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VIDEO: DeAngelo Hall interview: Locker room did not want RG3 benched

Toe Jam

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I can't keep track of how often this fanbase jumps on and off the DHall bandwagon.

While certainly not on the DHall bandwagon, I see his comments as just further evidence that the media driven narrative was fictitious. Combine this with the Ed Block and more and it seems that the locker room was not nearly as against RGIII as we were led to believe. They may have liked Shanahan too, but that certainly doesn't mean that they were against RGIII. I think of it like a divorce where the kids still like both parents, but that their relationship and trust is broken between them. Combine that with three losing seasons out of four and a young extremely talented QB and it was clear which one had to move out.
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It's frustrating seeing all the labels. I refuse to get labeled one way or another. I'm not anti-Shanny and, therefore, pro-Robert. I'm not anti-Robert and, therefore, pro-Shanny. I'm pro-Shanny and pro-Robert when it comes to what they've done that has been good for this franchise and I'm anti-Shanny for the leaks (as well as for the D/ST, though I'm not as harsh about it as others) and anti-Robert for how he handled a lot of things this year on and off the field. In the end, I'm pro-Redskins so now I want Robert to be as great as he can be and want the whoever we hire to be the best coach ever. It's that simple.


Enough with the labels. It's getting stupid.


There's literally two or three posters here who MIGHT be deserving of such labels, but otherwise it's being way overblown to prove people's points and it's painting people in corners they don't deserve to be in.

Wow. A very clear and rational post. Well done.

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However it happened I still agree with the benching.  Why have RGIII out there in what we now know a dysfunctional atmosphere/situation getting exposed to injury.  The way things turned out IMO is perfect.  We are getting a new HC and OC and RGIII can now have a normal off-season getting ready.

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I saw this yesterday(someone posted it on FB) and I thought it was a great interview.  I'm w/GHH I can't believe how much of our fanbase so readily bought into that hate stuff.  The mainstream media is getting to be like the internet.."if it's reported via the mainstream media..it must be true" "Bonjour!" LOL!

Out of likes. Sadly, some of our fanbase swallowing the media BS hook line and sinker is a microcosm of the general public doing the same thing when it comes to much bigger issues outside of sports. I fear nothing will change unless we hold these media types accountable for the lies and half truths. An anonymous source is just simply a way to give them plausible denyability while furthering their agenda. 


I do look forward to the day when they have to eat crow and hopefully answer for their misdeeds. 



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While certainly not on the DHall bandwagon, I see his comments as just further evidence that the media driven narrative was fictitious. Combine this with the Ed Block and more and it seems that the locker room was not nearly as against RGIII as we were led to believe. They may have liked Shanahan too, but that certainly doesn't mean that they were against RGIII. I think of it like a divorce where the kids still like both parents, but that their relationship and trust is broken between them. Combine that with three losing seasons out of four and a young extremely talented QB and it was clear which one had to move out.


As with just about everything in life, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.  And this relationship with his teammates business is surely much more nuanced than the entire locker room simply does or doesn't hate RG3, which is what people seem to want to reduce it too.  I mean, it's relationships, it's never that simple.  


I don't much care if any of 'em like him really, I just need them to be professionals and work well with him.  Cuz at least if they didn't like him, that'd be an excuse for the pitiful performances.  You can fix that.  You can repair relationships, etc.  If the locker room loves him but they all still stink, then what do you do with that.  Get a new locker room, I guess. 

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Well even when the hate on D Hall was at its apex, D Hall never deserved as much blame as he got. He was just overpaid and so people bashed him for not playing like a pro bowler even when he played relatively well.


Hall should come back or at least they should try and bring him back for as moderately priced as they can, because he is a good player that can bring turnovers and has improved his tackling. Pair him up with a solid cover corner, and I think you'll be safe having those two with Amerson and some young guys. 

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 Hall definitely still has some gas in the tank and needs to stay here; I am sure Jay Cutler would love to have him on the Bears team so he doesn't pick him off 4 times a game [ serious balling there ] so sign him and keep him here.


 now, referring to the OP's thread title, please, stop with the reports; its been over with, can't change the past, so stop beating a dead horse. I'm sure in a few days another thread will come out about another player saying the same thing, and it is monotonous. 

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Wow dude! Even with proof "IN YOUR FACE"  from multiple players in the locker room WITH RG3, you still find a way to spin it the other way. I guess it's a waste of time trying to get some posters to see the truth. While I don't want to label you or call you a troll, these kinds of post makes some wonder what is really going on with you!!!


You guys must mix what I post with what other people post and have the wrong idea of what i believe and don't believe.

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Chipwich seems to really dislike RG3. ANYTHING positive said about RG3 and I do mean ANYTHING, he seems to bring negativity to EVERY thread regarding RG3.


I don't dislike RG3 at all.  I hope he has a great season.  I simply stated why I think he is a diva and why I think he shoulders SOME of the blame for last season.  God forbid someone do that on this board.  Doesn't mean I want Kirk Cousins.


Listen players have been praising RG3 AND praising Shanny.  So what, they aren't going to come out and say negative things about them.  It means NOTHING.

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I never insult RG3. Attacked as if I have. I do lay blame on him.

Yeah who would be so confused as to think that being called a diva was supposed to be insulting. That's just high praise for doing everything he could to bring wins to the team, being used as the face of the franchise during a year when everyone outside Ashburn is screaming for someone to blame, insert Sally and this is what we get.

Then the team that was supposedly against RGIII awards him with the Ed Block, then speak out publicly in support of him as their starter and your reaction is that it's all a cover up for some individual agendas when in reality it's more likely that you just got duped into believing a narrative painted for you by someone who needed to drum up readership and touted big percentages and a face to blame...it was after all the hurt kid...the one who's talents are clear for anyone to see....Him he's to blame because he has commercials, and endorsements! It's his fault!!!!

.....never-mind the fact that major endorsement deals are common for QB Rookie of the Year winners especially in this QB driven league.

....and now comes your back peddling

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Hall gave us so much in that interview if you really  listened to him..


#1. Shanahan gave limited access to his players and the lines of communication were difficult


#2. Shanahan went against what his captains and leaders wanted by benching RG


#3. ( On starting RG week#1)  " Was he ready? Probably not..; But are you going to sit your best player and the leader of your offense? No, We were trying to win football games and that's what It came down to" .


I've ALWAYS defended DeAngelo Hall in the face of constant scrutiny from this board ( MEangelo).. . Fans were quick to judge him and they are quick to judge Robert too (RGME). There's a lesson to be learned here to those who were wrong about both individuals.



I'll cop to it... I never posted much about it, but I was anti- Hall. I started to thaw on him when he was ready to fight Seattle single handedly at the game(cointoss) I attended in 2011. And in the last two years he's won me over. I'm sure his temper will cost us a few yards here and there, but at least he cares about winning, will make the sacrifices monetarily, and always has a teamate's back. He's a true Redskin.

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Yeah who would be so confused as to think that being called a diva was supposed to be insulting. That's just high praise for doing everything he could to bring wins to the team, being used as the face of the franchise during a year when everyone outside Ashburn is screaming for someone to blame, insert Sally and this is what we get.

Then the team that was supposedly against RGIII awards him with the Ed Block, then speak out publicly in support of him as their starter and your reaction is that it's all a cover up for some individual agendas when in reality it's more likely that you just got duped into believing a narrative painted for you by someone who needed to drum up readership and touted big percentages and a face to blame...it was after all the hurt kid...the one who's talents are clear for anyone to see....Him he's to blame because he has commercials, and endorsements! It's his fault!!!!

.....never-mind the fact that major endorsement deals are common for QB Rookie of the Year winners especially in this QB driven league.

....and now comes your back peddling


I don’t feel that everything’s necessarily black and white regarding this issue. Its somewhere in the middle. I think that it would be ridiculous to suggest that Robert did not have some degree of culpability in the things that went wrong this year. Several people did. That doesn’t mean he’s a cancer or he can’t work with his teammates and new head coach. It’s not the end of the world. It will get worked out.

FWIW, I will say that I think that your posts regarding this issue have been particularly ridiculous. I think that the significance of that Ed Block award, which has been discussed and beat to death in this and several other threads, has been minimized.

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Yeah who would be so confused as to think that being called a diva was supposed to be insulting.


I don't back peddle.

Because I lay blame on RG3 for last years circus and respond to the thread that insinuated RG3 became looked at as a diva around all of the offseason antics isn't an insult, it's an opinion.  If it doesn't suit you, then it's an insult?


Look when every player was defending Shanny after the season everyone on this board said hey what do you expect the player to do, talk bad about the guy.  When a player defends RG3 the board responds, see I told you RG3 wasn't a problem.  Kind of ironic.


I want RG3 as our QB, I also would like to see the circus around our franchise end.  That has ALWAYS been my M.O.  If you can find posts that otherwise tell a different story...bring them forward.

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what the heck do players know about the locker room?

The reports are what matters. reports from unnamed sources trump Griffin being voted Ed Block man of the year by his teammates. Or being voted captain.

RGIII is a loud mouth coach killing diva meddling who will influence the hire of the next HC

Ed Block "Man of the Year"?  Is that what it was?  So last year Lichtensteiger was the Man of the Year? 


Why do people have to choose one extreme or the other?  I guess it follows with the name of the site.

Listen players have been praising RG3 AND praising Shanny.  So what, they aren't going to come out and say negative things about them.  It means NOTHING.

Bingo.  Both London and DeAngelo spoke out in favor of Shanahan.  It was dismissed then because "why would they say something negative".  But now that it supports a position well of course we would listen to people in the locker room. 

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Found this tweet from London interesting.



London Fletcher ‏@LFletcher59 15m

Defensive struggles where not solely on salary cap #excuses #blahblahblah



Just like Deangelo Hall another leader on the team is refuting Shanahan excuses and Shanahan media cronies continuing to report bogus information.




No, that's not refuting anything. Of course they weren't "solely" on salary cap, Shanahan didn't even say that, but it certainly was a big factor. Why didn't you post London Fletcher's tweet in response to Chris Cooley defending Mike Shanahan when Chris Cooley claimed that Brown and Campbell were largely ignored by Mike when it came to personnel?


Here was the tweet:


@LFletcher59: @MrArmstrong13 @ClintOldenburg @dcsportsbog wonder if they suggested Shanahan cut Cooley...#ignorethenoise 


So in the same way we'd all like the negative twisting of any and all issues with Robert by the media to end, let's not do the same when it comes to Mike. No need to twist a player's response to something as if it's a shot at Mike. 


Enough with the hate on either side. It's getting tiring. Those who are calling anyone who dares find fault in Robert "haters" are almost always the same ones showing nothing but hate towards the man who brought us our first NFC East division title in 14 years as well as netted us a franchise QB, LT, RB, WR, and left this roster in its youngest and best shape it's ever been left for another head coach to come in the last two decades. And that's not saying there isn't anything to criticize him for, there is. But the hate is ridiculous.  

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I like dhall and rg3 but its stupid to think that all is well in redskins land.  We have a dysfunctional football organization by design.  the gameday experience is lacking and over priced.  there are some serious questions with our new HC and who or why we are keeping Haz.


Maybe it all comes together maybe it doesn't.  But RG3 isn't the issue and unfortunately Shanny wasn't the issue either. 

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I am so tired of talking about MS...but I'll say this:


If the players liked him (which apparently they did), that's great (if it dismissed back when it happened, then that is irrational) but that wasn't the issue at hand in terms of the fan disdain for MS. It was the team's (as well as his own) performance.


If regards to the RGIII angle, the issue is whether he was liked or not. It seems to be that he is pretty well-liked. And with London's tweet (who has no more ties to the team and thus no real vested interest), it gives the idea more legs.

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