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The old guy with a big beard on that A&E show about a bunch of guys who make duck calls got fired (surprise! un-fired!)


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From another of his "sermons"...


"Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, god haters, they are heartless, they are faithless, they are senseless, they are ruthless, they invent ways of doing evil!


That's what you have 235 years, roughly, after your forefathers founded the country. So what are you going to do, Pennsylvania? Just run with them? You're going to die. Don't forget that.""


I suspect that he'll go the way of Dog Chapman (remember that A&E suspended him for awhile too)..and be back after a few month suspension. All the talk of his rest of his family not doing the show anymore is probably baloney. I doubt they will turn their back on that money and fame.

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Wow that something twa. Thanks for reminding us about Christians being prosecuted. And we're talking about REAL ones here, those who are "saying what every good Christian should believe"


I think you mean persecuted

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What did the Dixie Chicks say?  Are you talking about them saying they weren't proud Bush was from Texas.  What group of people did they offend?


I don't equate the two.

They offended people who think starting a war over nothing was a good idea.

Oh, and the folks who thought he was smart & a good president, you know, the one who got less than average grades in Phys. Ed., even though he was a cheerleader, smh.

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Here is an idea - if you are a man who is against men having sex with men, then do not have sex with men.

Don't want gay marriage? Don't gay marry.

Who came up with the idea that laws of our secular government should reflect somebody's religious values?

Taliban nuts want the governments law to reflect gods law. Great company to be in.

Quoted for truth!

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Quoted for truth!

And seconded! As a PK, I'll always care for the down-trodden. Stuff happens.

But if you're just an uneducated idiot, you can choose: I'll help you get up to speed; or you'll ask me later when I don't have time to explain the entire history of the world. And because you didn't follow all along, you'll claim that "rules" didn't work, or whatnot.

Take your pick. Watch Duck or learn. They are severely exclusive. But only to our citizens who care.

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From another of his "sermons"...





I suspect that he'll go the way of Dog Chapman (remember that A&E suspended him for awhile too)..and be back after a few month suspension. All the talk of his rest of his family not doing the show anymore is probably baloney. I doubt they will turn their back on that money and fame.

I might be right, there's a drastic load of "poor" in their family history, maybe a long time ago, but they won't hurt for a thing until they die...unless they cause their own. A & E has circumvented working.

But they'll still think they 'earned it'. I can't laugh at the people who watch this **** hard enough. If entertainment is what you seek, C-Span is for you.

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Oh, as to THAT reality disconnect, I point at Kilmer's invoking the Dixie Chicks.


Yeah, I enjoyed his assumption of liberal hypocricy before anyone said anything.  Usually it is much more effective to wait and actually see what people actually say before you fire that one off.

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From another of his "sermons"...





I suspect that he'll go the way of Dog Chapman (remember that A&E suspended him for awhile too)..and be back after a few month suspension. All the talk of his rest of his family not doing the show anymore is probably baloney. I doubt they will turn their back on that money and fame.

they were already rich prior to the show. Not to mention in the past year they made an estimated 450 million in products alone. 400 from show related items and about 50 mil from duck commander stuff. They have all the money they need for generations.

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Yeah, I enjoyed his assumption of liberal hypocricy before anyone said anything.  Usually it is much more effective to wait and actually see what people actually say before you fire that one off.


Uh, speaking of assumptions,


I don't see anything in his post assigning hypocrisy to only one side of the debate. 

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Bill Maher says it on a pay channel (HBO), huge difference than on a cable channel.  People actually pay separately and extra for HBO, Showtime, etc.  And for all those saying they can't believe it was the highest rated show, that was on cable, not the standard channels/local channels.  Overall, its not even in the top 10 weekly.  NCIS is #1 overall (a lot of weeks).(Therefore its okay for Mr Maher to bash Christianity) 


Anyhow, idiot should have just kept his opinions/beliefs to himself(even though he was ask a question by an interviewer).  He didn't have to elaborate.  And he's not a stupid man, he actually played college football and has a BS and Masters degree and was a school teacher until they started the family business up.  Also, didn't know this, but the Washington Redskins offered him a contract in the 70s and he turned it down because it interfered with duck hunting season(even though it was rabbit season).


Guy got what he deserved(even though their is something called freedom of speech, but anyone whom doesn't agree to my point of view, doesn't deserve to have it).  And nobody is going to boycott the show, because they said he was already in 9 of the 10 season five episodes.  People will watch it like the sheep they are.  Dumb show if you ask me, not very funny at all.  At least not enough to keep me coming back week after week.


It wouldn't surprise me if they were in cahoots with A&E and they told him to go over the top.  Think about it, all this goes down right before Christmas.  DVD box sales, etc.  more publicity for the next season that will air next year, etc.

Wonder if the Duck Dudes will be sponsored by Chic-Fi-la.


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I might be right, there's a drastic load of "poor" in their family history, maybe a long time ago, but they won't hurt for a thing until they die...unless they cause their own. A & E has circumvented working.But they'll still think they 'earned it'. I can't laugh at the people who watch this **** hard enough. If entertainment is what you seek, C-Span is for you.

im really not sure what exactly you are saying in this post...

However, my family watches this show sometimes as do many others I know. It's better than the trash on other channels like Family guy or Southpark.

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I might be right, there's a drastic load of "poor" in their family history, maybe a long time ago, but they won't hurt for a thing until they die...unless they cause their own. A & E has circumvented working.

But they'll still think they 'earned it'. I can't laugh at the people who watch this **** hard enough. If entertainment is what you seek, C-Span is for you.


I agree with the poster above me, I watch the show and find it amusing.  If you don't watch it, so be it.  It is as good as all the other trash on the boob tube.

BTW, they warned their own money before being on the show.  It's not like they were a bunch of hicks that just fell out of a turnip truck and lucked into the show.


If you actually read their family story, it''s quite interesting.

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I agree with the poster above me, I watch the show and find it amusing.  If you don't watch it, so be it.  It is as good as all the other trash on the boob tube.

BTW, they warned their own money before being on the show.  It's not like they were a bunch of hicks that just fell out of a turnip truck and lucked into the show.


If you actually read their family story, it''s quite interesting.

Glad your post that was above the one of mine you favored..

Of course I don't watch it. I actually want to know things.

Like I said, if you want to know how duck calls are done, you don't need to watch people on TV...these things can be taught by a trained person, provided you're willing to travel with said person to said place with (probably) a gun.

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Like I said, if you want to know how duck calls are done, you don't need to watch people on TV...these things can be taught by a trained person, provided you're willing to travel with said person to said place with (probably) a gun.

Unless you need to know this, why are you watching? Is there not something else you might need to watch? Like how not to get pregnant? Or how to make sure that doesn't happen?

Sorry, emotional derail.


The show really has nothing to do with duck calls.  If you have no idea what the show is, why would you comment?

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The show really has nothing to do with duck calls.  If you have no idea what the show is, why would you comment?

I would be curious, then, why it's called "Duck Dynasty", but if you wanna call me stupid, so be it. I'll getcha later widda gator.

I'm a native Floridian, and I fear nothing as a 47-year old woman, you're the least of my worries, little business dude. After all, I know for sure that you won't take my head off.

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I would be curious, then, why it's called "Duck Dynasty", but if you wanna call me stupid, so be it. I'll getcha later widda gator.

I'm a native Floridian, and I fear nothing as a 47-year old woman, you're the least of my worries, little business dude. After all, I know for sure that you won't take my head off.


I am not calling you stupid.  It's a reality show about a bunch of rednecks that own a duck calling business, but it really has nothing to do with duck calls.  Don't get so offended.  Your the one saying it's not intellectual enough for you, implying I am the dummy.  No offense taken.  It's a stupid comedic reality show.


I heard the same anti gay rhetoric at my local Baptist church, when you give average folk a medium to speak, they tend to say stupid things in public.  But those same people surround us in every day lives.

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