was getting killed out there and he wasn't particularly effective in a lost season.  Now, Shanahan did not bench him for that reason.  He benched him as a deflection (it seems to me).


Do I believe Hall?  Why not?  He had no reason to lie or to seek out a camera.  Chipwich does have a point that badmouthing the qb could be bad for his career, but when has Deangelo been smart in that way.  Usually, he gets in trouble with his mouth and annoys the heck out of us for saying the wrong, the impolitic thing.  Still, when you look at the whole it feels that the RGMe story is more myth than reality.

Burgold I do agree with some of your post. For Hall to say that on his way to the pro bowl, seems that he wouldn't care about a contract. He knows that he will be playing on a team somewhere regardless. D Hall didn't have to bad mouth RG3 to tell the truth. Actually with all the lies going on right now through the media about RG3, it would've been easier for Hall to lie about it because of the obvious pull it seems Shannahan has with some in the media. And, D Hall has already made A LOT of money in the NFL. So saying all the right things for a contract doesn't make ANY sense. D Hall play on the field WILL dictate his chances of getting a BIG contract. If his mouth was ever going to hinder him from anything or he was as bad as some try and make him out to be, Shannahan will have let him go LONG ago........see Haynesworth, Rodgers and Laron Laundry just to name a few.


Chipwich seems to really dislike RG3. ANYTHING positive said about RG3 and I do mean ANYTHING, he seems to bring negativity to EVERY thread regarding RG3. Regardless of who's saying it. Hell, this time it's an ACTUAL PLAYER!!! That plays with RG3, that has no axe to grind either way it seems. So Chipwich reasoning is- "oh, he's just saying that because he wants a BIG contract"? WOW....... well what about the other player that voted for him to win that award? Some of which I'm sure has a big contract already? Some of which have already said some of the same things that Hall said in the media? Come on lol


Some of what I disagree with is Shannahan reasoning to sit RG3. I think (my opinion) is Shannahan wanted to yet make an example out of a "STAR" player. It was a power move that back fired. Shannahan wanted the world to see his offense was better with another QB under center and he wasn't the problem. Therefore he played Kirk Cousins. And the timing of it was against 3 of the worst defenses in the league. It was a chance for Shannahan, his son and Cousins to shine. Again, it back fired in the worst way. It made him look like a fool, it made his son play calling ability look questionable to a degree and it killed the "trade Cousins" for a 1st or 2nd round draft pick jive.


I honestly think Shannahan was trying to start a QB controversy. He seems to have wanted RG3 weaknesses exposed in front of the NFL. Again it back fired.

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I saw this yesterday(someone posted it on FB) and I thought it was a great interview.  I'm w/GHH I can't believe how much of our fanbase so readily bought into that hate stuff.  The mainstream media is getting to be like the internet.."if it's reported via the mainstream media..it must be true" "Bonjour!" LOL!

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