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Breaking News: Per @MikeJonesWaPo - Mike Shanahan fired; Kyle fired; Haslett retained as of now


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Am I the only one who thinks its strange that the owner didn't man-up in front of the camera to fire the coach?

The Owner shouldn't come out and report anyone's firing, he should stay out of football operations and allow his GM to do that.  That's the GM's job.  Tampa Bay is one of the only teams in the NFL who might have worse owners than the Skins.  

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I said this awhile back, but my cynical side prompts the thought that Shanny & most of his staff may be more likely to see meaningful NFL success again re: their job category before we do again as a team/fanbase (that's not an endorsement of the regime). The pragmatic/realist side of me is concerned that the cynic is going to be right...again.

I think Shanny is going to have a very hard time finding another NFL job. He doesn't deserve one. And he's completely untrustworthy.

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I just watched Chick Hernandez on CSN a minute ago...he came off like he was sensationalizing, so I wouldn't take his "that can't be good" comment in regards to Kyle being relieved too seriously.


I wouldn't either.  After this fiasco of a season, I don't blame him for being relieved.  The finality of it is probably a load off. 

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Per Chick Hernandez at 3:10pm on CSN:


"TE Coach McVay & CB Coach Morris have been retained. They have ties to Bruce Allen. In addition, as of now, Jim Haslett has been retained."

I was happy until I read "as of now...................then I vomit in my mouth!!! My head hurts............

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Am I the only one who thinks its strange that the owner didn't man-up in front of the camera to fire the coach? Written statements are for people who aren't adult enough to be accountable.



I disagree. Snyder had his nose in everything, he is the problem. He hires what he believes is the answer and turns the team over to him and steps away from everything, he is the problem. He hires (appoints) a true GM and gives him all the power and has him handle the football operations (fire the coach), he is the problem. Snyder just can't win.

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This team has more drama than my soap operas...blocking the windows?  :o   


Hail to the Redskins, Hail my new coach... :) 


I've decided to join the day-drinkers (hiccup) in celebration.  I usually take my Redskins helmet magnet off the front door when the season ends, but that sucker's staying up for a few more days, since everyone driving by is honking their horns!

And thank the genius who came up with unlimited texts...and vibrating alerts. 



And HAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Owner shouldn't come out and report anyone's firing, he should stay out of football operations and allow his GM to do that.  That's the GM's job.  Tampa Bay is one of the only teams in the NFL who might have worse owners than the Skins.

That would make sense if we had a GM, but clearly BA's role was not Shannahan's boss. Snyder was his boss.

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Another big mouth owner that loves the cameras comes to mind with this statement. And I really do not want Snyder being more like Jerrah.

Being accountable in public for the hiring and firing of your most high profile employee is not the same thing as being Jerry Jones. But I can see that I'm in the minority on this opinion so be it.

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I liked what Bruce said. It's clear that we are not rebuilding.

This team needs to be rebuilt. The front office needs to be rebuilt.

We need a real GM. If Allen is to remain Team President, he needs to hire one single guy who is totally in charge of player personnel. It doesn't make sense to have no clear chain of command here. And the next HC does not need to be in charge of player personnel.

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I didn't want to see Dan today. He has taken a step back from the podium and I for one and fine with it. 


He clearly likes Allen and has entrusted him with proper GM powers. He knows Allen, trusts him, and we are all hoping it may be better than bringing in yet another complete outsider. 


It's high time Allen step up to podium, grab the bull by the horns, and manage this team. 

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Being accountable in public for the hiring and firing of your most high profile employee is not the same thing as being Jerry Jones. But I can see that I'm in the minority on this opinion so be it.

He promoted the guy to be the most prolific employee. He spoke today. Bruce is the guy now. So he is the one talking. People whining over it. Snyder cant win for some people. 

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Its like people who dont have any reading comprehension. He is not the one making all the moves. SO what if its not a traditional set up but Cambell and Brown have been highly regarded around the league for years. Im happy we get to keep both of them.


If you're fine with it good.  It's essentially the same way it's always been so I don't expect anything to change.  Allen is an over paid mouth piece for Danny.


If you want it done right you hire someone from the outside to GM so there's a truely objective point of view.  He runs the team and hires the HC.


Nothing is changing other than the HC.

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